The Three of Us Comprehension

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The Three of Us.


Learning Objectives
Tuesday 14th April 2015

Exercise constructing multisyllabic words.

Recognise layers of meaning in the writer’s
choice of words.
Make predictions showing an understanding of
ideas, events and characters
Use syntax and context when reading for
What is inference?
What is inference?

Why doesn’t Mrs Neddleson want to go to work today?

Answer the following questions in your book.

1. What time of year is it?

2. Why has the dog been tied up outside?
Answer the following questions in your book.

1. What type of shoes has this person

been wearing?
2. Where are they now?
3. Did they cut their toe on some glass?
Answer the following questions in your book.

Finish the sentence…

1. The vase broke because …

Answer the following questions in your book.

1. What did Mr. Driscoll slip on?

2. Did he have any injuries?
Answer the following questions in your book.

1. In which town is this school?

2. Through which gate will the
children come through?
3. Where do parents wait for the
4. How many days a week does the
crossing warden usually work?
5. Which shop is closest to gate B?
6. Where could the pupils buy
7. Where could children play near
the school?
8. Where is the nearest hospital
likely to be? Extension: Ask for an extension sheet.
Task 1 – in your book, Dot and Dash the following words.

some’ where weight knew

quite shoul’ der con’ ver’ sa’ tion
Task 2 – Write the root words to from the following words
Snapped laughed muttered wobbly
happened watched
Task 3 – Complete word search on spelling activities sheet.

Challenge: Use a thesaurus to find alternative words for

upset and bully.
Which way do you prefer the toilet roll?

Should every one like the same foods?

Should every one speak the same?

Should we respect other peoples opinions?

Big Question - Discuss

How do our opinions about

people change?
Story Introduction.

The story is about a new boy, Matthew, starting school.

The narrator is a boy called Kieran who has to look after
the new boy. He doesn’t want to at first because he wants
to play with his other friends and he resents having to be
the new boys friend.
How would you feel if you had to be
friends with someone new, someone
Do you think it is hard to start a new
school? Why?
How would you feel if you had to move to
a new school?
Story Prediction.

What clues do you get from this picture? What is this boy like?

Make a prediction to what you think will happen in our story.

Write three sentences to show what might happen in the story.
Vocabulary Check

What do these words mean?

Determined strong minded, sure

Chirrup a small noise
Fleece a type of jumper
Settle in to learn what to do and where things
are in a new place.
Blub ……

Matthew starts a new school, Kieran has been asked to

look after him until he settles in. However Kieran isn’t
happy with this he wants to play with his friends, until
Mandy gets stuck…

Does the introduction of Mandy, go along with your


Who is Mandy?
Where does she get stuck?
Read in Table groups.

Read a numbered paragraph each in

your table group.

Teacher reads to class.

Read with a partner.

Questions to talk about. ( Group 1)

Find it Prove it
Paragraph 1 –

• PI – What does Kieran mean when he says “we didn’t need

anyone else”?

Paragraph 2 –

• FI – Why does the new boy look different?

• PI – Why does Miss Kemp look around the class?
• Do you think she needed to?
Questions to talk about. (group 2)

Paragraph 4
Find it Prove it

• PI – How does Josh feel towards Mathew?


Paragraph 6

• P I – Why was Mr Graham unhappy?

• PI – Why did Miss Kemp snap at Matthew?

Paragraph 8

• PI – How does Matthew get Mandy to come down?

Questions to talk about.(Group 3)

Find it Prove it

Paragraph 9

• FI Why does Josh look at his feet when he is talking to


Paragraph 10

• PI – Who plays football at the end?

• PI - How did Kieran’s attitude change towards Matthew
after the rescue of Mandy?
Class discussion

Why do you think the story is called “The Three of


Do you think Matthew, Kieran and Josh would have

been friends if Matthew hadn’t saved Mandy?
Questions to write about.

Answer the questions on your

sheet and glue them into your
Remember 1 line of glue

Task 2 – Complete silly sentences

Task 3 – Backwards Words
Task 4 – Alphabetical order

Spelling - Hangman Goal.notebook

Sentence Build.

Josh watched Kieran.

How can we strengthen this
What is the verb? Can we
change it?
Can we add any adverbs?
(these are words that describe how the verb is done.)
Sentence build

Josh watched Kieran.

Could we change any
Could we change the word
We should now have something similar to

Josh silently observed Kieran.

Furiously, Josh examined Kieran’s
Rebuild this sentence..

The cat was frightened.

Timidly, the young cat shivered

as she was afraid.
Character Description
The Three of Us\writing_character_description.pp

Write a character description for Kieran.

What do you know, what can you infer?
Useful phrases for writing your character description.
·Kieran is a school boy ……
·Kieran is described as …
·The author makes us believe that Kieran is …
·The author creates mystery by …
·The author gives us clues to show how Kieran is feeling by …
·Kieran’s actions show that he is..
·Kieran’s clothes suggest that …
·The author uses the simile” “ to emphasise …
Success Criteria
Spelling, full stops, capital letters Adverbs Ambitious vocabulary
Adjectives Paragraphs Different sentence openers

Similes Complex sentences Metaphors

Compound sentences (connectives) Commas Negative Description
Edit the quotation.

Find 6 errors.

This is a private conversashon,

Matthew! snaped Miss Kemp.
But Mr graham was speeking
Writing Deconstruction.

This is the beginning of the story

rewritten with Matthew as the
How is it different to your
Writing Deconstruction.

Who do you think “she” is?



Writing Deconstruction.

How does the opening sentence grab your attention?

“Why has she

made me
“Why has
made me

“Why has she

made me
Writing Deconstruction.

Underline any words or phrases that

help you to understand how Matthew
“I knew “I just
I’d hate longed to
it.” be

breathed “embarrassing
deeply to and
stop any humiliating.”

PEEZ Paragraph

How do the events in Matthew’s story match those in

“The Three of Us”? How has the writer added in
Matthews feelings?
The events in Matthews story show how ….
This is seen when “ “
This makes the reader understand……………..because
The word ‘ _____ ‘ tells me that ……………

Furthermore, when Matthew is wearing the wrong

jumper, “ “ The author uses a simile to express the
feeling of the class. However, in Matthew’s story we
see that …………….
PEEZ Paragraph
How do the events in Matthew’s story match those in “The Three of
Us”? How has the writer added in Matthews feelings?

The events in Matthews story show how ….

This is seen when “ “
This makes the reader understand……………..because
The word ‘ _____ ‘ tells me that ……………

Furthermore, when Matthew is wearing the wrong jumper, “ “ The author

uses a simile to express the feeling of the class. However, in Matthew’s story
we see that …………….
Success Criteria

Spelling Explanation Detailed explanation

Full stops punctuation for quote Detailed zoom
Capital letters Zoom Linked to the point
Point (red) 2 extra points 3 extra points
Quote (green)
1 extra point
Spelling Test.

Peer Assess.

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