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Power Management System


What is Power Management System

 PMS is A suite of tools used to monitor, control, and optimize the performance of
generation and transmission systems. A PMS consists of an electronic system that
provides detailed information about power flow in an electrical power generation system
or power substation.
 It provides an integrated set of measurement, monitoring, control, and management
functions to supply energy from the generating source to the consumer end by covering
generation, distribution and supply.
 Due to the increasing cost of electricity, global dependence on energy resources,
increasing political and environmental awareness, and stringent regulations it is
paramount for the industries to manage their electrical energy demand.
Benefits of PSM

 A PMS prevents blackouts and disturbances from occurring in utility operations. Its job is
to ensure the reliability and efficiency of the electrical system. Load shedding is used to
avert blackouts when power demand exceeds power generation capability.
 It provides Frequency and voltage control to keep network stability
 It can handle a variety of generator combinations powered by diesel, steam, and other
source-fired generators, as well as switchgear of varying complexity. According to the
load consumption, a PMS will determine which generator combination is optimal.
 A PMS also assures that all electrical components are working efficiently. It controls
energy usage, lowers costs, enhances safety & distribution capabilities, and reduces
environmental and health impacts.
 Other advantages might include connecting and disconnecting load (consumers)
automatically as the load changes.
Island Network

 When we deal with the prevalence of distributed generation and the need to operate an
island network, the voltage and frequency in this type of network can no longer be
handled by an extensive network, so one external and integrated system should be
considered that can provide voltage and frequency control while also assisting all critical
island network equipment to operate correctly.
 A PMS is provided for such tasks; manufacturers and large industries often choose to
have their own local generation independent of the national grid for providing internal
consumption; further, the use of a PMS would be required to maintain the stability of the
linked island network during any imbalance scenario.
 The PMS provide control over active and reactive power exchange between the island
and national grid, also Power factor control between the island and national grid.
Some key components of power system
 Load Forecasting and Planning.
 Intelligent Load Shedding Scheme.
 Generation Planning and Dispatch.
 Transmission and Distribution System Operation.
 System Protection and Control.
 Energy Management Systems (EMS).
 Demand-Side Management (DSM).
 Renewable Energy Integration.
Why load shedding

 Load shedding schemes are designed and implemented as a last resort to maintain the
stability and integrity of the power system when the demand for electricity exceeds the
available supply.
 load shedding helps to prevent cascading failures and maintain system stability during
times of stress. It allows grid operators to balance supply and demand, avoid overloading
transmission lines and generation facilities, and mitigate the risk of widespread outages.
 In summary, load shedding schemes play a crucial role in power system management by
providing operators with a mechanism to maintain grid stability and reliability during
challenging operating conditions weather during electrical and mechanical disturbance or
during peak hours.
Intelligent Load Shedding

 Intelligent Load Shedding means the monitoring and making decisions based on the state
of the system model, value of the operation, criticality of the processes running,
and environmental impact.
 Unlike fixed or static load shedding scheme where certain feeders are disconnected using
under-frequency relays the intelligent load shedding will shed loads that are actually
monitored instantaneously and will help restore the balance of the system.
 In fixed load shedding schemes sometimes feeders are disconnected at the time of
disturbance with zero MW at the time, thus will not help restore the system balance. This
is one of the major benefits of intelligent load shedding scheme.
What needs to be considered for ILS

 System topology, configuration and operating status

 Generation level and power exchange
 Spinning reserve
 Operating load
 Disturbance fault and location
 Transient response to disturbance
Governor and excitation system

 The governor's purpose is to control the fuel to the engine cylinders so as to control the
speed of the unit, holding the speed constant for all conditions of load imposed on the
generator conditions of load imposed on the generator being driven by the engine.
 The excitation system controls the output voltage of the generator by adjusting DC
current to the generator field winding.
 The governor's purpose is to control speed, and an exciter with an automatic voltage
regulator is used to control generator terminal voltage.
General Concept
Design Steps

 Ensure coverage of the biggest event, and maintain the frequency between 47 and 52
 Through out the analysis keep your interruptible load (if available) and the AUFLS blocks
fixed then simulate loss of generation incrementally and see how the frequency response.
 At first the generation loss will be compensated by the reserve power then the
interruptible loads will compensate and restore the frequency.
 Further generation outages will trigger the AUFLS blocks.
The developed model

 First without governor in the generators: when one of the generators was out, the system
couldn’t reach new stability point even after shedding both of the AUFLS suggested.
 Adding governor to the generator tripping one of the units didn’t affect the system.
 Tripping 2 units affected the system and the AUFLS tripped restoring the system
 These points are explained through the graphs in the next slides.
Developed model using ETAP
Without Governor balance was never restored
Model with governor, one unit trip didn’t
induce the trip of AUFLS
Model with governor, two units trip induced
the trip of AUFLS, stability restored after
integration of utility.

 According to implementation the main challenges facing power system management are
cybersecurity threats and aging infrastructure.
 There are emerging technologies being used in PSM such as advanced analytics, artificial
intelligence, and decentralized energy systems

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