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Control Tower

Monthly Meeting Feb 2022


○ Strategic
○ LT Team
○ Ops Support (Mitra & Retail )
○ Facebook Project
○ Order Processing
○ VIP Team
○ Customer Experience

○ Fleet
Meeting Index

• OKR Tracker Overview

• Highlights
• Project/Task Ongoing & Upcoming
• Freshdesk Utilization and Ticket Summary

Control Tower Shipper

OKR Tracker Overview Feb’22

Control Tower Shipper

Highlights - Feb ‘22
● Order Submission & Freshdesk summary report for Feb will be published on Week 2 March
● CSAT Revamp Update : CSAT survey on Freshdesk has been deployed, waiting for the update on Freshchat.
● Log Issue Tracker Implementation : Recorded 20 issue on Log Issue tracker of Order Processing team, will be highlighted on Order Submission Report.
● Successfully done internal Audit with only 2 minor NC
● Progressing self-input the OKR target in Lattice due to no update from HR team.
● Training/Calibration/Quiz/QA Updates
○ Training How to Probing Customer Queries - done.
○ February Monthly Quiz, score will be shared separately - done
● Hiring update:
○ Order Processing :
■ 1 Manager (under Shipper) in Bandung → Waiting for CT HOD feedback against the candidate
○ Customer Experience:
■ 1 Customer Experience Manager → Will be onboarded on 4 March 2022
■ 1 Customer Experience (Fleet) → Hired and onboarded on 1 March 2022
■ 1 Customer Experience (Iswara Replacement) → Hired and onboarder on 2 March 2022
○ Ops Support Team :
■ 1 Manpower in Solo (Retail) → Will be joined mid March, need confirmation from the Opex team when the SH Solo will be disbanded
○ Strategic :
■ 1 Manpower Order Processing Quality Auditor → identifying another candidates.

Control Tower Shipper

Project/Task Ongoing & Upcoming
Ongoing Project/Task:
Project/Task Timeline/Frequency PIC Remarks
Order Submission Report - February Fortnightly Pras Will be published by week 2 March

Freshdesk Summary Report - February Fortnightly Fino Will be published by week 2 March

OKR Tracker Q1 2022 - February Weekly Strategic Team - OKR tracker February has been updated

QA March Activity Plan Monthly Strategic Team Will be published on week 2 March

Strategic Team, QA,

Canned Responses Update Weekly - Have 180 canned response as of Feb’22
CT Experience

- Closure rate 99,11%

- As per discussion with product and PI team, this task will be automated
Open Order Summary Weekly Fino
on next quarter and will be moved from CT
- Manual closure progress: Data has been shared to 3PL Relationship

CSAT Report Fortnightly Rani February CSAT Report will be published

WH Master Client Database revamp Q1 Pras WIP revamping the WH Master Client List Database

Upcoming Project/Task:
Project/Task Timeline PIC Remarks
Strategic >< Customer
Q1 - March Training Plan (How to Handle Hard Complaint) February Experience >< QA Team >< For Customer Experience team (Freshchat & Freshdesk)
Trainer team
CSAT Revamp Jan-March Strategic Team - Product Freshdesk CSAT revamp done, Freshchat revamp WIP.
Retail Merchant WA business Implementation 1st Week March OS >< Strategic >< Product Chatbot already on, waiting on the
Strategic >< QA >< Trainer - Excel Training
Training for Leadership Team March
Team - Customer Centric Skill
NPS Q1 2022 March Strategic >< AM Gathering the updated client data
External QA Audit by Jhon Team 2nd Week of March Strategic >< QA/QC team Will follow up the final date to QA/QC team.

Control Tower Shipper

Week Wise View (Ticket Received and Closure Performance)

● In January, company received 18.4K tickets.

● In average, we received and created 4.4K tickets week by week in Feb’22
● The average closure rate of the tickets is ~95% even though the trendline week by week is declining. The number of closure rate
increasing 1% compared to the January despite the ticket received is around 3K less.
● Happy to share that the blank ticket type (customer, internal requestor) was reduced significantly compared to January. From
~600 blank ticket type to 4 blank ticket type.
Control Tower Shipper
External Ticket Summary External Ticket Top Groups and Subcategory (Excluding Control

External Ticket Top Groups and Subcategory - Control Tower

● 14358 or around 78% of the tickets were created by the customers / prospect
● 11828 tickets (82%) were actioned / resolved by the CT Team itself. It’s above
industry standard
● External tickets related with the shipping rate from Tech reduced from 234 to
● Average tickets closure rate is around ~97%

Control Tower Shipper

Internal Ticket Summary
Internal Ticket Top Groups and Subcategory (Excluding Control

● In February, we received 4.1K incoming tickets from Internal Source (Internal Shipper as ticket requester) with
around 800-900 tickets created in each week
● Average tickets closure rate is around ~ 87.9%

Control Tower Shipper

Ops Support
● Discrepancy rate issue still happening and the ticket assigned to Retail team to ask for approval claim because
from PI team haven't came up with new SOP regarding this
● SLA activated awb for J&T Bandung and bekasi is updated and until now J&T in those are still being freeze for
new onboard merchant
● Mitra in MA East will move to telegram on second week of March.
● There new active SLA for 3 area (J&T and JNE) , and high complaint from mitra in Bandung area about delay
update for J&T Order regarding to this new SLA Policy.
- JNE Sidoarjo time changed to H+1 12.00 pm.
- J&T Bandung time changed to H+1 03.00 pm.
- J&T Bekasi time changed to H+1 12.00 pm.
● On February there are 1034 Mitra Store that actively have order.

OKR Highlights
● Report sharing to the Merchant Retail : 100%
● <1% escalation from retail merchant account : <1%
● Onboarding Retail Accounts in FC : In Progress

Control Tower Shipper

Ticket for Ops Support
The most incoming tickets

1. Report daily Sorting hub and FM for orders that are experiencing problems (and will be escalated to the
relevant team (± 330 tickets)
2. Tickets related to late active air waybill from internal team (Not solved in OS)
3. Ops team asks for the characteristics of the package form to mitra or retail merchants to identify miss package

Count of Mitra Productivity Parameters

- Per agent - Ticket counts (Create ± 10 - 15 ticket/ day)
- Per agent - Tele (4 Tele channel, with average 75 - 100
chat/ day)

Support We Need

Control Tower Shipper

Summary Ticket Created February

Note :
● On February there are total 753 tickets created by the OS Mitra Team
● There are 21 tickets specifically for PTR east was created after handled by
OS team.
Total Retail Merchant and Churn Order Merchant Retail
Percentage/ Confirm Cancel
From 3.893 merchants who have registered,
2.984 already go live
Tickets Retail
There are 351 tickets made from ops support related to retail
Note : This is the overall result, still can’t find per week percentage merchants
because merchant exit or churn date still not available

Top & Bottom 20 Retail Merchant Total WA Groups

- Total wa group per today is ± 2.064 groups

Customer Pain Point

- The report is still not real time because we are still sending
it manually

Support We Need

Control Tower Shipper
Highlights & Failures

- Daily manual report has been stopped for several clients and will apply to all clients starting
from March 7st, 2022
- Penalty policy for the order processing team is already started running on March 1st, 2022.
- Crossdocking SOP socialization has been done to B2B order processing team, and already
started running for Tokoparts.
- New SOP inbound for generating ASN will be carried out by the OPS team
- Inbound and outbound processes for several warehouses are already migrating to Honeywell
(WH-TGR01, WH-PKU02, WH-UPG05)
- Bugs system when HQ process in Intools, the system automatically assigns the wrong Sorting
Hub (249618)
- HQ processing team can't upload C Channel orders to BOS (249433)
- The client is still confused about the daily auto report because the inventory data is often
different from the actual. Clients and AM team ask CT Processing to send manually until the
system returns to normal. (250671)
Challenge & Support Needed

- The penalty policy has been implemented for Order Processing team, it is hoped that with this
penalty policy the team will be more careful in the process of each order

Support Needed
- Re-educate clients for using CF Portal according to SOP regarding the outbound process
Update & Achievements

Update & Achievements Remarks

Automatic Daily Report Starting on 07 March 2022

B2C New Clients 19 New Clients

B2B New Clients 7 New Clients

2:2 Campaign Running smoothly and no issues

Clients Summary
Outbound Order Creation

January Outbound Orders Count February Outbound Orders Count

Top 5 Clients Outbound Feb’21

1. Family Herbal Group (WH-SUB51) - Total Outbound January 2021 : 381K Orders
2. Family Herbal Group (WH-TGR06) - Total Outbound February 2022 : 328K Orders
3. White Story (WH-TGR01)
4. Family Herbal Group (WH-CGK41)
5. 123 (WH-CGK45)
Inbound Order Creation

January Inbound Orders Count February Inbound Orders Count

Top 5 Clients Inbound Feb’22 (by qty) - Total Inbound January 2022 : 2.97M pcs qty
2. SID Cement (WH-BDO09)
- Total Inbound February 2022 : 6.96M pcs qty
3. 123 (WH-CGK45)
4. SID Cement (WH-KJT03)
5. SID Cement (WH-MLG06)
TMS Order Creation

January February

- Total TMS orders count January 2022 : 29.4K Orders

- Total TMS orders count February 2022 :29.3K Orders
HQ Order Creation

January February

- Total HQ orders count January 2022 : 8K Orders

- Total HQ orders count February 2022 : 3K Orders
Customers Experience
Team (FreshChat and
Meeting Index

• Highlights
• Challenge/Issues & Action Plan/Support Required

Control Tower Shipper

● Claim issue Shipper Kencana 1 on ticket 240072, store still insist on freshchat


● Claim LA can submit to finance not to LA team

● Discrepancy rate J&T from merchant retail Bloomie Store can submit to finance. Ticket 244748, 243992

Support Need

● Need flow, memo or sop about discrepancy rate, if can be submitted through the Retail SHP team. Example 250809

Control Tower Shipper

Total Ticket Summary And Comparison

Feb 2022

Control Tower Shipper

Total tickets responded all departments taken from the performance group Jan 2022
Total tickets responded all departments taken from the performance group Feb 2022
Total tickets breached the response & resolution time SLA

Jan 2022


Control Tower Shipper

Total tickets breached the response & resolution time SLA

Feb 2022
Top 5 internal ticket Top 5 Eksternal ticket

Csat Freshdesk

Csat CT-EX Feb 2022

Csat All Group Feb 2022

Control Tower Shipper

All Requester Email C-Sat

Control Tower Shipper

Top 3 Negative CSAT Freshdesk
● 245047 customer ask about the package, agent confirm that the package didnt process in

Control Tower Shipper

Top 3 Negative CSAT Freshdesk
● 249499 ticket form Kanmo Group about the package order id 4H87937 have difference weight issues,
merchant create 5kg actual weight 1kg

Control Tower Shipper

Top 3 Negative CSAT Freshdesk
● 244607 ticket from customer about payment invoice to payables team

Control Tower Shipper

Top 3 Negative CSAT Freshdesk
● 244607 ticket from customer about payment invoice to payables team

Control Tower Shipper


Top 3 Negative CSAT

Score Freshchat
Score Freshchat

Incoming Freshchat
Score Freshdesk
Score CSAT

Avg Productivity Agent CX

Fleet Team
LT Account

● There are 439 clients in total, with 271 active clients, 164 exit clients, and 4 fraud
● The total number of exit clients in Feb 2022 are 9 clients
● There are 4 pending client handovers in Feb 2022 because the data is not complete (2
not active, 2 active client)
● For Chinese clients who are handed over dont have ID Cards and NPWP because
Chinese clients don't want to share and are replaced with Business License
● Regarding the closure of SWH MDC01(Manado) May 2022 and will be migrated to
UPG08 (Makassar), there is 1 Longtail client who chose to exit (Varash Oil)
● For the discrepancy stock issue between manual and automatic reports, the Shoepple
client is still being checked by the tech team
Documents Completed Info

Highlight :
● The number of clients has increased from Jan 2021 to Feb 2022 as many as 35 clients and this
new client already has completed LOA data
Documents Completed Info

Highlight :
● There are 35 clients
that are handed over
to LT from onboarding
and all of them already
has NPWP and ID Card.
There still 4 client that
pending handover
because data not
Total Exit Client
Facebook Project


● Discount 50% extended until the end of March

● There are more new sellers in Feb-2022 34 seller than January-2022 28 Seller.
● Order Feb-2022 485 less than Jan-2022 601

WAG & Special Project Total Ticket

● Total resolved tickets increased 81% from Jan-22 to Feb-22. Total resolved ticket Feb-22 there
are 203 tickets
Total Order
Status Order
Reason Cancel Order
Count New Seller
Logistic Utilization
Validation Time

Note :
● For validation time Nextday, order entered on weekend so that it can only be confirmed on
the next business day.
VIP / Enterprise
● Hubless: The total orders from J&T that have not been successfully picked up in February are a total of 14.
Order ID data has been forwarded to the 3PL team
● Sirclo System: For the use of the sirclo system after a meeting with the Ops and AM teams, for a while CT is still
monitoring related to issue updates of 2 products.
● System issue: related to the system issue on 21 - 27 Feb there was a decline. With a total of 11 cases ( closed
● Average of response time and resolution time from Matahari Client on February 21 - 28 , 2022

● Regarding the percentage of order cancellations for Kanmo this week, there was a decrease in the percentage of the
previous report. The percentage of cancel orders on February 24 - March 2 2022 an average of 9%
Total Order Client Aggregator

For a total of 8 VIP clients (specifically

for Kanlaku clients and kopi kenangan ,
CT only handle issues related to ticket
freshdesk, and do not handle daily )
Pickup Performance
This is the percentage of orders that were successfully picked up in the SLA in January

Total orders for VIP clients (Aggregator) in

January there was a special decrease for Moka
clients. The decline occurred because Moka did
not participate for the January campaign

For ontime pick up performance from stable

VIP clients
Pickup Performance
This is the percentage of orders that were successfully picked up in the SLA in February

The percentage of ontime pick-up in February as a

whole is 100%, but for Kanmo API there is a decrease
with this month's percentage only reaching 97%.

For total orders in February for Moka clients, there

was a significant decrease in week 4. with a total of
5764 orders (if compared to week 3, total orders in
week 4 decreased by 50%)
Total Cases from Client Aggregator

The cases with the highest

numbers in January for
Aggregator clients were cases for
issue tracking and system issues
Total Cases from Client Aggregator

The cases with the highest number of cases in

February for Aggregator clients were cases for
tracking system and system issue ( status updates
in the system and inactive orders ) .

If a comparison is taken for the issues above, in

February there has been a decline (especially in
the 4th week) there has been a significant decline
Sirclo B2C Performance
The following is a warehouse case that arose from a Sirclo B2C order. For complaints in January - February, the total
cases are the same, namely 4 cases

Tipe Complain Issue Qty Tipe Complain Issue Qty
Kurang Barang A Picker & QC 4 Kurang Barang A Picker & QC 4
Kurang Barang B QC & Packer 0 Kurang Barang B QC & Packer 0
Salah Barang Picker & QC 0 Salah Barang Picker & QC 0
Lebih Barang Picker & QC 0 Lebih Barang Picker & QC 0
NED/ED Picker & QC 0 NED/ED Picker & QC 0
Salah tempel invoice (WH) Packer 0 Salah tempel invoice (WH) Packer 0
Kemasan Produk Pecah (WH) Packer 0 Kemasan Produk Pecah (WH) Packer 0
Special Case Special Case 0 Special Case Special Case 0
Cancel MP System 0 Cancel MP System 0
Total 4 Total 4
Total Order On Going 75,201 Total Order On Going 74,907

Orders for the Siclo B2C case warehouse, the total for February there
was a decrease but not significant for the amount
Matahari Performance

For the case of the Matahari in February,

there was a decline, the case with the
highest number was related to order
status, but the issue type was included in
the question type only.
Freshdesk Performance
The number of tickets that enter the VIP Client in January

The following is Matahari's performance ticket related to response time and resolution time for January

Regarding ticket performance from VIP clients, except for Matahari, for Moka the case has decreased compared to January.
Freshdesk Performance
The number of tickets that enter the VIP Client in February

The following is Matahari's performance ticket related to response time and resolution time for February

The following are ticket performances from VIP clients in February except Matahari
Quality Audit Team
Monthly Meeting February 2022
Quality Overview Feb’22

- Most issue comes from Customer Critical, caused by improper
answer provided, improper informing process and improper
- Other than that, agent also having finding in Non-Critical due to
improper communication provided such as, improper choice of
words that caused less polite, ambiguous and stiff interactions,
and grammatical issue.

- All parameters shown increased inline with increased of Quality
Score compared to previous month.
- QA Score already meet target by weekly and monthly

Periode Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
- Agent's ability to capture and understand customer issues in
QA Score 92.82 95.49 94.93 95.80 order to provide proper service.
- Ineffective interactions that do not address customer issues.
Top Performer FC-FD Makalius Iswara (100) Agung (100) Agung (100)

Top Performer Non FC-FD Rino (99.58) Mara (99.79) Bagus (100) Bagus (100)
Action Plan:
- Daily reminder by QA Channel and personal approach.
Low Performer FC-FD Bella (65.83) Inas (86.00) Inas (84.50) Ayu (87.67) - Hypercare agent
Control Tower
Low Performer Shipper
Non FC-FD Afdal (55.00) Domas (89.83) Afdal (78.13) Ruriana (86.00)
Monthly Quiz February
2022 Result
• The average February Quiz Score for FC &
FD team is 77.5, and non FC & FD team
quiz score is 62.
• Quiz question consists of 10 multiple
choice type questions and 1 Essay
• The most agent with "Not pass (Under 75)"
scores come from VIP Clients and Special
• Here is the link for details score
February Training Result Post Test & Role Play Score

• Finished February Training with the topic "How

To Probing Correctly" with 7 participants from FC
& FD Agents
• The first training ran smoothly but in the second
batch the trainer is changed to another trainer
on the training session, leads to agents lose their
focus because of a trainer PIC substitution in
one moment and there is a piece of redundant
information caused confused
Agent Hypercare Result
Hypercare Progress

Comparison of Agent’s Overall Score

● There are three agents that already having hypercare session in February.
● By daily monitoring and quiz conducted during hypercare session,
○ Freshchat agent is having difficulty handling customer issues effectively,
understanding customer issues, and checking ticket history.
○ Monitored progress score for VIP agents shows an increase that is affected by
decreased amount of finding.
○ Due to lack of inquiry conversation with client from VIP Client team, right now we
still can’t capture agent’s improvement
● “Extended” agent is having hypercare session on Week 9.
● Comparison by overall score of agent before hypercare and after hypercare , overall score
shown increase but there is 1 agent that still have not meet the target.
Plaza 89, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.6,
RT.6/RW.7, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940

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