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What is communication
What are the different types of
communication breakdown?
Communication breakdown

Think of at least 3 words

you think are related to
breakdown by referring to
the images and explain
why there is a breakdown
of communication and to
analyze how they are
Fundamentals of
Some barriers to effective communications with
corresponding solutions


Recognize these kinds

Emotional Barrier You are having a of emotions, and
hard day or you feel
politely ask the other
person to give you a
moment so you can
relax or calm yourself.
Some barriers to effective communications with
corresponding solutions


You are an ICT expert Jargon refers to the set of

Use of Jargon discussing a certain specialized vocabulary in a
platform to your certain field. To avoid
classmate who does not miscommunication breakdown
due to the lack of clarity,
know much about ICT.
adjust your language; use
layman‘s terms or simple
Some barriers to effective communications with
corresponding solutions


You were asked by your Develop self-confidence

teacher to perform an by joining organizations
Lack of impromptu speech but
where you can share and
you are hesitant develop your interests.
because you are shy. Look for opportunities in
your school or community
that will help you find your
strengths and improve
your abilities
Some barriers to effective communications with
corresponding solutions


You are having a video Recognize that noise is a

call with your friend common barrier. Make some
Noise when a song was adjustments by asking
played loudly. someone to minimize the
volume or by looking for a
quiet area where you can
resume the conversation.
Communication Breakdown or miscommunication

-a failure to exchange information, resulting

in a lack of communication
To become an effective communicator

-recognize these barriers that hinder the

communication process
7Cs of Effective Communication to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
(Professor Broom, Cutlip, and Center 2012)

1. Completeness

Complete communication is essential to the quality of the

communication process in general. Hence, communication should
include everything that the receiver needs to hear for him/her to
respond, react, or evaluate properly.
7Cs of Effective Communication to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
(Professor Broom, Cutlip, and Center 2012)

2. Conciseness

Conciseness does not mean keeping the message short, but

making it direct or straight to the point. Insignificant or redundant
information should be eliminated from the communication that
will be sent to the recipient.
7Cs of Effective Communication to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
(Professor Broom, Cutlip, and Center 2012)

3. Coherence

It is the use of transitional markers or cohesive devices in

delivering your message. This is to make your sentences
connected to one another.
7Cs of Effective Communication to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
(Professor Broom, Cutlip, and Center 2012)

4. Concreteness

Effective communication happens when the message is concrete

and supported by facts, figures, and real-life examples of
situations. In this case, the receiver is more connected to the
message conveyed.
7Cs of Effective Communication to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
(Professor Broom, Cutlip, and Center 2012)

5. Courtesy

The speaker shows courtesy in communication by respecting

the cultural values, and beliefs of his/her receivers. Being
courteous at all times creates a positive impact on the
7Cs of Effective Communication to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
(Professor Broom, Cutlip, and Center 2012)

6. Clearness

Clearness is communication implies the use of simple and

specific words to express ideas. It is also achieved when the
speaker focuses only on a single objective in his/her speech so
as not to confuse the audience.
7Cs of Effective Communication to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
(Professor Broom, Cutlip, and Center 2012)

7. Correctness

Correctness in grammar eliminates a negative impact on the

audience and increases the credibility and effectiveness of the
Dimensions of
(Communication breakdown or miscommunication can
lead to a total cessation of interaction. We see people
stop talking to each other because of communication
01. Formal/Informal Dimensions
Four pairs of
Dimensions 02. Oral/Written Dimensions

03. Intentional/Unintentional
04. Verbal/Non-verbal
Four pairs of Dimensions

Formal/Informal Dimensions

Formal is a term that usually means meticulous

observation of appropriateness in dress, setting, and
language, while the informal dimension is the opposite
casual approach.
Four pairs of Dimensions

Oral/Written Dimensions

Written Dimension refers to the expression thoughts and

ideas into a written transcription while Oral Dimension is
a term referring to verbal or spoken communication.
Four pairs of Dimensions
Intentional/Unintentional Dimensions

Intentional Dimension refers to the most basic type of

communication. Thoughts and ideas are expressed to serve its
purpose whether it is to influence, convince, or to deceive. On the
other hand, the Unintentional Dimension refers to the nonverbal
messages exhibited unconsciously by a person. Usually, these are
mannerisms, posture, emotional state, etc.
Four pairs of Dimensions
Verbal/Non-verbal Dimensions

The verbal dimension refers to the expression of thoughts

and ideas through articulation or auditory means while
Nonverbal Dimension refers to the use of visual cues,
gestures, or any type of communication that
conveys thoughts and ideas without speaking.
Various Strategies to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
❏ 5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by
Ronnie Peterson
❏ Some strategies to avoid communication
❏ 5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by
Ronnie Peterson
1. Have Clarity of thought before speaking
-Arrange your thoughts before verbalizing them
this can help you communicate much more clearly
and succinctly.
❏ 5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by Ronnie
2. Learn to Listen
-Not understanding those who you are trying to
communicate with will lead to a conversation
fraught with misunderstandings. Don’t be afraid to
ask them to repeat or explain further in polite
manner once you don’t understand the point.
❏ 5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by Ronnie
3. Take Care of your Body Language and Tone
-Keep your emotions in check, try to maintain
eye contact, and adopt a relaxed tone when
conversing with others.
❏ 5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by Ronnie
4. Build up your confidence by asking for feedback
and observing others
-Focus on improving your skills by practicing in
front of those who you may feel more comfortable
with. You can also ask those whose advice you
value to give you feedback and critique your
communication style after a discussion.
❏ 5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by Ronnie
5. Communicate Face to Face on the important
-Having that face to face dialogue means you
can convey your point more clearly, with your body
language as well as your tone of voice.
❏ Some strategies to avoid communication breakdown.

Keep Focused
-One way of being focused is to put in mind the
purpose communication. As a speaker identify your
purpose for speaking and as a listener find the
speaker’s purpose thru his/her verbal and non-
verbal cues.
❏ Some strategies to avoid communication breakdown.

Speak Intelligibly
-Speaking intelligibly or clearly means using the
appropriate speaking volume, pitch rate, proper
enunciation, stress, and acceptable pronunciation.
We speak in order to be understood.
❏ Some strategies to avoid communication breakdown.

Listen with your Ears and Eyes

-Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal
message. Effective communication depends on
what people say and how they say it.
❏ Some strategies to avoid communication breakdown.

Minimize Distractions
-Look for a place where you can minimize
distractions or noise like closed area, empty room,
or quiet places. Lessening the cause for confusion
means giving more room to focus and concentrate.
❏ Some strategies to avoid communication breakdown.

Be Specific
-Use simple and concise words as much as
possible in delivering a message. Being specific
means being particular and direct to the point.
❏ Some strategies to avoid communication breakdown.

Do not Jump to Conclusions

-Before you give your comments and judgment,
be sure that you have listened attentively to the
speaker. Conclusions should be drawn after a
thorough analysis of point given or information
Communication breakdown

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