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A phobia is a type of anxiety
disorder. It is an extreme form of
fear or anxiety, triggered by a
particular situation or object.
A situation that triggers a phobia: You may know it’s safe to be out on
a balcony in a high-rise block, but feel terrified to go out on it. You might not
even be able to enjoy the view from behind the windows inside the building.
■ An object that triggers a phobia: You may know that a spider isn’t
poisonous or that it won’t bite you, but this still doesn’t reduce your


Many of us have fears about particular situations or objects. This is perfectly
normal. A fear becomes a phobia if:
the fear is out of proportion to the danger
it lasts for more than six months
■ it has a significant impact on how you live your day-to-day life.
(Fear Of Spider’s)
■ Arachnophobia is a specific phobia that
involves an extreme, irrational fear of
■ Any time a person with arachnophobia sees,
imagines, or hears about a spider, they
experience an intense anxious reaction that
affects their thinking, actions, and emotions.
■ Technically, spiders are not the only type of
arachnids, so being fearful of scorpions or
ticks could also be part of arachnophobia.
What situations can trigger

Common triggers include:

Sight of a spider (in person or in pictures).

Sight of a spider web (in person or in pictures).
Thoughts/anticipation about spiders or spider webs.
■ Speaking about spiders or spider webs.
Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, can have several potential causes:
1. Evolutionary Origins: Some researchers believe that arachnophobia
may have evolutionary roots. Throughout human history, encountering
venomous spiders could pose a real threat to health and survival. Over time,
a fear of spiders may have evolved as a protective mechanism.
2. Traumatic Experience: A common cause of arachnophobia is a
traumatic or frightening encounter with a spider during childhood or at any
age. A single distressing incident can lead to the development of this fear.
3. Learned Behavior: Observing someone else’s fear or negative reaction
towards spiders, especially during early childhood, can influence an
individual to develop arachnophobia through a process called social learning.
4. Cultural and Media Influence: Exposure to exaggerated or
negative portrayals of spiders in movies, television, books, or the media
can contribute to the development or reinforcement of arachnophobia
5. General Anxiety: People with a predisposition to anxiety disorders
may be more prone to developing specific phobias, including
arachnophobia, as part of their broader anxiety profile.
6. Genetic or family influences: Family environmental factors may
also influence the development of phobias. For example, if a parent has a
specific phobia to something, a child may pick up on that fear and
develop a phobic response to it.
Intense Anxiety
Rapid Heartbeat
Shortness of Breath
Trembling or Shaking
Nausea or Upset Stomach
1. Persistent thoughts or nightmares
about spiders.
Treatment for arachnophobia, the fear of
spiders, typically involves the following
1. Exposure Therapy: Gradual
exposure to spiders in a controlled and
safe environment helps desensitize the
fear response.
2. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
(CBT): CBT helps you identify and
change negative thought patterns and
behaviors related to your fear of spiders.
3. Relaxation Techniques: Learning
relaxation methods like deep breathing
can help manage anxiety when
confronted with spiders.
4. Virtual Reality Therapy: VR can
simulate spider encounters, allowing controlled
exposure and practice in a realistic setting.
5. Medications: The doctor may prescribe
medications that reduce the intensity of anxiety
symptoms when one faces the spiders. Combined
with therapy, they prove relief, and individuals
see improvement in months.
Possible medications used to treat anxiety and
phobias are:
• Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
• Other: psychiatrists and other physicians may
prescribe other sedatives, tranquilizers, and beta
blockers to manage anxiety

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