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Function in C++

User-Defined Function, Function Definition

• A function is a named, independent section of C++ code that
performs a specific task and optionally returns a value to the calling

• A function is named

• A function is independent.

• A function performs a specific task.

• A function can return a value to the calling program.

Types of Functions
1. Pre-Defined functions/Built-in functions/Library functions
• Functions which are already defined and comes with compiler package we
can directly use these function

2. User-Defined Function
• Functions which are defined by user to reduce the complexity of big programs
Why User-Defined Functions
1. Every program must have a main function to indicate where the program has to begin
its execution. While it is possible to code any program utilizing only main function. It
leads to a number of problems.
2. The program may become too large and complex and as a result the task of
debugging, testing, and maintaining becomes difficult.
3. If a program is divided into functional parts, then each part may be independently
coded and later combined into a single unit. These subprograms called ‘functions’ are
much easier to understand, debug and test.
4. The length of a source program can be reduced by using functions at appropriate
places. This factor is particularly critical with microcomputers where memory space is
5. It is easy to locate and isolate a faulty function for further investigations.
6. A function may be used by many other programs.
User-defined Functions

1. Function Declaration (Function Prototype)

2. Function Definition

3. Function Invocation (Function Call)

Function Definition
A function definition, also known as function implementation shall
include the following elements.
1. Function Name
2. Function Type
3. List of Parameters
4. Function Local Variable
5. Function Statements
6. A Return statement
Above elements are grouped into two parts, namely,
7. Function header (First three Elements)
8. Function Body (Second three Elements)
User-defined Function SYNTAX and
function_type function_name(parameter_list)
local variable declaration;
executable statement_1; float multi (float x, float y)
executable statement_2; {
float result;
return statement;
result = x * y;
return (result);

Function Invocation / Function Calling
• Declared Functions are not executed unless they are called.
• Function Calling Syntax

function_Name (Actual Parameters);

• Function Calling Example;

multi(2.5, 3.8);
Function Declaration
• It must be added to program just before the main function, if we call
that function before defining it

• It tells the compiler what type of value the function returns, numbers
and types of parameters, and order in which these parameters are

• There is no need for a prototype if the function is called after its

Function Declaration Syntax
Like variables, all functions in program must be declared, before they
are invoked, A function declaration (also known as function prototype)
consists of four parts.
The general format is:
Function_type function_name(parameter_list);

float multi (float x, float y);
Difference Between Function Prototyping
and Function Definition
S.No. Function prototype Function definition
1. It declares the function. It defines the function

2. It ends with a semicolon. It doesn’t end with a semicolon.

3. Declaration need not include Definition should include names for

parameters. the parameters.

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