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“Todetermine the wavelength of

monochromatic light source with
the help of Newton’s fringes and
to study variation of diameter with
energy with the help of graph.”
AIM:- To determine the wavelength of
monochromatic light source with the help of
Newton’s fringes and to study variation of
diameter with energy with the help of graph.

APPARATUS REQUIRED :- Monochromatic light

source (sodium light), Plano convex lens, Flat
glass plate, Convex lens , Travelling microscope
(i) Wavelength of light source.
λ = D2(n+p) – D2n /4PR
Where :- D2n+p = Diameter of (n+p)th bright ring.
Dn = Diameter of nth bright ring.
R = Radius of curvature of plano convex l
P = Difference no. of bright ring.
(ii) Energy of light source.
E = 4PRhc/D2(n+p) – D2n
Where, D2n+p = Diameter of (n+p)th bright ring.
Dn = Diameter on nth bright ring.
R = Radius of curvature of plano
convex lens.
h = Plank’s constant (6.64 x 10-34 JS)
c = speed of light(3x108 M/S)
THEORY :- When a parallel beam of monochromatic
light is incident normally on a combination light is
incident normally on a combination of plano convex
lens L and glass plate G as shown in fig(1) a part of
each incident ray is for a normal incidence of
monochromatic light.
path difference = 2µt+λ/2
for air µ = 1
then path difference = 2t+λ/2
for dark fringe,
2t = nλ
Let Dn be the diameter of nth ring and rn be the
radius of nth ring.
Then, rn2 = nλR
R is the radius of curvature of plano convex lens.
Dn2 /4 = nλR
(Dn)2 = 4nλR ..………………..(i)
Diameter of (n+p)th ring will be
(D(n+p))2 = 4(n+p)λR ……………(ii)
substracting(ii) from (i)
(D(n+p))2 - (Dn)2 = 4PλR
Energy (E) ἀ 1/λ
E = (hxc)/λ
Where , h is planks constant ()
c is speed of light ()
E = (4PRxhc)/ (D(n+p))2 – (Dn2)

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