Nature and Background of Outdoor Recreational

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Nature and

Background of
Outdoor Recreation
Learning Objectives

1. To define outdoor recreation and understand the reasons why people,

engage in outdoor recreation.
2. To recognize the benefits of engaging in outdoor recreation.
3. To recognize the significance of adhering to the “Leave No Trace
Seven Principles” while engaging in outdoor recreation
Outdoor recreation is organized activities
done during one’s free time for his/her own
personal reasons, where an interaction
between man and an element of nature is
Reasons why engage
outdoor recreation
• Personal satisfaction and enjoyment.
• To be in touch with nature, which they rarely have
the chance to do, especially for those who reside in
highly urbanized areas.
• Many do it for personal pursuit such as photography.
• Whatever reason there may be, people engage in
outdoor recreation for their own sake and pleasure,
voluntarily, and of their own choice.


Mountaineering Mountain Biking
Trekking/Hiking Orienteering
Camping Canyoneering
Backpacking Rock Climbing
Swimming Kayaking
Snorkeling Whitewater Rafting
Diving Sailing
Surfing Fishing
Canoeing Bamboo Rafting





Physical Benefits

 It allows people to move, whether

by walking, running, swimming,
biking, paddling, etc.
 Movements expend energy,
promote cardiovascular and
muscular fitness, and improve the
function of the immune system.

 Engaging in outdoor recreational activities

helps people to rest, relax, de-stress or
unwind, and feel revitalized.
 Being outdoors also improves self-esteem,
confidence, and creativity.
 Outdoor recreational activities contribute to
a person’s personal and spiritual growth.
Social Benefits

 Outdoor activities are ways for

families to become closer through
family-bonding activities.
 Spending time outdoors also
allows a person to meet and
interact with others who share the
same passion for outdoor
Economic Benefits
 People who have a relaxed body and
mind tend to be more productive at
work, translating into efficiency at the
 Ecotourism creates jobs and other
economic activities which can, one way
or another, contribute to economic
Spiritual Benefits

 Being one with nature brings certain

calmness within a person.
 Being one with nature strengthens an
individual as it heals, rejuvenates, and
soothes the body and soul.
Do You Need to Be Athletic to Be Able to
Participate in Outdoor Activities?
 No need to be physically fit. Outdoor recreation
involves a lot of physical activity, but it does not
require you to have athletic level of skills to be able
to participate.
 However, you need to be physically fit to be able to
carry out the activity.
Questions That Can Help Assess
Your Physical Fitness
Are you able to carry out your day-to-day tasks as a student with alertness
and vigor without undue fatigue?

If not, then perhaps you need to rethink.

 Have you been spending too much time with your gadgets?
 Has your body been getting enough rest and sleep?
 What about your nutrition and eating habits, have you been dependent on
fast food, chips, and sodas?
 Are you eating on time?
 Have you been heavily stressed with school/work?
The “Leave No Trace
Seven Principles”
Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare

 Before going to a place, check if your planned activity is permitted. Make sure to
know the rules, guidelines, and safety procedures they have set.
 Make sure you have the needed equipment for your activity and the skills needed to
undertake the activity.
 Plan how to cope in case emergency arises.
 Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing weather conditions.
 To minimize environmental impact and for safety reasons, keep group numbers
 Repack food to minimize waste.
 When trekking, maps and compass must be used to avoid markings or leaving of
marks on rocks and the like.
Principle 2: Travel and Camp on Durable
 Walk, run, bike, or camp on durable surfaces like established tracks, rocks,
gravel, and dry grasses.
 Avoid walking on soft surfaces like soft plants. You might be trampling on
a young tree or pasture and this will cause vegetation damage.
 Use existing trails or campsites; no need to build a new campsite that will
alter the environment.
 To avoid erosion, walk in single file in the middle of the trail.
 Avoid places where impacts are just beginning to show.
 When camping, keep the campsite small and discreet.
 Camp at least 200 feet from lakes and rivers to protect the waters.
Principle 3: Dispose of Waste Properly

 “Pack it in, pack it out” means everything you brought

should be brought back with you including left-over food
or fruit peel. Nothing should be left.
 When camping, cat holes are dug (6–8 inches deep) for
human waste and covered just the same with soil and
weeds or leaves on top.
Principle 4: Leave What You Find

 Examine archeological structures, old walls, and other

heritage artifacts but do not touch nor leave marks on them.
 Leave nature as you found them. Do not take any plant, rock,
or marine animal with you.
 Avoid introducing non-native plants and animals.
 Do not build structures or furniture or dig trenches.
Principle 5: Minimize Campfire Impacts

 Use lightweight stove for cooking; campfires can cause lasting

 If fires are permitted, use fire rings or mound fires that are already
 Keep fires small and use only sticks from the ground than can be
broken by hand.
 Never burn plastics or other substances that emit toxic fumes.
 Burn all wood to ash and make sure fires are completely out. Scatter
the cool ash.
Principle 6: Respect Wildlife

 Observe wild animals from a distance and they should be avoided during
sensitive times such as mating, nesting, or raising the young.
 Do not feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food. The food
might damage their health or alter their natural behaviors and even expose
them to predators.
 Protect wildlife and protect your food as well by storing and securing the
trash well.
 In case you decide to bring your pets along, make sure it is allowed and you
can control them. Otherwise, do not bring them with you.
Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other

 Respect people who live and work in the countryside.

 Respect other visitors and let them have a momentous experience as
 Allow the sound of nature to prevail, not your noise or your radio.
 Be courteous; yield to others on a trail.
 Camp away from trails and other visitors.
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs Improvement Inadequate (1)
Content (Written) Exceptional Solid understanding Adequate Limited Lack of
understanding and of the principles with understanding of understanding of understanding of
articulation of the a well-structured the principles, but the principles. Weak the principles.
seven principles of essay. Adequate the essay may lack organization and Incoherent structure
Leave No Trace. evidence and a organization or insufficient and minimal
Clear thesis, well- clear thesis. depth. Some supporting details. supporting details.
organized evidence is present.
paragraphs, and
effective use of
Creativity and Demonstrates a Shows creativity in Presents ideas in a Lacks creativity; the Absence of
Originality high level of presenting ideas conventional approach is creativity; relies
creativity and with some original manner with limited conventional and heavily on
originality in elements creativity. predictable. conventional
presenting ideas. approaches.
Grammar and Exceptional Few minor errors in Some noticeable Frequent errors in Numerous errors in
Mechanics grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, errors in grammar, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling,
and punctuation. or punctuation that spelling, or or punctuation that or punctuation,
Virtually error-free. do not detract from punctuation, but may hinder making the essay
understanding. they do not impede understanding. difficult to
understanding. understand.
Activity 1 Determining an outdoor Recreational
Football and soccer are activities done outdoors and on
grass. Are they outdoor recreational activities? Why or
why not? Defend your answer. It must be 20 sentences.
Activity 2 Choosing an Outdoor Recreational Activity
Given a chance, what outdoor activity would you like to
try? Why? Where? Who do you like to be with?
Research, surf the Internet, and read blogs. Print a
picture or cut out a picture then post it

*Use this guide questions: What? Why? Where? With

whom? What benefits can I get from it?

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