Women Importance

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By Roberto, Álvaro and Jose Manuel
Historical context

• To understand the empowerment of women in Spain during the 20th century, it

is important to examine the historical context of women's rights movements.
• Before the 20th century, women legal and social barriers that prevented them
from participating in social, political and economic life.
• This was a huge obstacle in gender equality, until the Second Republic was
Second Republic

A new Republic was proclaimed in Spain in 1931, with a new Constitution,

whose goal was to promote equality between men and women. This were the
rights that women gain:
• Right to vote (Universal suffrage)
• Social and legal barriers were removed
• Civil marriage and divorce were approved
• Access to official positions
• Coeducation was introduced (equal education for men and women)
Important female figures

• Throughout the 20th century in Spain, there were several notable women
activists who played a significant role in advancing gender equality. From
Victoria Kent, a lawyer and feminist politician, to Clara Campoamor, who
fought for women's suffrage. Also, María Luz Morales (journalist in La
Vanguardia), María de Maeztu (director of Residence for women) and María
Zambrano (philosopher) were very important.
• These women's contributions were instrumental in shaping the empowerment
of women and the progress made in Spanish society during this period.
Cultural improvement

• In the Reformist Biennium, education and culture were promoted by creation of

new schools and teacher training degrees. Furthermore, theatres like La Barraca
(created by Federico García Lorca) were formed to transmit the classic Spanish
theatre to all the areas in the country.
• As a consequence, Spanish women made significant contributions to the arts and
culture, challenging societal norms and pushing boundaries.
• Influential painters such as Maruja Mallo, writers, groundbreaking filmmakers
and performers, have left an important impact in the cultural landscape of Spain.
Official positions

• Women in Spain have not only left their mark on the arts but have also played
crucial roles in politics and leadership positions throughout the 20th century.
• They have actively participated in movements for democracy, women's rights,
and social justice. Their contributions have increased gender equality in
positions of power and influence.
• Notable women in these fields: Clara Campoamor, Victoria Kent, Margarita
Nelken, Federica Montseny.
Link to the Kahoot played in class:


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