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Passing Off of Trademark

In India
Welcome to this presentation on Passing Off of Trademark in India. Join us as we
explore the essentials of this legal concept and its implications for trademark
owners and users in India.

What is Passing Off [section 27(2)]

Passing is recognized as a common law tort which is used to protect and enforce
unregistered trademark in India.
Trademark Basics

1 Definition of Trademark
A trademark is a distinctive sign or
symbol that identifies and distinguishes
Importance of Trademarks 2 the goods or services of one company
Trademarks are crucial to protecting the from those of others [Section 2(1)(zb)]_.
value and reputation of a brand and its
products or services. They help avoid
confusion and misappropriation by Overview of Trademark Laws
competitors and guarantee quality to in India
The Indian legal system recognizes and
protects trademarks under the
Trademarks Act, 1999, and the common
law concept of passing off. The Act
provides for the registration, renewal,
and infringement of trademarks.
Elements of Passing Off
Definition of Passing Off Essential Elements of Passing Off
Passing off is a legal action that seeks to The plaintiff needs to establish: (1) the goodwill
prevent the misrepresentation of one's goods and reputation attached to their trademark; (2)
or services as those of another. It involves misrepresentation by the defendant; and (3)
proving deception, confusion or injury to the likelihood of confusion or deception amongst
goodwill of the plaintiff. buyers, leading to injury or damage to the
plaintiff's goodwill.

Case Studies Remedies for Passing Off (Section 135)

Several high-profile cases have dealt with Trademark owners have several civil remedies
passing off in India. Notable examples include available, such as injunctions, damages,
Bata vs Liberty Shoes, (bata form)and N. R. vs accounts of profits, and delivery up or
Whirlpool.(whirlpool TM used) destruction of infringing goods. Criminal
remedies include penalties and imprisonment
under the Trademark Act and Indian Penal
Code(Section 107 3y or fine).
Challenges in Proving Passing Off

Burden of Proof Evidence Requirements Counterarguments

The plaintiff bears the burden of Trademark owners need to The defendant may argue that
proving all elements of passing provide evidence of reputation, there is no likelihood of
off, including establishing the use, and confusion caused by confusion, or that they are using
existence and extent of goodwill, the defendant's conduct. This their own bona fide trademark
and demonstrating likelihood of can include consumer surveys, that is not similar to the
confusion. This can be difficult, advertising and sales figures, plaintiff's. Alternatively, they
especially for small businesses expert testimony, and cross- may challenge the plaintiff's
with limited reputation and examination. Proper rights to the trademark based on
resources. documentation and witnesses lack of distinctiveness, prior use,
are essential. or improper registration.
Recent Developments and Case Laws
1 Notable Passing Off Cases in India
Recent years have seen several significant judgments in passing off cases, such as the
Tata vs Amrin case on deceptive similarity, and the Horlicks vs Heinz ruling on
comparative advertising. These have clarified and expanded the scope of passing off
law in India.

2 Impact of Recent Judgments

Many of these rulings have emphasized the importance of consumer perception, the
need for distinctiveness, and the value of goodwill in trademark disputes. They have
also raised awareness of the legal tools available for preventing passing off, such as
interim injunctions and summary judgments.
Best Practices to Protect Trademarks
Trademark Monitoring and Brand Management
Registration Enforcement Techniques
Process Strategies
• Conduct a • Develop and maintain
comprehensive • Track and monitor the a consistent brand
trademark search and use of trademarks identity and message
clearance before online and offline • Create strong customer
• Investigate infringing
• applying
File timelyfor
and relationships and
activities and strategize
accurate applications loyalty through
enforcement efforts
with the appropriate marketing and
• Consider alternative
• authorities
Maintain and renew • engagement
Protect and promote
dispute resolution
registrations as methods, such as the reputation of the
necessary mediation or brand through quality
arbitration control and

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