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• remain calm and composed (v) • become impatient (adj)
• in the face of challenges • take a break (v)
• deal with unexpected situations (v) • practice mediation and mindfulness (v)
• discouraged by the setbacks (adj) • help us navigate challenges (v)
• pay off over time (v) • learn from experiences (v)
• take deep breaths (v) • not sacrifice long-term success (v)
• step back to assess the situation (v) • immediate gratification (n)
• lead by example (v) • set realistic expectations (v)
• become frustrated (adj) • break down into smaller, manageable steps (v)
1. trở nên thiếu kiên nhẫn (adj)
2. học từ kinh nghiệm (v)
3. bước lùi lại để đánh giá tình hình (v)
4. hít thở sâu (v)
5. thực hành thiền và tâm lý chánh niệm (v)
6. bị nản lòng vì những thất bại (adj)
7. trong hoàn cảnh thách thức
8. giúp chúng ta tìm đường vượt qua những thách thức (v)
9. không hy sinh thành công lâu dài (v)
10. trở nên chán nản (adj)
11. nghỉ một chút (v)
12. đối mặt với tình huống không ngờ (v)
13. làm gương (v)
14. duy trì bình tĩnh và bình thản (v)
15. chia nhỏ thành các bước nhỏ hơn dễ quản lý (v)
16. đền bù xứng đáng qua thời gian (v)
17. đặt kỳ vọng thực tế (v)
18. sự thỏa mãn tạm thời (n)
Part 1
What does patience mean to you?

Patience, to me, is the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of challenges
or delays. It's about understanding that some things take time and being able to wait
without getting frustrated.

see sample answer here

Part 1
Why do you think patience is important in daily
In daily life, patience is crucial because not everything happens on our schedule. It
helps in dealing with unexpected situations, relationships, and achieving long-term
goals without getting discouraged by setbacks.

see sample answer here

Part 1
Can you share a personal experience where patience
played a key role?
I recently started a new job, and the learning curve was steep. It required a lot of
patience to adapt to the new environment, understand the processes, and build
rapport with colleagues. Over time, patience paid off as I became more proficient
and comfortable in my role.

see sample answer here

Part 1
What strategies do you use to practice patience
when faced with a challenging situation?
Taking deep breaths, stepping back to assess the situation, and reminding myself
that challenges are temporary are some strategies I use. It's about maintaining
perspective and not letting immediate frustrations dictate my reactions.

see sample answer here

Part 1
How do you handle situations where others
around you lack patience?
I try to lead by example. By staying calm and composed, I hope to influence others
positively. If someone is visibly frustrated, I might offer support or suggest taking a
break to regain composure.

see sample answer here

Part 1
Do you think patience is a natural trait or
something that can be developed?
I believe it's a combination of both. Some people may be naturally more patient, but
anyone can cultivate patience through self-awareness, mindfulness, and practice.

see sample answer here

Part 1
How does patience contribute to personal
Patience is integral to personal growth as it allows us to navigate challenges, learn
from experiences, and persist in our pursuits. It fosters resilience, adaptability, and a
positive mindset, all of which contribute to overall personal development.

see sample answer here

Part 1
Can you think of a famous person who
exemplifies patience in your opinion?
One person that comes to mind is Nelson Mandela. His patience and resilience
during his long imprisonment played a crucial role in the fight against apartheid in
South Africa.

see sample answer here

Part 1
In what areas of your life do you find it most
challenging to be patient?
I find it most challenging to be patient in situations where I have little control or
when I'm waiting for the outcomes of significant life changes. It's a continuous effort
to trust the process and embrace uncertainty.

see sample answer here

Part 1
How do you balance the need for patience with
the desire for quick results, especially in a fast-
paced world?
It's a delicate balance. While I understand the importance of efficiency, I try not to
sacrifice long-term success for immediate gratification. Setting realistic expectations
and breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps helps me maintain
that balance.

see sample answer here

Part 2
Describe a situation that required you to be
• What the situation was.
• Why it required patience.
• How you managed to remain patient.
• And explain how the experience impacted you.

see sample answer here

Band 9: One challenging situation that required me to be patient was during a complex project at work. I was
leading a team to implement a new system, and we encountered numerous unexpected challenges throughout the
The situation demanded patience primarily because the project involved intricate technical details, tight deadlines,
and unforeseen technical glitches. It seemed like every step forward was met with two steps back, and the setbacks
were discouraging. The pressure was intense, and I easily could have become frustrated given the complexity of the
tasks at hand.
To manage my patience, I consciously adopted a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, I learned to take deep breaths and
step back to assess the situation whenever a setback occurred. This allowed me to remain calm and composed in
the face of challenges. I also incorporated practices of meditation and mindfulness into my routine, helping me stay
focused and positive despite the ongoing issues.
In addition, I led by example for my team. I demonstrated resilience and persistence, emphasizing the importance of
not sacrificing long-term success for immediate gratification. I encouraged the team to take breaks when needed,
recognizing the value of stepping away from a problem to gain perspective. We collectively dealt with unexpected
situations by breaking down into smaller, manageable steps, setting realistic expectations for each phase.
Over time, our collective efforts and patience paid off. The project, which initially seemed insurmountable, became a
success. We not only implemented the new system successfully but also learned valuable lessons from the
challenges we faced. Personally, this experience reinforced the importance of remaining patient in the face of
adversity. It taught me that patience, combined with strategic planning and a positive mindset, is key to navigating
complex challenges and achieving long-term success.

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