Fill in Cell Organelle

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Animal and plant Cell

Structure Vs Function
Organelle’s (cell structures)
• Nucleus (plant and animal)
• Mitochondria (plant and animal)
• Endoplasmic (plant and animal)
• Vacuole (plant and animal)
• Cell membrane (plant and animal)
• Golgi Body (plant and animal)
• Cytoplasm (plant and animal)
• Cell wall n(plant only)
• Chloroplast (plant only)
• Structures inside the cell are known as
organelles. (little organs)
• Each organelle has a role to play in the
activities necessary for life.
Animal cell
Plant Cell
Control center
•Control’s the cell’s activities
•Most easily seen structure
•Contains the cell’s DNA (genetic material)
• Powerhouse of the cell
• Produces energy
• Tiny food particles break down and
release chemical energy for the cell to use
Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER)
• Transport system
• Materials are transported through this
structure to different parts of the cell.
• Balloon like spaces within the cell that are
used for storage such as food surplus,
wastes, and other substances.
Cell Membrane
• Analogy- skin covering your body
• Surrounds and protects the contents of the cell
• Its structure helps control the movements of substances
in and out of the cell.
Cell Wall
• Occurs only in cells of plants
• Much thicker and more rigid than cell
• Provides support for the cell
• Give the plant cell it’s square shape
• Only in plant cells
• Structures in which the process of
photosynthesis takes place.
• Contain green pigment chlorophyll
(absorbs sunlight)
• Found only inside cells in green plants.
Golgi Apparatus
• Involved in packaging and transportation

• Packaging of proteins and Transporting of

lipids around the cell

• Composed of stacked membranes

• Looks like stacked pancakes.
Gel like substance that holds all of the organelles
in place

Watermelon example- Pink Fruit inside the


80 percent water-so mainly composed of H20

Aids in transportation inside the cell

• Please use an analogy between the city of
Halifax and the organelles inside both
plant and animal cells.

• Come up with different examples around

the HRM that have similar functions to
that of the organelles.

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