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Assisted Suicide Kamryn Mattison

in End-of-Life
 Estimated 21 million people need end-of-life care
 around 7 thousand people die every day of illness in
the United States
Severity of the
 Legal: problem
 Oregon, California, Colorado, D.C., Hawaii, Maine,
Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Vermont, Washington
Policy Goals

Most states have

banned euthanasia/ • Considered a felony in SC,
PAS- South Carolina most likely for moral reasons
being one of them

Oregon became the • To provide “death with

first state to
legalize euthanasia/
dignity” and a humane way
PAS of passing
Eligibility Criteria

 Oregon Death With Dignity Act

 Patients must:
 Be terminally ill- terminal disease: “an incurable and irreversible disease that has been
medically confirmed, and according to reasonable medical judgment will produce death
within six months. “
 Be 18 or older
 Be competent
 Be a resident of the state they request in
 Voluntarily ask for suicide assistance (2 oral requests and 1 written)
 Be assessed by a second physician on if they are truly competent and voluntary
Ends patients’
worry for future
pain and suffering

Helps patients
Benefits and remain

Services/ Free patients of

poor health
Policy Give patients
Outcomes control over the
end of their life

Medical care and

sickness benefit
Assisted Suicide Funding

Funding Restriction Act: forbids use

of federal funds
Population in need vs. served

Offered to terminally-ill

Other populations that

people consider:
• Older adults
Euthanasia/ PAS should be
Have multiple eligibility
legalized in more
states(Personal opinion)

Changes and The states that made it

legal do a pretty good job
Have a step-by-step
process the physician must
Improvements of carrying out the process follow

No improvements (I could
think of)
Strategies for
 A lot of debate and a lot of
support for the legalization
 Passed in Oregon because an
organization (the Hemlock
Society) was very passionate
about “death with dignity” and
gained a lot of support that
eventually got many voters to
vote in favor of the Death With
Dignity Act
 State level decision

 Huffman JL, Harmer B. End of Life Care. 2023 Feb 20. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure
Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 31334996.
 Patel. (2004). Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide Policy in the Netherlands and Oregon: A
Comparative Analysis. Journal of Health & Social Policy, 19(1), 37–55.
 (2019, July 25). States with Legal Physician-Assisted Suicide - Euthanasia -
Euthanasia; Britannica.
 ‌ nited States of America - Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-12 [H.R.
1003]). (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2023, from

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