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Chapter VII

Periodic Motions
A. Periodic Motion
B. Simple Harmonic Motion
C. Energy of The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
D. Simple Pendulum
A. Periodic Motion

The amplitude of the motion,

denoted by A, is the maximum
magnitude of displacement from
equilibrium-that is, the maximum
value of Ixl. It is always positive.
• A complete vibration, or cycle, is one complete round trip say,
from A to -A and back to A, or from 0 to A, back through 0 to -A,
and back to O.
• The period, T, is the time for one cycle. It is always positive. The
SI unit is the second, but it is sometimes expressed as "seconds
per cycle."
• The frequency, f, is the number of cycles in a unit of time. It is
always positive. The SI unit of frequency is the hertz.

1 hertz = I Hz = 1 cycle/s = 1 S-l

The angular frequency (rad/s), , is 2 times the frequency

(cycle/s):  = 2 f
The number 2 as having units rad/cycle.
B. Simple Harmonic Motion

The minus sign means the acceleration and displacemem always

have opposite signs.

= phase angle = the phase constant

(t + ) = Phase
The frequency and period depend only on the mass of the block
and on the force constant of the spring
C. Energy of The Simple Harmonic Oscillator

• The total mechanical energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is a

constant of the motion and is proportional to the square of the
• Note, that U is small when K is large, and vice versa, because
the sum must be constant.
D. Simple Pendulum

• The period and frequency of a simple pendulum depend only on
the length of the string and the acceleration due to gravity.
• Because the period is independent of the mass, we conclude
that all simple pendulums that are of equal length and are at the
same location (so that g is constant) oscillate with the same
R = - b v (where b is the damping coefficient)
R = retarding force

0 = natural frequency
Membuat Petunjuk Eksperimen
untuk Menentukan Gravitasi Bumi
di Suatu Tempat
Alat dan Bahan
Prosedur Eksperimen
Tabel Data
A 200-g block connected to a light spring for which
the force constant is 5.00 N/m is free to oscillate on a
frictionless, horizontal surface. The block is displaced
5.00 cm from equilibrium and released from rest.
(A) Find the period of its motion.
(B) Determine the maximum speed of the block
(C) What is the maximum acceleration of the block
(D) Express the position, velocity, and acceleration as
functions of time in SI units.
4. (a) Suatu pegas yang tergantung meregang sejauh 35,0 cm saat benda
bermassa 450 g digantung pada pegas tersebut. Dalam situasi ini, kita
mendefinisikan posisinya sebagai x=0. Benda ditarik ke bawah dan pegas
meregang lagi sejauh 18,0 cm. Kemudian benda dilepas sehingga berosilasi
tanpa gesekan. Di manakah posisi x setelah sistemnya berosilasi selama 84,4
detik kemudian? (b) Bagaimana jika? Pegas yang tergantung meregang
sejauh 35,5 cm saat benda bermassa 440 g digantung pada posisi pegas diam.
Kita definisikan posisi baru itu sebagai x=0. Benda ini juga ditarik ke bawah
sejauh 18,0 cm dan dilepaskan agar berosilasi tanpa gesekan. posisinya 84,4
detik kemudian. (c) Mengapa jawaban (a) dan (b) berbeda jauh walaupun
data-data yang digunakan begitu mirip? Apakah keadaan ini menunjukkan
perbedaan mendasar dalam memperkirakan masa depan? (d) Carilah jarak
yang ditempuh oleh benda yang bergetar dalam bagian (a). (e) Carilah jarak
yang ditempuh oleh benda dalam bagian (b)

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