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We hope you find the information on our website and resources useful.

This resource is designed to support teaching on or around the Holocaust.

Some of the terms and images used have been included in this resource for contextual reasons, in order to highlight how
this terminology was used at the time and that it is now considered inappropriate.
Please be aware that it may not be appropriate for the children in your class to freely research further into this topic due
to the harrowing information and images freely available on the Internet.
Know your class: some content may be too upsetting for some children.

We hope that you find the information in our resources useful.

As the purpose of this resource is to educate on challenging events in history, it necessarily contains potentially sensitive
and/or upsetting topics that may emotionally impact on the children and students with whom it is used. It is the
responsibility of you and your colleagues to consider whether it is appropriate to use this resource with your students. If
you do use this resource, it is your responsibility to ensure that appropriate support is available for anyone affected in any
way by its content.
Please be aware that it may not be appropriate for the children in your class to independently research further into this
topic due to the harrowing information and images freely available on the internet.
Know your class: some content may be too upsetting for some children, due to experiences in their own past.
World War Two Interactive
Timeline and Map
Click on a year of the war on the timeline for more information.

12th March

Germany’s expansion begins

as German troops march into

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23rd August

Germany and the Soviet Union sign

a pact promising not to invade each
other. They secretly agree to divide
Poland between them once it has
been invaded.

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1st September –
6th October

Germany invades Poland.

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3rd September

Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

declares war on Germany.

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1939 1939
3rd September 17th September

Canada, Australia, France and South

Africa also declare war on Germany. The Soviet Union invades Poland.

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1940 1940
10th May 10th May

Winston Churchill becomes the new Germany attacks Belgium,

Prime Minister of the Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
United Kingdom.

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1940 1940
10th May 14th May

Germany begins its invasion The Netherlands surrenders

of France. to Germany.

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1940 1940
14 May
th 26th May – 4th June

The Dunkirk evacuation. Nearly

340,000 Allied troops are evacuated
The Home Guard is formed. after being surrounded by German

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1940 1940
28th May 10th June

Belgium surrenders to Germany. Norway surrenders to Germany.

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1940 1940
10th June 22nd June

Italy declares war on France and the France surrenders to Germany.

United Kingdom.

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1940 1940
10th July 7th September

The Battle of Britain begins. The London Blitz begins.

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1940 1940
13th September 27th September

Italy invades British Germany, Italy and Japan join forces

controlled Egypt. and sign the
Tripartite Pact.

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Slovakia, Hungary and Romania also

sign the Tripartite Pact, joining
forces with Germany, Italy and

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1941 1941
1st March 7th December

Bulgaria signs the Tripartite Pact and The Japanese attack Pearl Harbour in
joins with Germany. Hawaii, USA.

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1941 1941
8th December 11th December

The United States declares war on Germany and Italy declare war on
Japan. the United States.

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5th May


The Battle of the Coral Sea between

the USA and Japan.

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23rd August 1942 – 2nd
February 1943
The Battle of Stalingrad

German forces attempt to take

control of Stalingrad from the Soviet
The Soviet army is victorious and the
Axis forces surrender.

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8th – 16th November
Operation Torch

British and US troops take back

North Africa, attacking several
places at once. The Vichy French in
the region, who were formally allied
with Germany, join forces with the
Allies after their defeat.

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1943 1943
19th April – 16th May 16th May

The Warsaw Ghetto

Uprising begins.
Jewish people at the Warsaw Ghetto
rise up against German forces and are The Dam Buster raids are carried out
defeated. 13,000 Jewish people are on two German dams as part of
killed. Operation Chastise.

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1944 1944
6th June 16th December

The Battle of the Bulge begins.

Allied and German forces meet in the
British and US troops land on the last major German offensive campaign
beaches of Normandy and begin the of the war. It ends on 25th January 1945
largest seaborne invasion with an Allied victory.
in history.

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1945 1945
12th January 30th April

The Soviet Army begins the East

Prussian Offensive. Over the next few
months, they displace the German Hitler dies. Command of the German
Army from Warsaw, Krakow and forces is passed to Joseph Goebbels.

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1945 1945
7th May 8th May

The end of the Second World War in

Germany surrenders to the Allied Europe. The day is celebrated across
Forces at the Western Allied the continent as Victory in Europe
Headquarters in France. (VE) Day.

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1945 1945
6th August 2nd September

The first atomic bomb is dropped on

Hiroshima, Japan by US forces. A
second bomb is dropped on Nagasaki, Japan formally surrenders
Japan 3 days later. The bombs killed to Allied forces.
over 200,000 people. The Second World War is over.

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