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Work Permits System

Work Permits Why the need?

Work Permit systems are intended to reduce the chance of misunderstandings when non routine activities are to be carried out in an operational facility such as: Refineries. Workshops, Labs. Jetties, Pipelines, Construction Sites, Exploration & Production platforms & Camps etc.

The Work permit is a written document, authorizing persons to carry out the work, warning them of the potential dangers and spelling out the precautions needed, if the job is to be completed safely.

The Work permit itself does not make the job safe, this can only be achieved by those doing the job. What the Permit does - is ensure that proper consideration is given to the Hazards and that they are dealt with, prior to the job being started. It is important to understand that two copies are always issued One to the Worksite Permit Holder (The authorising person on the job) and the other copy being retained by the HSE Dept.

Types of Permit to Work

The following operations - when working on crew, will require a Work Permit; Work involving the use of naked flame. (Welding repairs etc.) The use of chainsaws. The use of Transport outside of normal working hours. Entry into a confined space. Work on Electrical systems where the potential for the sudden introduction of power exists. Entry to work in a Magazine. Working at heights above 1.5 mtrs. (Ground Level) Excavations deeper than 1 mtr. Construction of Jetties.

Job Preparation
JOB PREPARATION where the hazards are identified and
Examples are, but not limited to; Detection Equip. put in place for the early detection of Gas. Electrical Equip. Disconnected or Locked out. (Isolated by shutting down the Generator). Area vented Inert Gas purged. (Confined Spaces). Harness & Waist belts provided When working from heights. Life jackets & Safety boat in place When working over water. measures put in place to reduce them to ALARP. Only when all such actions are completed, can the work start.

It is essential that the work is completed only in the area as defined on the Work Permit. Upon completion, the worksite must be left in a Safe and tidy condition so that normal operations may continue unhindered - The original Work Permit should then be closed out and documented by the HSE Dept informed.

Job Safety Analysis Job Safety Analysis

A procedure used to review job methods and uncover hazards

Hazard Identification Cycle Hazard Identification Cycle

Hazard Identification Cycle Hazard Identification Cycle

Purpose of the JSA Purpose of the JSA

What is the purpose of the JSA? Can you describe each step of every job you do? Do you know all the hazards associated with your job?

Purpose of the JSA Purpose of the JSA

Purpose of the JSA Purpose of the JSA

to create job safety awareness establish a way of thinking develop or re-vamp procedures train new employees use during accident investigations to identify and resolve hazards

Four steps to conducting a Four steps to conducting a JSA JSA

Select the job Break the job down Identify the hazards Develop solutions

Select the job to analyze Select the job to analyze

Analyze only one job at a time. Define the objective of each job

Select the job to analyze Select the job to analyze

Jobs with high accident rates Jobs that produce Lost Time Injuries Dangerous jobs - High Potential New jobs, or new equipment Non Routine jobs Ultimately - All jobs

JSA Worksheet -- Heading JSA Worksheet Heading


JSA Worksheet -- Body JSA Worksheet Body

S e q u e n c e o f B a s i c S t e p sP o t e n t i a l H a z a r d s a f e J o b P r o c e d u r e / S o l u S

Break the job down Break the job down

Start at the beginning List each basic step involved Include every basic step
10 - 15 steps is normal

Record what is done - not how

Break the job down Break the job down

Note: When listing the job steps. At each step ask yourself: "Is this step needed to achieve the objective of this job?"

Break the job down Break the job down

Avoid confusing hazard controls as job steps. e.g. is preparing or donning PPE a job step?

Identify the hazards Identify the hazards

Identify the hazards for each job step Consider all possible hazards

Identify the hazards Identify the hazards

Identify hazards for each job step
Identify physical hazards Identify chemical hazards Identify ergonomic hazards Look for clues in the environment Look for clues in the equipment Look for clues from the people

Identify the hazards Identify the hazards

Consider all possible hazards
Ask "What could happen if the unexpected occurs?" Ask "What type of accident could occur during this job step?"

Identify the hazards Identify the hazards

Use the basic accident types as a guide
Struck against Struck by Caught in Caught on Caught between


Identify the hazards Identify the hazards

Use the basic accident types as a guide
Fall - same level Fall - to another level Overexertion Exposure


Identify the hazards Identify the hazards

Use the basic accident types as a guide
Contact with: / Contact by:
q q q

temperature extremes electric current chemicals


Develop solutions Develop solutions

Four Hazard Controls (or Solutions)
Eliminate the Hazard Engineering controls Administrative controls Personal protective equipment

Develop solutions Develop solutions

Eliminate the Hazard
find a new way eliminate the job step try different approaches to

achieve the same objective

Develop solutions Develop solutions

Eliminate the Hazard Engineering Controls
distance employee from hazard install guards use different tools, materials mechanize use different equipment

Develop solutions Develop solutions

Eliminate the Hazard Engineering Controls Administrative Controls
hiring training job orientations JSAs signs, manuals, etc.

Develop solutions Develop solutions

Eliminate the Hazard Engineering Controls Administrative Controls
reduce exposure job planning preventative maintenance inspections

Develop solutions Develop solutions

Eliminate the Hazard Engineering Controls Administrative Controls Personal Protective Equipment
least desireable solution provides at best a thin veil depends on correct useage

Benefits gained during the Benefits gained during the JSA JSA
Employees "buy-in" to the safety program Better job procedures are developed Employees have better attitudes and are more aware of safe job procedures Supervisors gain knowledge of the jobs they supervise

The JSA and Safe Work The JSA and Safe Work Procedures Procedures
JSAs to develop procedures should be carried out as a team All employees involved in the process should be part of the team Before becoming a procedure, the JSA should be duly approved by crew management

The End

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