65 Achievements

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set my mind to sth (v)


take on a challenge (v)


initially seem daunting (v)


teach me valuable lessons about (v)


teach me valuable lessons about (v)


stay ahead (v)


keep up with the ever-changing world (v)


reach your goals (v)


non-material rewards vs. material rewards


work-life balance (n)


personal growth (n)


give sb a sense of direction (v)


take steps to get there (v)


set goals (v)


aspirations (n)
1. Đặt quyết tâm vào cái gì đó (v)
2. Đón nhận thử thách (v)
3. Lúc đầu có vẻ quá sức (v)
4. Dạy tôi những bài học quý về (v)
5. Đi theo những hướng đi sự nghiệp không như thông thường (v)
6. Vẫn tiếp tục dẫn trước (v)
7. Bắt kịp thế giới luôn thay đổi (v)
8. Đạt mục tiêu (v)
9. Phân thưởng phi vật chất vs. vật chất (n)
10. Sự cân bằng công việc cuộc sống (n)
11. Sự phát triển cá nhân (n)
12. Cho ai đó một cảm giác có hướng đi (v)
13. Thực hiện các bước để đạt đến đó (v)
14. Đặt mục tiêu (v)
15. Những hoài bão (n)
Part 1

Which is more important, personal goals or

work goals?
Well, it really depends on the person. Some prioritize their personal goals like family,
hobbies, and happiness, while others focus more on their work goals for career
growth and success. Both are important, but it's all about finding the right balance
that suits your own values and aspirations.

see sample answer here

Part 1

Does everyone set goals for themselves?

Nah, not everyone sets goals, but lots of people do. Setting goals can give you
direction and motivation in life, whether they're big dreams or small achievements.
It's all about figuring out what you want to accomplish and taking steps to get there,
but it's totally up to you if you want to set goals or not.

see sample answer here

Part 1
Do you think material rewards are more
important than other rewards at work?
Well, it really depends on the person and what they value. Some seek material
rewards like money, promotions, and perks because they provide security and
recognition. But for others, non-material rewards like personal growth, a positive
work environment, and work-life balance might mean more. It's all about figuring
out what kind of rewards make you happy and fulfilled in your work

see sample answer here

Part 1
Do you think the way people gain success has
Yeah, success these days isn’t all about following the old-school path. With
technology and stuff, there are new opportunities and challenges. People can now
create their own success by starting businesses or taking non-traditional career
paths. Plus, it's all about being adaptable, innovative, and keeping up with the ever-
changing world to stay ahead and reach your goals.

see sample answer here

Practice producing a native-like speech
Well, it really depends on the person. Some prioritize their personal goals, like family,
hobbies, and happiness. On the other hand, there are those who focus more on their
work goals for career growth and success. Both are important, but ultimately, it's all
about finding the right balance that suits your own values and aspirations.

see sample answer here

Part 2
Describe something you did that made you
feel proud
• What it was
• How you did it
• How difficult it was
• And explain why you felt proud of it

see sample answer here

Well, let me tell you about something that made me feel really proud. It was organizing a charity event for a local
community organization. I took the initiative to plan and execute the entire event from start to finish.
To get started, I first gathered a team of volunteers and delegated different responsibilities to them. We brainstormed
ideas, set a budget, and reached out to sponsors and donors for support. I also took care of all the logistics, such as
securing a venue, arranging for food and entertainment, and promoting the event through social media and local
I won't lie, it was quite challenging. There were countless details to manage, unexpected obstacles to overcome, and
tight deadlines to meet. It required a lot of coordination, time, and effort to make sure everything came together
smoothly. It definitely pushed me outside of my comfort zone and tested my organizational and leadership skills.
But you know what? When the day of the event finally arrived, and I saw everything running smoothly, with people
enjoying themselves and contributing to a great cause, I felt an immense sense of pride. I felt proud because I was able
to bring together a community, make a positive impact, and provide support to those in need. It was rewarding to see
how my efforts, along with the hard work of the team, paid off.
Moreover, I felt proud because I had stepped up and taken on a challenge that initially seemed daunting. It showed me
that I was capable of making a difference and leading a successful project. The feeling of accomplishment and the
positive feedback I received from the community and the organization further reinforced my pride.
Overall, organizing that charity event was a significant achievement for me. It not only allowed me to contribute to a
worthy cause but also taught me valuable lessons about teamwork, resilience, and the power of community. It's a
memory that I cherish and a reminder of what I can accomplish when I set my mind to it.

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