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Science Trial Test Unit 4

Textbook page 122 no. 1
a. Lungs
b. Stomach
c. Brain
d. Heart
e. intestines
Textbook page 122 no. 2
Mammal : bear
Reptile : snake
Insect : dragon fly
Amphibian : frog
Fish : gouramis/seabass
Bird : eagle
Textbook page 123 no. 3
a. Tadpole without legs
b. Froglet
c. The adult frog has legs and no tail.
Textbook page 123 no. 4
Grasses  deer  fox  wolf
Textbook page 124 no. 5
a. Water
b. Because the fossil in a fish shape with fish tail and fins.
c. Tail, vertebrate, long nose, and fins
d. B. a fossil is an impression made in rock.
6. Write the function of heart, what is it made
of, and how it works.
• Function : pushes blood around body
• Made of : strong muscles
• How does it work : squeeze blood into the tubes called blood vessels.
Each squeeze of the heart is called a beat. Each beat/squeeze pushes
blood into and around blood vessels.
7. What happen to our heart rate if we do
exercise? And why?
• Our heart rate is increasing, because out heart beating faster.
8. How can we count our heartbeat without
• We can count our heartbeats by feeling our pulse in our wrists.
9. What is the function of lungs and how does
it work?
• Function: bring in oxygen into our body and remove carbon dioxide
• How does it work: when we breathe in the chest gets bigger and
sucks air into the lungs. Oxygen in the air then moves into our blood.
10. What happen to our lungs if we do
we need more oxygen if we exercise and our lungs will take more
breaths each minute
11. Why children take more breaths than
Because their lungs are smaller
12. What is the function of stomach and
• The stomach digests food and the intestines absorb important
nutrients from food.
13. Why do we need nutrients?
• We need nutrients to grow and work well; nutrients help to keep us
14. What id the function of brain?
• The brain uses information from our senses (eyes, ears, tongue, skin,
and nose) to think, talk, write, and move. It helps us to do math,
speak, play games, and more.
15. How can we improve our brain according
to scienctists?
• Scientists found that we can improve our brain by keep trying and
make it work hard.
16. Mention 2 organs that never stop
• Brain and heart
17. What is vertebrate and invertebrate?
• Vertebrate : animal with spine
• Invertebrate : animal without spine
18. Mention 2 types vertebrate and the groups
of them ?
• Warm blooded : mammal, bird
• Cold blooded : fish, reptile, amphibian
19. Mention the characteristics and examples
of vertebrate groups.
• Mammals : warm blooded, body hair, they have babies
Ex. Elephant, dolphin, cow
• Birds : warm blooded, feathers, lay eggs
Ex. Owl, pigeon, eagle
• Fish : cold blooded, gills, scales, live in water, lay eggs
Ex. Seabass, goldfish, gourami
• Amphibians : live on land and water, cold blooded, lay eggs
Ex. Frog, newt, salamander
• Reptiles : cold blooded, scales, lay eggs
Ex. Crocodile, snake
20. Make a food chain that may happen in a savannah
and write the label of producer and consumers
• Grass  zebra  tiger
Producer : grass
Consumer 1 : zebra
Consumer 2 : tiger

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