Prac Variables

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Variable-are factors or characteristics that can be measured, manipulated or

controlled to study their effects on outcomes.
-is anything that has a quantity or quality that varies.
Types of Variables
a. Independent variables-These are the factors that researchers manipulate
or categorize to observe their impact on the dependent variable. They
are often denoted as X in research and represent the cause or predictor.
-identified as the presumed cause, pre-defined and manipulated by
the researcher.
b. Dependent variables- These are the outcomes or responses that
researchers measure to assess the effects of the independent variable.
-presumed as the effect and the ones that are observed
and measured.

Other types of variables:

a. Control variables-these variables are held constant or

controlled to eliminate their potential influence on the
relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
b. Extraneous variables-These are variables that can affect the
outcome but are not the main focus of the study.
c. Confounding variables-These are variables that interfere with
the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables, leading to erroneous conclusions.
d. Categorical variables- these are variables that represent
categories or groups , such as gender or marital status.
Examples of Dependent and Independent Variables:
1. Scientific Experiment
Independent variable: Amount of sunlight exposure
Dependent Variable: Plant growth.
2. Psychology Study
Independent Variable: Type of Therapy ex. Cognitive – behavioral
therapy, psychoanalysis
Dependent Variable: Reduction in anxiety levels
3. Economics Research
Independent Variable: Interest rates set by the Central Bank
Dependent Variables: Consumer spending Economists might examine
how changes in interest rates affect consumer spending patterns

Quantitative (Numerical) Qualitative (Categorical)

A. Discreet A. Nominal
B. Continuous B. Ordinal
C. Dichotomous
Quantitative Variables-also called numerical variables , are the type of
variables used in quantitative research because they are numeric and can be
- they are used to quantify and analyze phenomena in various
fields , including science, economics and social research.
Two Main Types of Quantitative Variables
a. Discrete Variables-are counted and can only take on specific, distinct
values .
- they often represent whole numbers or integers.
Ex. Number of students in a classroom
Number of cars in a parking lot
Number of items sold in a store
b. Continuous Variables- can take on any value within a range and can be
measured with a high degree of precision.
Ex. Measurement of the height, weight, temperature or
Two Levels of Numerical Data:
1. Interval- are quantitative variables where the interval or difference
between consecutive values are equal and meaningful but the
numbers are arbitrary.
Ex. Difference between 36 and 37 degrees ,100 and
IQ score
2. Ratio type of Data-is similar to interval, the only difference is the
presence of a true zero value. The zero point in this scale indicates
the absence of the quantity being measured. Ex. Age ,height, weight
and distance
Identify the Independent, Dependent and Extraneous variables.

1. Three groups of students were placed in in a classroom with controlled roomtemperatures

of 18 °C,20 °C and 25 °C. the main exam scores of students were then taken and compared
to the other groups.
Independent Variable_________________
Dependent Variable___________________
Extraneous Variable____________________
2. An online seller would like to know whether the indication of price on Facebook posts
will attract consumers more. He posted 50 products for sale on Facebook market,25 of
which he indicated the price, while the remaining 25 products did not have prices.
Buyers were then identified which products have greater sales.
Independent Variable________________
Dependent Variable _________________
Extraneous Variable__________________
1.“The Relationship Between Parental Income and Academic
Achievement in High School Students”
2.“The Effect of Temperature on Plant Growth Environments”
3.“Social Media Usage and Its influence on Self-Esteem
Among Adolescents”
4.“Employee Training Duration and Its Impact on Customer
satisfaction in Retail Stores”
5.“ The Role of Gender in the Perception of Leadership Styles
in the Workplace”

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