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Maintenance of Electrical Equipment

Safety and Prevention of Accidents

Part 1
By Ms.Tejashri Kosbe,
Lecturer, Pravin Patil Polytechnic,Bhayander

Maintenance of Electrical Equipment

Learning Outcomes
Concept of electric safety

Electric Accidents

Precautions to be taken by every house holder

Safety Symbols

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Concepts of Electric Safety
● Electrical safety refers to any safety precautions taken against electricity.
Electricity is undoubtedly one of the most basic needs in modern life, but electrical
hazards are very dangerous.
● Some of the serious injuries you can receive from electricity include electrical
shocks, electrical burns, and electrocution, which could be fatal. Electrical safety
precautions can protect against electrical shocks and burns, and authorities
responsible for workplace safety ensure that workers are following the correct
safety procedures while dealing with electricity.

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Definitions of terminology used in safety
● Safety

Any method or technique or process which can minimize unwanted events or

accidents is called as safety.

● Hazard

Hazard is a potential condition a waiting to be converted into an unwanted event or


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● Accident:

An unwanted event which can’t be anticipated in advance may be termed as an

accident.It is always a sudden process and not a gradual one.

● Major Accident Hazard:

The major accident hazard is one, in which person coming in contact with
machinery, equipment,gets severe shock may result into death of the person in

● Responsibility:

The meaning of responsibility is who is responsible for accident. Who was in

charge of that work where the accident took place.
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● Authority:

The person who is authorized, for execution of work is called Authority.

● Accountability:

It is the responsibility of the person, for a particular work he is carrying.He

is answerable and punishable for his failure,faults in the work he is carrying.Due
to privatisation,the accountability has increased.

Accountability includes time period,quality, mistake in any work assigned to


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● Monitoring:

Monitoring is done by superiors.It relates with work carried by staff.The

Executive engineer in P.W.D. or Mahavitaran monitors the work carried by the
staff and gives the suggestions in connection with electrical work.

Monitoring means keeping continuous watch or observation with remedial


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Electric Accidents
● Unknowingly or by mistake over confidence, unforeseen happening a person may
touch a live part and current passes through his body and get a shock can be termed
as electric accident which may result in body injury burning of part of body or a
death of a person is termed as electric accident.

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Reasons of Accident:
1. Improper tools.
2. Protective devices not used or provided.
3. Lack of proper instructions or supervision.
4. Instructions not been observed faithfully.
5. Overconfidence.
6. Mental and physical condition of employee.
7. Poor judgement.
8. Mechanical inability of doing things and failure to think.
9. Negligence and carelessness of other persons.

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How Electrical Accidents can be avoided?
1. The equipment installed should be used properly.
2. The instructions of sequence of operation shall be followed properly.
3. Machines shall never be mishandled or a person who don’t know machines shall
not be allowed to start/operate the machines.
4. Installation of the machines shall be as per the guidelines provided by the
manufacture and rate contract for maintenance shall be given to the competent
5. Periodical inspection shall be carried out by qualified and experienced Engineer
and skilled technicians.

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6. Repairs/Replacement suggested by the expert engineer shall be done immediately
without delay.

7. For overhead electric lines, periodic patrolling must be done to inspect the lines.
Faulty parts must be replaced.

8. As per the maintenance schedule the maintenance work must be attended to.

9. In emergency cases/prior to likely fault, the system should be break down and
maintenance works shall be carried out.

10. Earthing must be checked periodically.

11. Insulation resistance must be measured as per the maintenance schedule.

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12. Electrician ,wireman, line-man shall use earth rods, rubber gloves ,insulated
handle pliers, wooden stair etc.

13. Instead of a work to be alloted to a single person on electric lines outside, two
persons to be deputed for the work.

14. Shut down and line charging procedure shall be done by written warrants.

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Precautions to be taken by every house holder using
Electricity for domestic purpose.
1. Check electric cords often for damage. Have damaged cords repaired right away.
Worn cords can cause shock, short circuit or fire.
2. Pull the plastic housing of the electric plug to take it out of the wall socket; never
pull on the cord.
3. Do not overload electric outlets with too many items plugged in at once.
4. Water and electricity do not mix. Do not operate electric appliances such as radios
or hair dryers near a bathtub or sink full of water.
5. Never stick your fingers, toys or anything except electric plugs into electric

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6. Unplug any appliance that emits sparks or that does not work properly.

7. Always unplug an appliance before cleaning or repairing it.

8. Always unplug the toaster or other appliance when removing a piece of stuck food.

9. Remember that a turned-off appliance is still connected to electricity until it is


10. Limit use of extension cords. Make sure the cord is the appropriate size for use.
Some appliances or equipment require heavy-duty cords.

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Safety signs and symbols used in industries
● The safe working procedure includes safety precautions during the execution of work
and the site shall be kept safe even after working hours are over.
● The instructions in simple form play a crucial role in such cases.But the time required
to go through text material is more.During emergency, the time required to react is
very less so safety signs play a very important role.
● The requirement of safety signs are as below:
➢ It should be illustrative i.e. the person must understand its meaning easily.
➢ It should convey the instruction easily.
➢ It should be pictographically so that it is easily understood by all persons.
➢ Sometimes text is to be used. The text used should be easy to read and
understand.Preferably it should be in local languages.
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Colour codes play an important role in conveying a message regarding safety.Each
safety colour has a specific meaning. The colour of the sign specifies the nature of the

➢ Red signs are prohibitive.

➢ Blue signs are mandatory.
➢ Yellow signs are warnings.
➢ Green is used for safe condition and first-aid signs.

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Recognize the Different Types of Safety Signs
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)and American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) have established three primary severity classifications for
safety signs. They are danger signs, warning signs, and caution signs; each relates
directly to the severity of hazards present (or potentially present).

● Danger: Danger signs signal the most serious hazards, where special precautions
must be taken. The “DANGER” signal word is printed in white letters on a red
background and is preceded by the safety alert symbol, which looks like an
exclamation point inside a triangle. This type of sign indicates that death or
serious injury is almost certain to occur if the hazard is not avoided.

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● Warning: This sign describes a hazard that may result in death or serious injury,
but where the overall risk is not severe enough to need a danger sign. A safety
alert symbol precedes the “WARNING” signal word, which is printed in black on
an orange background.
● Caution: The hazards described on a caution sign may result in minor or
moderate injuries if not avoided. These typically caution against unsafe practices.
On caution signs, the “CAUTION” signal word is printed in black on a yellow
background header and is preceded by the safety alert symbol

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Know the Different Types of Safety Signage
Safety signs and labels should be posted whenever hazards may be present throughout
a facility. Yet other types of signs can help employees stay safe and productive
without pointing out specific hazards. They include:

● Notice: Use notice signs to deliver information about a machine, building, area,
or equipment. These signs outline procedures, maintenance information,
instructions, rules, and directions unrelated to personal injuries.
● General safety signs: These offer broad safety-related messages, typically
relating to health, medical equipment, sanitation, first aid, housekeeping, and
suggested general safety measures.

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● Admittance: Admittance signs alert and explain the dangers and consequences
associated with entering a restricted area.
● Fire safety: Fire safety signs point out emergency firefighting equipment and fire
● Non-hazard signs: These communicate general safety facility information, such
as wayfinding directions procedures, usually through simple text and clear
symbols. These should be never be used to communicate hazards, risks, or
dangers; they are not technically safety signs but nevertheless promote a safer

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Learn Where to Place Safety Signs
“Shall be used as a means to prevent accidental injury or illness to employees who are
exposed to hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions, equipment or operations
which are out of the ordinary, unexpected or not readily apparent. Tags shall be used
until such time as the identified hazard is eliminated or the hazardous operation is

● Danger signs must be placed where a hazard poses an immediate danger and special
precautions must be taken.
● Caution signs must be posted to warn of potential hazards; they may also be used to
caution against unsafe practices.
● Safety instruction signs should be used wherever general instructions and safety
suggestions can help workers perform their tasks in a safe manner.
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Safety symbols


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