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Philippine Literature

during the
Contemporary Period
The flowering of Philippine literature in
the various languages continue especially
with the appearance of new publications
after the Martial Law years and the
resurgence of committed literature in the
1960s and the 1970s.
Filipino writers continue to write
poetry, short stories, novellas,
novels and essays whether these are
socially committed, gender/ethnic
related or are personal in intention
or not.
Poetry is a type of literature based
on the interplay of words and
rhythm. It often employs rhyme and
meter (a set of rules governing the
number and arrangement of
syllables in each line).
In poetry, words are strung
together to form sounds, images,
and ideas that might be too
complex or abstract to describe
Short story is a brief fictional
prose narrative that is shorter
than a novel and that usually
deals with only a few
A novel is a long prose narrative that
usually describes fictional characters and
events in the form of a sequential story. It
rests on the consensus that the novel is
today the longest genre of narrative
prose, followed by the novella, novelette
and the short story.
Did you know the word ‘essay’ is derived from
a Latin word ‘exagium’, which roughly
translates to presenting one’s case? So essays
are a short piece of writing representing one’s
side of the argument or one’s experiences,
stories, etc. Essays are very personalized. So let
us learn about types of essays, format, and tips
for essay-
DEADLINE: Next Week Wednesday ( Februay 26, 2024)
FORMAT: Short Bond Paper (PRINTED), Times New Roman 11
Don’t forget to cite your sources.

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