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Chapter 1: Introduction

Outline of the chapter:

1.1 Definition of Maintenance

1.2 Importance of Maintenance (why do use)
1.3 Where should Maintenance to Practice
1.4 Terms used engineering maintenance
1.5 Objectives of Maintenance
1.6 Types of Maintenance
1.1. Definition of Maintenance
 It is the combination of all technical and administrative
actions, including supervision actions.
 It is intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in
which it can perform a required function.
 All actions necessary for retaining an item, or restoring to
it, a serviceable condition, include servicing,
 Repair,
 Modification,
 Overhaul,
 Inspection and
 condition verification
1.2 Importance of Maintenance (why do use)

 To have organized working system

 To schedule on Idle workers and facility
 To overcome losses due to breakdown
 To maximize performance of the equipment
 To identify where/when should failures prevent
 To Minimize production loss
 To increase reliability of the operating systems
 To maximize profitability of the company
1.3 Where should Maintenance to Practice
Maintenance in Service Maintenance in
Industry Manufacturing Industry

• Hospital • Electronic

• Restaurants • Automotive

• Transport companies • Petrochemicals

• Banks • Refinery

• Hotels and resorts • Furniture

• Shopping malls / retail • Ceramics

• Gas station • Food and beverages

1.4 Terms used engineering maintenance
 All actions appropriate for retaining an item/part/equipment in, or
restoring it to, a given condition.
Maintenance engineering
 The activity of equipment/item maintenance that develops concepts,
criteria, and technical requirements in conception and
acquisition/gaining phases to be used and maintained in a current
status during the operating phase to assure effective maintenance.
Preventive maintenance
 All actions carried out on a planned, periodic, and specific schedule
to keep an item/equipment in stated working condition through the
process of checking and reconditioning.
Corrective maintenance
 The unscheduled maintenance or repair to return items/equipment to
a defined state and carried out because maintenance persons or users
perceived deficiencies or failures.
Predictive maintenance
 The use of modern measurement and signal-processing methods to
accurately diagnose item/equipment condition during operation.
Maintenance concept
 A statement of the overall concept of the item/product specification
or policy that controls the type of maintenance action to be employed
for the item under consideration.
Maintenance plan
 A document that outlines the management and technical
procedure to be employed to maintain an item; usually describes
facilities, tools, schedules, and resources.
 The probability that an item will perform its stated function
satisfactorily for the desired period when used per the specified
 The probability that a failed item will be restored to adequately
working condition.
Active repair time
 The component of downtime when repair persons are active to
effect a repair.
Mean time to repair (MTTR)
 A figure of merit depending on item maintainability equal to the
mean item repair time.
 In the case of exponentially distributed times to repair, MTTR is the
reciprocal of the repair rate.
 A comprehensive/complete inspection and restoration of an item
or a piece of equipment to an acceptable level at a durability time or
usage limit.
 The degree to which an item, function, or process satisfies
requirements of customer and user.
Maintenance person
 An individual who conducts preventive maintenance and responds
to a user’s service call to a repair facility, and performs corrective
maintenance on an item.

 The qualitative observation of an item’s performance or condition.
1.5 Problems in Maintenance

• Lack of management attention to maintenance

• Little participation by accounting in analyzing and reporting costs
• Difficulties in applying quantitative analysis
• Difficulties in obtaining time and cost estimates for maintenance
• Difficulties in Measuring performance
Problems Exist Due To:

• Failure to develop written objectives and policy

• Inadequate budgetary control
• Inadequate control procedures for work order, service requests etc.
• Infrequent use of standards
• To control maintenance work
• Absence of cost reports to aid maintenance planning and control
Maintenance Costs
• Cost to replace or repair
• Losses of output
• Delayed shipment
• Scrap and rework
1.6 Objectives of Maintenance
 Keep the system operating at design standard at all times;
 Obtain the longest life and greatest use of the systems facilities by
providing timely repairs;
More over, Maintenance of machinery have the following objectives
 Reducing downtime.
 Improving spares stock control.
 Improving equipment efficiency and reducing scrap rate.
 Minimising energy usage.
 Optimising the useful life of equipment.
Objectives of Maintenance

M Reducing Breakdowns
Maximising Production
Reducing Downtime
Minimising Energy Usage N
Optimising Useful Life of E Improving Equipment Efficiency
Equipment N
Providing Budgetary Control N Improving Inventory Control

Optimising Resource Utilisation E Implementing Cost Reduction
Types of Maintenance 1.7
 Run to Failure Maintenance (RTF)
 Preventive Maintenance (PM)
 Corrective Maintenance (CM)
 Improvement Maintenance (IM)
 Predictive Maintenance (PdM)
 Reliability Centre Maintenance (RCM)
 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Types of Maintenance






Shutdown Maintenance


Run to Failure Maintenance (RTF)

 It is the oldest type of maintenance and it required that repair after the
occurrence of a failure

 To bring this machine to at least its minimum acceptable condition.

Types Of Run to Failure Maintenance (RTF)

1. Emergency maintenance:

 It is carried out as fast as possible in order to bring a failed machine to a

safe and operationally efficient condition.

2. Breakdown maintenance

 It is performed after the occurrence of an advanced considered failure for

which advanced provision has been made.
Run to Failure Maintenance (RTF)

Advantages of RTF Disadvantages of RTF

 Unpredictable failure of component  Unpredictable

in a system.  Inconsistent
 Priority of equipment failure is too  Costly.
 Inventory costs.
 Minimal planning

 Easy to understand
Types of maintenance tasks-RTF

Unplanned, and reactive maintenance is the only type of maintenance task used
for the run to failure maintenance strategy.

Appropriate applications for run to failure maintenance

It takes sense

 when the total cost of repairing equipment after breakdown is less than the
cost of performing other types of maintenance on the equipment beforehand.

Note: Run to failure would also be more appropriate for redundant, or non-
critical assets

i.e. when you have 40 trucks and 1 rock crusher in a mine, run to failure
maintenance might make sense for the trucks but not for the crusher.
Inappropriate applications for RTF maintenance

RTF unsuitable for applications

 where equipment failure creates a safety risk (oil pipes bursting)

 where equipment availability is necessary

Example a bakery where each hour of downtime costs many cost.

How to implement run to failure maintenance

This strategy can be adequately managed from memory.

 Other tools can also be used, including paper-based systems,

spreadsheets, CMMS and EAM systems.

 If an entire facility is working on a run to failure strategy

Example such as a small home office,

 Then CMMS and EAM systems will provide much more functionality
than required.
Preventive Maintenance (PM)

 It is a set of activities that are performed on plant equipment,

machinery, and systems before the occurrence of a failure

 That is, in order to protect them and to prevent or eliminate any

degradation in their operating conditions.

 The maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according

to prescribed criteria, and

 Intended to reduce the probability of failure or the degradation of

the functioning and the effects limited.
Advantages and Dis-Advantages Preventive Maintenance (PM)

Advantages Dis Advantages

More money upfront-
 Less risk factor
Over maintenance
 Follows a schedule More workers
 Longer equipment/building

 Less energy wasting

 Less disruptions
Element of Preventive Maintenance
There are seven major elements of preventive maintenance which a maintenance
engineer must be conversant with and these are listed below


 There is need to periodically test equipment or machine to determine whether

there is a need for servicing.


 It is recommended that equipment be periodically lubricated, cleaned and charged

to keep it in top working condition even without any suspicion for breakdown.


 This implies the detection and adjustment of any changes in the accuracy of the
parameters of the system under comparison to the established standard value.

 Periodically, equipment must be inspected to discover whether there is need

for servicing or not by comparing their electrical, mechanical and physical
states to the established standards.


 This refers to making necessary modification to any slip up slip down

components to ensure better performance.


 This involves making necessary changes to a device's indicated variable to

ensure better performance.


 Periodically, install items undergoing wear degradation to keep the specified

The Six Principles of Painless Preventive Maintenance

Principle 1: Clear Division of Responsibilities

Principle 2: Focus on Critical Assets First

Principle 3: Set Standards and Track Exceptions

Principle 4: Invite Your Vendors In

Principle 5: Don't Tie Your Field Teams to a Desk

Principle 6: Keep it Simple

Preventive Maintenance (PM)
Researchers subdivided preventive maintenance into different kinds
according to the nature of its activities:

Routine maintenance

 Maintenance activities that are repetitive and periodic in nature

Example such as lubrication, cleaning, and small adjustment.

Running maintenance

 Maintenance activities that are carried out while the machine or

equipment is running.

 It represent those activities that are performed before the actual

preventive maintenance activities take place.
Opportunity maintenance

 Maintenance activities that are performed on a machine when an

unplanned opportunity exists during the period of performing
planned maintenance activities to other machines or facilities.

Window maintenance

 which is a set of activities that are carried out when a machine or

equipment is not required for a definite period of time.

Shutdown preventive maintenance:

 which is a set of preventive maintenance activities that are carried out

when the production line is in total stoppage situation.
Corrective Maintenance (CM)

 In this type, actions such as repair, replacement, or restore will be

carried out after the occurrence of a failure in order to eliminate the
source of this failure or reduce the frequency of its occurrence.

Note : there are three type of corrective maintenance

1. Remedial maintenance

2. Deferred maintenance

3. Shutdown corrective maintenance

Type of Corrective Maintenance (CM)

1. Remedial maintenance

 It is a set of activities that performed to eliminate the source of failure

without interrupting the continuity of the production process.
2. Deferred maintenance

 It is set of corrective maintenance activities that are not immediately

initiated after the occurrence of a failure

 It is some what delayed in such a way that will not affect the
production process.
3. Shutdown corrective maintenance
 It is a set of corrective maintenance activities that are performed when
the production line is in total stoppage situation.
The main objectives of corrective maintenance
The way to perform corrective maintenance activities is by conducting
four important steps:

 Fault detection

 Fault isolation

 Fault elimination. and

 Verification of fault elimination.

Note: In the fault elimination step several actions could be taken such
as adjusting, aligning, calibrating, reworking, removing, replacing or
Corrective maintenance has several prerequisites in order to be carried
out effectively:

1. Accurate identification of incipient problems.

2. Effective planning which depends on the skills of the planners, and

the required labour skills, specific tools, parts and equipment.

3. Proper repair procedures.

4. Adequate time to repair.

5. Verification of repair.
Improvement Maintenance (IM)

It aims at reducing or eliminating entirely the need for maintenance.

This type of maintenance is subdivided into three types as follows:

1. Design-out maintenance

2. Engineering services

3. Shutdown improvement maintenance

1. Design-out maintenance

 It simplify maintenance tasks, or raise machine performance from the

maintenance point of view by redesigning those machines and facilities

2. Engineering services

which includes:

 Construction and construction modification,

 Removal and installation

 Rearrangement of facilities.

3. Shutdown improvement maintenance

 which is a set of improvement maintenance activities that are performed

while the production line is in a complete stoppage situation.
Predictive Maintenance (PDM)
 Predictive maintenance is a set of activities that detect changes in the
physical condition of equipment.

 It is classified into two kinds according to the methods of detecting

the signs of failure:
1. Condition-based predictive maintenance
2. Statistical-based predictive maintenance
1. Condition-based predictive maintenance

 It depends on continuous or periodic condition monitoring

equipment to detect the signs of failure.

2. Statistical-based predictive maintenance

 It depends on statistical data from the particular recording of the

stoppages of the in-plant items and components in order to develop
models for predicting failures.
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM)

 Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is a process to ensure that

systems continue to do what their users require in their present
operating context.
 To increase in cost effectiveness, reliability, machine uptime, and a
greater understanding of the level of risk that the organization is
Total productive maintenance (TPM)
 TPM also focuses on the total Participation of individuals from top
management to shop floor (lower employees).
 It focuses on keeping all equipment in top working condition to
avoid breakdowns and delays in manufacturing processes.
 It is a system of maintaining and improving the integrity of
production and quality systems.
 It compile with all the machines, equipment, processes, and
employees that add business value to an organization.
The Main objectives of TPM
 To increase the productivity of plant and equipment with a modest
investment in maintenance.
 To Enhance the volume of the production, employee morale and job
 To increase the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of plant
 OEE has three factors which are multiplied to give one measure
called Overall Equipment Effectiveness
 OEE=Performance x Availability x Quality
The Eight pillars of TPM

• Autonomous Maintenance

• Focused Improvement

• Planned Maintenance

• Quality management

• Early/equipment management

• Education and Training

• Safety Health Environment

• Administrative & office TPM

Basic steps for implementation of TPM
- Initial evaluation of TPM level,

- Introductory Education and Advertising (IEP) for TPM,

- Formation of TPM committee,

- Development of master plan for TPM implementation,

- Stage by stage training to the employees and stakeholders

- Implementation preparation process, and

- Establishing the TPM policies and goals and development of a road

map for TPM implementation.
Difficulty of Maintenance of Machinery

 The repair cost

 Environmental impact

 Safety and quality of a product or a service

Maintenance model

Corrective model
This is the most basic model, and includes,

 In addition to visual inspections and lubrication mentioned previously,

the arising breakdowns repair.

 It is applied, as we will see, to equipment's with the lowest level of

criticality, whose faults are not a problem, economically or technically.

 In this type of equipment is not profitable to devote more resources

and efforts.

 This model carries out a series of tests that will determine a

subsequent (consequent) action.

 If after testing that discovered an inconsistency, it will schedule an


 On the contrary, if everything is correct, it will not act on the


 This maintenance model is valid in equipment not to very used, or

 For equipment that despite being important in the production system

the probability of failure is low.


This model includes:

 It is a set of tasks it will perform no matter what is the condition of

the equipment.

 It will perform some measurements and tests to decide whether to

carry out other tasks of greater magnitude, and

 Finally, it will repair faults that arise.

Other examples:

The landing gear of an aircraft

The engine of an aircraft


 It is the most demanding and exhaustive model

 It is applied to that equipment that under no circumstances may

suffer a breakdown or malfunction.

 These are equipment's that required very high levels of availability,

above 90%.

 The reason for such high level of availability is generally high cost
in production due to a fault.

 With a demand so high, there is no time to stop the equipment if

the maintenance requires it (corrective, preventive, systematic).
Assignment (10%)

Maintenance Consideration

Maintainability tools
Chapter two: Damages of Machine Parts and
Determination of the State of Damage

Outline of the chapter:

 Fundamental Theories of Damages
 Typical Damages of Machine Parts
 Determination of the State of Damage
Fundamental Theories of Damages
Machines fail? for a variety of reasons.
 The term "machinery failure" or "malfunction" usually implies that the
machine has stopped functioning.
 This loss of usefulness is broken down into three main categories:
- Obsolescence,
- Surface degradation and Accidents.

Obsolescence :

 The process of becoming outdated or longer used.

Surface degradation:

 A decline to a lower condition, quality, or level.


It happens unexpectedly , and unintentionally in damage or injury

Basic Reason why fail Machinery
Failure of Mechanisms
Generally, Eight mechanisms lead to component failures in industrial machinery. Those are:

1. Abrasion:

 Due to scraping or wearing something away on the surface, etc.

2. Corrosion:

 Due to the process of corroding or being corroded.

3. Fatigue:

 Due to weakness (loss of strength) in materials caused by repeated variations of stress

4. Boundary lubrication:

 Liquid under conditions where the solid surfaces are so close together.

 Appreciable contact between opposing asperities is possible.

Failure of Mechanisms
5. Deposition:
 It is the process by which, in sub-freezing air, water vapor changes
directly to ice without first becoming a liquid.
6. Erosion:
 It Occurs upon the frictional rubbing of surfaces especially at high
7. Cavitation :
 The formation of an empty space within a solid object or body

8. Electrical discharge:
 it is release and transmission of electricity in an applied electric field
through a medium such as a gas.
Failure Mechanisms (Four principal mechanisms ):
Four wear mechanisms are commonly associated with the majority
of root causes that lead to component failures of industrial

1. Abrasion,

2. Corrosion,

3. Fatigue ,and

4. Boundary lubrication.
Abrasion Wear:
Abrasion involves:
 localized friction, which produces high-frequency stress waves:
 That propagate short distances through metals.
 Abrasive wear particles look like the cuttings
 It is often found on the shop floor under a lathe.
Corrosion Wear
Corrosion is characterized by:
 It is chemical reaction that is accelerated by temperature.
•It is Metal surfaces tends to be somewhat self-limiting
•It is because of metal oxide forms on surfaces to a finite depth.
•It is Oxide layers that is very soft and rub away easily.
•Rubbing exposes underlying metal and permits deeper penetration of
oxidation in the presence of oxidizing corrosive media.
Note: Corrosive wear is typically caused by moisture or another corrosive
Fatigue wear
• It is consequence of subsurface cracking
• which is caused by cumulative rolling contact loading of
rollers, races and pitch lines of gear teeth.
Boundary Lubrication (Adhesion)
It is a lubrication regime/system in which loads are transferred by metal-
to-metal contact.

For most machine designs, this is abnormal because preferred lubrication

methods provide a lubricant film between load-bearing surfaces.

Inadequate lubrication results in boundary lubrication due to one of four

- No lubricant,
- Low viscosity,
- Excessive loading or
- Slow speed (or a combination of these).
Four modes of Failure of Mechanisms

•These four modes are not as pervasive/universal as abrasion, corrosion, fatigue

and boundary wear, yet in particular applications,
-Material deposition
-Surface erosion
-Cavitation and
-Electrical discharge
Damage, its Causes and
 In the sense of rehabilitation, reintegration
 It is condition that is inherent or loss of functionality.
 Depletion/reduction required function from mechanical, physical, chemical,
biological and/or bio-chemical influences.
Wear reserve
 Reserve for the possible fulfillment of its function under defined conditions
 which a unit being reviewed inherently possesses on the basis of manufacture,
or as a result of damage elimination.
Main factors that cause damage of machinery
 Leakiness
 Flow Obstacles
 Positional Deviations
 Mechanical Wear
 Corrosion
 Deformation
 Cracks, shaft or Pipe Breaks, deform or Collapse
•It occurs when water obviously enters or leaves or when a test for leaks is not

Generally Leaks can occur in the following

-Pipe joints or component or structural joints;
-Pipes or pipe walling or shaft and die/hole;
-Connections to pipes;
Leakiness can leads to
-Cracks, fragments,
-Pipe breaks and collapse, and
-Further development of the damage.
Flow Obstacles:

• Flow obstacles are objects or materials lying in the cross section of

the shaft/pipe.
Typical flow obstacles often found in practice are:
 Hardened depositing;

 Incrustation (Accumulation);

 Projection flow obstacles;

 Root growth;
Positional deviation
•Positional deviation is understood to be the unplanned deviation
of sewers/drains and structures from a nominal position.
•Deviation of nominal position due to :
-Vertical direction (e.g. displacement);

-Horizontal direction
- Longitudinal direction

Note: Positional deviations are permitted only within the scope

of the tolerances.
Mechanical wear

•Wear is the continuing loss of material from the surface of a solid

body due to mechanical action,

Note: Contact and relative movement of a solid, fluid or gaseous

counter body.


Corrosion is understood as the reaction of a material with

its environment.

The extent of the corrosion manifestation depends

primarily on:

 The aggressiveness of the corrosion medium

 The available materials

 Unalloyed or low-alloy metallic materials for sewer


The allocation as a rigid or a flexible shafts or

pipe must always be seen in connection with the
stiffness of the machine parts.
It is measures to rectify local damages.
These repair processes include:
 Restoration;
 Injection processes;
 Sealing processes.

It is carried out for removing deposits within the scope of
regular maintenance.
Typical Damages of Machine Parts
Component failure / Failure modes
 Failure causes are defects in design, process, quality, or part

 which are the underlying cause of a failure or which initiate a

process which leads to failure.

 Where failure depends on the user of the product or process,

then human error must be considered.

The real root causes can in theory in most cases be traced
back to some kind of:

• Human error

• Design failure

• Operational errors

• Management failures

• Maintenance induced failures,

• Specification failures, etc.

Mechanical Hazards Occur at the moving parts in three basic areas require


The point of operation:

 That point where work is performed on the material, such as cutting, shaping,

boring, etc

Power transmission apparatus:

 All components of the mechanical system which transmit energy to the part of the

machine performing the work. include flywheels, pulleys, belts, etc

Other moving parts

 All parts of the machine which move while the machine is working.

Note: These can include reciprocating, rotating, and transverse moving parts
Basic types of hazardous mechanical motions that causes damages are:
 Rotating (including in-running nip points)
 Reciprocating
 Transversing
Motions: - Rotating motion can be dangerous; even smooth, slowly
rotating shafts can grip clothing, and through mere skin contact force
Actions Autonomous
 Cutting
 Punching
 Shearing
 Bending
Types of failure that causes Mechanical failure
Some types of Mechanical failure mechanisms are:
 Excessive deflection,  Thermal
 Buckling  Shock
 Ductile fracture  Wear
 Brittle fracture  stress
 Impact  corrosion
 Creep,  cracking, and
 relaxation,  various types of fatigue
Failure cause evolves from a description of symptoms and outcomes
(that is, effects) to a systematic and relatively abstract Model of:
•When, and
•Why the failure comes about (that is, causes).
Determination of the State of
Failure Scenario or state

A scenario is the complete:

Identified possible sequence and combination of events,

Failures (failure modes),

Conditions states, system states, and

Leading to an end (failure) system state.

The term failure scenario / mechanism refers to a rather
complete description, including:

• Preconditions under which failure occurs

• How the thing was being used

• Proximate and ultimate/final causes (if known)

• Any subsidiary or resulting failures that result.

A. More on Hazard Identification
 Five simple steps to identify safety hazards is as follows:

Step one: Identify potential hazards that could threaten the

safety of your employees, customers, passengers etc…

Step two: Rank the severity of hazards.

Step three: Identify current control measures.

Step four: Evaluate the effectiveness of each control measure.

Step five: Identify additional control measures.

B. Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis

 It is a method that is used to address a problem or non-conformance,

 In order to get to the “root cause” of the problem.

Traditional applications of Root Cause Analysis

 Resolution of customer complaints and returns

 Disposition of non-conforming material (Scrap and Repair) via the

Material Review process.

 Corrective action plans resulting from internal and customer audits.

Useful Tools for Determining Root Cause:

The “5 Whys” Model or Brainstorming

Fishbone Diagrams
Failure Modes Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Taproot Analysis
Pareto chart,
Scatter diagram,
Run chart,
Histogram, Control chart, Flowchart, Tree diagram,
Design of experiments.
1. “5 Whys” Model or Brainstorming

The “5 Whys”

1. Write down the problem and

describe it completely.
2. Ask why the problem occurs
and write down the answer.
3. If the answer you just
provided doesn't identify the root
cause of the problem that you
documented in step 1, ask why again
and write that answer down.
4. Return to step 3 until the team is in
agreement that the problem's root
cause has been identified.
5. This process may take fewer or
more than five whys.
“5 Why” Example
 You are operating a tug that is towing a Gulfstream IV.
 Suddenly, the tug becomes uncontrollable, which causes the tow hitch to
break and extensive damage to the aircraft nose gear results.

1.Why did the aircraft become damaged?

-Because the tow bar hit the aircraft.
2. Why did the tow bar hit the aircraft?
- Because the tow hitch broke.
3. Why did the tow hitch break?
- Because the tug was uncontrollable.
4. Why did the tug become uncontrollable?
- Because the aircraft was being pulled with a tug rated below 10K
draw bar pull.
5. Why was a tug with a rating that was below minimum being used?
- Because the tug operator was unaware of the guidance.
6. Why wasn’t the tug operator aware of the guidance?
- Because the tug operator was new and had not been trained on the
- Because the operator was unaware of the guidance.
7. Why hadn’t the employee been trained?
- Because there are no procedures for processing new employees

Brainstorming: It is a process in which a group quickly generates as many

ideas as it can on a particular problem and/or subject.

•It can help a group of people utilize its collective brainpower to generate many

ideas in a short period of time.

2. Fishbone Diagram:- A Useful Tool

Fishbone diagrams help to identify the “6Ms” (potential causes) that may
have contributed to the undesirable/unwanted condition or problem.
 Man (People)
 Machines
 Mother Nature (Environment)
 Methods
 Materials
 Measurements
Root Cause Analysis: Fishbone Diagram

1. Draw the diagram with the issue to be studied as the fish “head.”

Aircraft is
Root Cause Analysis: Fishbone Diagram

2. Label each “bone” of the fish.

Methods Machine Man

Aircraft is

Materials Mother Measures

Root Cause Analysis: Fishbone Diagram
3. Through brainstorming, identify factors in each category that could
affect the undesirable occurrence.

Methods Machine Man

Maintenance Behavior

Tow Bar

Aircraft is

Manuals Speed
Wind Gauge

Materials Mother Measures

Root Cause Analysis: Fishbone Diagram

4. Upon completion of the fishbone, analyze the results.

5. Then, list the items that were identified in priority order.
Note: This brainstorming technique, when properly applied, can be
helpful in determining a root cause to an undesirable condition or
Fishbone Method is:
Great brainstorming/thinking tool
Focuses on the cause, not the symptoms.
Identifies areas that may need further investigation.
Process can be enhanced/improved by adding “5 whys.”
Pareto chart, Scatter diagram, Run chart, Histogram, Control
chart, Flowchart, Tree diagram, Design of experiments.
!!!Thank you

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