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Body Organs
Muscular System

1.1 Smooth Muscles

facilitate movement of food
nutrients for the entire body
Muscular System
1.1 Smooth Muscles
facilitate movement of food nutrients for
the entire body
involuntary muscles
-it cannot be controlled consciously, and
they keep moving all the time without rest.
1.2 Cardiac Muscles
cardiac muscle or myocardium (myo +
cardium = muscle + heart) are muscles
of the heart and function to pump
blood through the circulatory system.

Involuntary muscles
1.3 Skeletal Muscles
is the most abundant muscle
in the body and responsible for
all bodily movements.
-are cord made of tough fibers of
protein called collagen.

Skeletal muscles are voluntary

Voluntary Muscles
You can make these
muscles move when you
want them to move.
2. Skeletal
The general function of the skeletal
system is to:
• Produce red blood cells.
• Storage for minerals and salts.
• Provide attachment for muscles.
• Provide skeletal framework of the body.
• Protects the delicate organs of the body like
the brain, heart, lungs, liver, intestines, and
There are about
206 bones in the
Bone Marrow
•Produces Red Blood Cells
Two sections of the human skeleton:
•Axial skeleton -is composed of
the skull, vertebral column and
the thorax.
•Appendicular skeleton -
comprises the bones of the
arms, legs, pelvis, and shoulder.
2.1 Axial Skeleton Skull
consists of cranium and facial bones.
• Cranium -protects the brain.
• Facial bones -gives structure to the face.
• Vertebral column or spinal column -protects the
spinal cord and provide structural support to the
organs from the skull to the pelvis.
• Thorax or the rib cage -comprises the sternum and
ribs it protects the heart, and lungs.
2.2 Appendicular Skeleton
• allows the movement of arms, forearms, wrists,
hands and legs, like walking, running, jumping,
and swimming.
• Pelvic Bones-provides movement to the lower
body parts.
• Femur is the longest bone in the body.

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