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Thesis writers and dissertation writers are
advised to use either theoretical or a conceptual
framework. Though both of this framework give
transparent explanation about the relationships
of variables, it is necessary that an investigation
has a theoretical framework to properly
describe the relationships of variables.
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework shapes the justification of the
research problems in order to provide the legal basis for
defining their parameters. It is advisable for a researcher to
identify key concepts that are used in the study for better
comprehension of the role of theory in research. It is also a
symbolic construction which uses abstract concepts, facts or
laws, variables and their relations to explain and predict how
an observed phenomenon exists and operates. An
investigator is required to formulate existing theories which
link the study. Theories are useful device for interpreting,
enriching, and unifying established scientific laws or facts that
serve as guide in discovering new generalizations.
Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework presents specific and

well-defined concepts, which are called constructs. Its
function is similar to the theoretical framework
because the constraints used are derived from
abstract concepts of the theoretical framework.
Illusration 1 (Descriptive Research)
Level Independent Itervening Dependent
Variables Variables Variables
Theoretical Mathematics Values Achievements
Conceptual K to 12 Attitudes toward Above National Mean
Learners study habits, sex Within National Mean
Public Schools Age, Socioeconomic Above Regional Mean
Pivate Schools status Within Regional Mean
Below Regional Mean
Below Regional Mean
Illustration 2 (Experimental Research)
Level Independent Intervening Dependent
Variables Variables Variables
Theoretical Freshwater Ecological Survival Rate
Catfish Parameters Mean Weight
Conceptual Freshwater Oxygen, pH, 80%
Catfish Salinity, 70%
Fish Meal Temperature 2500 kg
Bread Meal 2000 kg
1500 kg
Assumptions are presumed as true statements of facts
related to the research problem. They are explicity stated to give
readers of research papers, theses, dissertations, or research
projects a foundation to form conclusions resulting from
Some investigators may state their assumptions outright,
but it is advisable that evidence or arguments in support of these
assumptions are presented first.
Not all studies have a section on assumptions in their study
because some of these are included in the background of the
Illustration 1 (Descriptive Research)

1. K to 12 learners with high scores in Mathematics have

high Mathematics achievements.
2. K to 12 learners with high scores in English have high
English achievements.
3. K to 12 learners with low scores in Mathematics have
low Mathematics achievements.
4. K to 12 learners with low scores in English have low
English achievements.
5. High Mathematics and English scores and high
achievements of K to 12 learners have high percentage
of passing National Achievement Test (NAT).
6. Low Mathematics and English scores and low
achievements of K to 12 learners have low percentage of
passing National Achievement Test (NAT).
Illustration 2 (Experimental Research)
1. Culturing freshwater catfish (C. batrachus) augments fish
production in the country.
2. Culturing freshwater catfish (C. batrachus) provides livelihood
projects to fisher folks in small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
3. Culturing freshwater catfish (C. batrachus) contributes to the
country's econamy.
4. Culturing freshwater catfish (C. batrachus) augments income,
alleviates poverty, and solve, unemployment problem of the
Significance of the Study

Significance of study in a research paper, thesis,

dissertation, or research project is a must. For a research
paper seeking for financial assistance from other agencies,
the significance of the study is discussed comprehensive to
convince the screening committee on the importance of the
The significance of the study is presented with either an
inductive or a deductive perspective. When using an
inductive perspective, the researcher discusses the
importance of the study from a particular to general.
He starts discussing the importance of the study from
target beneficiaries, to the researcher himself, to the
people in the locality, province, region, and nation.
When a deductive perspective is used, the
researcher presents the importance of the study
starting from the general to the particular-from the
national level down to the regional, provincial and
municipal levels, to the researcher, and to the target
The researcher should prove that the study has important
contributions in relation to: (a) solving the problem and need; (b)
bridge a knowledge gap; (c) improving social, economic, and
health conditions of the people; (d) enriching research
instruments, methods and strategies; and (e) supporting
government thrusts.
In a developing country, like the Philippines, researches
with return on investment (ROI) must be given priority. Likewise,
research for commercialization and not just for publication
should be given priority. The Significance of the Study should be
such that the research aims to help meet the country's
socioeconomic needs.
Scope and Limitations of the Study

Scope and Limitations of the Study is an important

section of a research paper, thesis, or dissertation. This
includes the coverage of the study, the subjects, the
research instrument or research apparatus and equipment,
the research iisues and concerns, the duration of the study,
and the constraints that have direct bearing on the results of
the study

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