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Anatomy and
Group 14
Members of The Group
Our group consists of 3 people including :

P1337420422119 Listya Winda Widyastuti

P1337420422120 Nur Khofifatussukriyah

P1337420422121 Shiva Nur Sativa

Table of contents

01 02 03
Definition Function Role
Explain the definition of Explain the function of the Explain the role of the
kidney kidneys kidneys in the urinary system

04 05
Anatomy Healthy Kidney
Explain the anatomy of the Explain how to maintain
kidney and the function of kidney health
each part
Explain the definition of
Kidney ?
• Vital organ in the human body
• Location : either side of the spine, below the ribcage,
towards the back
• The right kidney is typically slightly lower than te left one
• Shape : a bean-shaped structure
• Size : 4 – 5 inches long , 2 – 3 inches wide, and
approximately 1 inch thick (adult human)  can vary
slightly among indiviuals
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explain the function of the
The functions of the kidneys include :

01 04
Filtration and Excretion Erythropoiesis regulation

02 05
Fluid and Electrolyte Acid-Base
Balance Balance

Blood Pressure Regulationj
Overall. The kidneys are
essential for maintaning
homeostasis and ensuring the
proper functioning of the
body’s internal environment.
03 Role of The Kidneys in The Urinary System
In the urinary system, the • Secretion  certain
kidneys play a central role in substances are actively
the production & excretion secreted from bloodstream
of urine. Key function into urine
includes :
• Urine Formation 
• Filtration  filter blood filtrate becomes urine &
to remove waste waste products concentrate
products, escess ions, in the urine
• Storage & Excretion 
• Reabsorption  urine stored in the bladder
essential substance are until released
reabsorbed to maintain
proper balance
Explain the anatomy
of the kidney
The function of each part :

01 02
Renal Cortex  located in the outer Renal Medulla  located deeper
region of the kidneys. Function : within the kidney. Function : primaly
filtration of blood, reabsorption of responsible for the concentration of
essential substances, secretion of waste urine where urine is formed &
product, regulate water and electrolyte collected (in renal pyramids)
balance in the body (with renal
03 04 05
Renal Papilla  the tip of a Renal Pyramid  located Renal Columns  located
renal pyramid. Function : in renal medulla. Function : beetwen renal pyramids.
release urine into the minor produce and transport urine Function : to provide
calyx , contributing to the structural support to the
excretory function of urinary kidney and contain blood
system vessels & urinary tubes. Also
to maintaining the integrity
and organization of the
kidney’s internal architecture
Fibrous Capsule  serves as a
06 protective layer, encapsulating and
enclosing the kidney

Hilum  indented area on the concave

side. Function : as a gateaway for blood
07 vessels and the ureter

Renal Artery  function : carries

08 oxygenated blood from the heart to the
09 11
Renal Vein  carries Ureter  function :
deoxygenated blood 10 to transport urine, 12
(has been filtered by from renal pelvi to the
Renal Pelvis  Major Calyx 
kidney) away from bladder for temporary
funnel-shaped a cup-like structure that
the kidneys and back storage before being
structure in the collects urine from
to the heart excreted from the
kidney. Function : several renal papillae.
collects urine Function : serve as a
produced by the conduit, consolidating
kidney’s filtration urine from multiple
procces minor calyces
Minor Calyx  a cup-like structure that
collects urine from individual renal
papillae. Function : to gather urine
produced by the kidney’s filtration
processes and direct it towards the major
Explain how to maintain kidney
We can maintain the health of our
kidneys by :

• Stay hidrated
• Balanced diet
• Manage blood pressure
• Limit alcohol
• Quit smooking
• Control blood sugar
• Regular exercise
• Limit NSAIDs
• Regular Checkup

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