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Lesson objectives:
At the end of this Chapter, you should be able to:
Define global health;
Explain the relationship of globalization as it impacts health of
the individual, the family, and the community;
Enumerate the social determinants of health in the Philippines;
Identify the sustainable development goals related to health
What is Global Health?
Global health is a dynamic term which is still evolving with
the changing world.
Pertains to an area for study, research, and practice that
places priority on improving health and achieving health
equity for all people worldwide.
Global health emphasizes in all strategies for health
improvement, whether population-wide or individually
based health care actions, and across all sectors.
Global health is better understood by
integrating the following Key concepts
Collaboration (or collective)
Highlight the critical role of collaboration in addressing all health
issues and especially global issue having multiple determinants and a
wide range of institutions involved in obtaining solutions.
Transnational (or cross-national)
Pertains to the issue transcending national boundaries despite the
effect of global health issues being experienced within countries.
Refers to the importance of developing the evidence-based
policies which are multidisciplinary focusing on the effects of
transactional determinants of health.
Focuses on the importance of utilizing evidence-based
information as basis to improve the quality of health and health
equity in all countries.
Promoting(or improving)
Pertains to the importance of using a full range of public health
and health promotion strategies in improving health.
Globalization has been regarded as a social, cultural,
and economic phenomenon wherein it primarily
involves the evolution of common understanding of
ideas, languages, foods and popular cultures. Such
intensification of global interconnectedness has
significantly revolutionized our lifestyles in the
Brought further developmental, sociocultural,
political, and public health improvements.
Technological developments provided much
international health knowledge and is influential in
dissemination health news and information.
Integral to academic and commercial research and
development in health.
Undermines local economies and culture, replacing
them with "imported" or foreign elements in culture
and society.
 "digital divide" among nations where monitoring
and censoring to parts of the web and mobile phone
networks still persist.
Spread of contagious and infectious diseases.
Positive developments in the healthcare of Filipinos:
Health insurance covers 92% of the population.
Maternal and child health services have improved.
Access to and provision of preventive, diagnostic, and
treatment services for communicable and infectious disease
have improved.
several initiatives to reduce illness and death due to non-
communicable diseases have improved
This refers to the conditions in which people are born,
grow, live, work and age.
Shaped by the distribution of money, power, and
resources at global, national and local levels.
Are mostly responsible for health inequities.

World leaders committed to achieve the Sustainable

Development Goals(SDGs) by 2030 in an effort to
end poverty , protect the planet , and ensure
prosperity for all. SDG 3 covers the unfinished
Millennium Development Goal (MDG) agenda and
renew challenges such as Non-communicable
Diseases (NCDs), health security, tobacco, and
“ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”

1. to reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than
70 per 100 00 live births;
2. to end preventable deaths of new born and children
under five years age,
3. to decease spread communicable diseases such as AIDS,
tuberculosis, malaria, and neglected tropical diseases and
combat hepatitis,
4. to decrease by a third the premature mortality or
deaths through prevention of non- communicable
disease; further the promotion of mental health and well-
being and reinforcing the prevention and management
of substance abuse. e.g. drug abuse and harmful use of
6. to decrease by 50 percent the number of global
deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents;
7. to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive
healthcare services, particularly family planning,
information, and education; and
8. to attain universal health coverage(UHC),specifically,
financial risk protection, access to quality essential
healthcare services including safe, effective, quality and
affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all
individuals, and safety for individual exposed to
hazardous chemical air, water, and soil pollution and
To address the SDG 3 in the Philippines, the Universal Health
Care Act (UHC) or “Kalusugan Pangkalahatan” was enacted
into a law, Republic Act 11223 on February 20, 2019.
This law institute UHC for all Filipinos and prescribes reforms
in the Philippine Health Care System and the funds relating
to the implementation health care in the country.
This law ensures that all Filipinos and their
communities is given the necessary quality services
which are free from health threats and financial
This is to be measured by the country’s health service
coverage and financial protection.
Lesson Objectives
After this lesson, you should be able to:
Recall the different definitions of sustainable
Examine the various challenges to sustainable
development; and
Articulate links between sustainable development and
globalization .
Definitions, Principles, and Approaches to
Sustainable Development

In 1987, the term sustainable development was first coined

during the World Commission on Environment and
Development (WCED).
It was defined as the “development that can meet the needs
of the present generation without compromising the ability
of the future generations to meet their own needs”. It was
borne put of the recognition that the economic and social
needs should be balanced with the capacity of the
environment to provide.
Being multi-dimensional approach to development, different
organizations have interpreted the sustainable development
concept in various ways. For instance:

World Bank wrote, “sustainable development means

considering the costs and benefits of developmental and
environmental policies. It's also signifies focusing on
meticulous economic analysis in order to reinforce
environmental protection.”
IUCN, WWF, ENEP expressed that, “sustainable
development is about the conservation of ecological
processes, the safeguarding of genetic diversity, and the
balanced you utilization of species and ecosystems.”

Edward Barbier said that, “stainable economic development

is about improving the poor people's standard of living, in
terms of enhanced food source, increased real income,
education, health services, water supply, and sanitation. It is
only in directly concerned with cumulative economic
growth. “
The UK government establishes the five principle approach
to sustainable development:
Leaving Within Environmental Limits
◦ Respecting the limits of the planets environment, resources and
by a diversity - to improve our invalid and ensure that the natural
resources needed for life are unimpaired and remain so for future
Ensuring is Strong, Healthy and Just Society
◦ Meeting the diverse needs of all people in existing the future
communities, promoting personal will be in, social cohesion and
inclusion, and creating equal opportunity for all.
Achieving a, Sustainable Economy
◦ Building is strong, stable and sustainable economy which provides
prosperity and opportunities for all, and in which environmental and
social costs fall on those who impose them (polluter pays), and
deficient resource use is incentivized.
Promoting Good Governance
◦ Actively promoting effective participating systems of governments in
all levels of society - engaging people's creativity, energy, and
Using Sound Science Responsibility
◦ Ensuring policy is developed and implemented the basis of strong
scientific evidence, whilst taking into account scientific uncertainty
(the precautionary principle) as well as public attitudes and values.
In 2015, UN and member states adopted adopted the 17
Sustainable Development goals to address poverty,
inequalities, and climate change by the year 2030.
The 17 goals are the following:
GOAL 1: No Poverty
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 4: Quality education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 10:
GOAL 11:
GOAL 12:
GOAL 13:
GOAL 14:
GOAL 15:
GOAL 14:
GOAL 14:
GOAL 14:
Those goals are the embodiment of pursuing development that encompass economic
prosperity, social well-being, and environmental integrity.

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