Module 11

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Activity # 12. TRUE OR FALSE: Read and understand
the statements very carefully. Write TRUE if the
statement is true and FALSE if it is incorrect.
_________1. Communication leads to certain effect.
_________2. People communicate only through words.
_________3. Communication involves a sender sending a message and to
a receiver.
_________4. Children learn the social values of society like love of
country through
communication processes that take place in their families.
_________5. When messages are sent to large audiences by an
institution, mass
communication usually involves standardized content.
Appropriate Settings and
Situations in Undertaking
1. Identify the settings in which communicators
are found
2. Illustrate the different processes and methods
involved in undertaking communication
3. Distinguish the appropriate communication
media channel(s) to use in different settings and
“The most basic and powerful
way to connect to another
person is to listen. Just listen.
Perhaps the most important
thing we ever give each other is
our attention…. A loving silence
often has far more power to heal
and to connect than the most
well-intentioned words.”
― Rachel Naomi Remen
Communication Setting
1. Government
2. Civil Society
3. Private Sector
4. School
5. Community
1. Communication in Government
A. Types of Government Communication
1. Government-wide communication. Communication occurs in all structured
communication where its purpose is for presenting government activities like
to explain decisions, and present actions.
2. Communication relating to benefits. Communication occurs to ensure
beneficiaries are receive by the people to avail services.
3. Involving Institutional Communication. Communication to enhance the
visibility and influence of an organization. This type of communication is to
clarify the values to be conveyed and incorporating these values in all
communication activities and implementing the appropriate procedures.
2. Communication in Civil

Communication done by a
organizations (NGOs) is an
example of this setting.
Different advocacies like
Greenpeace, animal rights,
environmental protection
are examples of these.
3. Communication in
Private Sector

Communication in any
business industries where
information, persuasion and
mobilization are the primary
needs of the private sector.
4. Other Settings
a. Schools - communication for instruction and socialization
to inform stakeholders like parents, faculty and students.
b. Communities are organized in varying degrees of
structure and using different systems.
c. Online communication- done in social networking sites
like fb, twitter, etc.
A wide variety of communication tools are used for external and internal communication. These tools

1. Print Materials - Newspapers, reports, books, posters, brochures, etc.

2. Non-print materials - Videos, TV shows, radios, presentations

3. Technologies- cellphones, telephones, tablets, computers and laptop

B. Tools of
4. Online Tools- Social Media, electronic mails
1. Vertical Communication- refers to sending or receiving messages
between levels of hierarchy or order whether upward or downward.

2. Horizontal Communication- refers to sending or receiving

messages within the same levels of hierarchy.

3. Downward Communication - is used to send messages from lower

a higher rank to a lower rank.
C. Process of
• Encoding is putting ideas or information into symbols.

• Decoding is transforming message back into thoughts.

• Message is the information source.

D. Terms in the • Receiver is the one who receives the information.

Communication • Sender is the person who share the information.

• Response is the receiver’s reaction to the message.

• Feedback is the receiver’s reaction that is given back to the sender.

• Noise is the unplanned interference.

Why do you think it
is very important to
know the settings in
Activity # 13: Directions: MARK (/) on the space
provided before the number if the
statement is true and MARK (X) if it is false.
1. A responsible and responsive government provides its citizens with timely,
accurate, clear, and complete information about its programs, services, and
2. Civil society refers to organizations that advocate environmental protection,
animal rights, peace and health.
3. Private sector refers to business and industries run by individuals and
companies rather than by the government.
4 Communication process can be horizontal, vertical or downward.
5. Decoding is the process of putting information into symbolic form.
Written Work # 4:
Answer the activity in module 11.
Write your answer in a long bond
Use the prescribed format.

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