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A. Put the words in the correct category.
pasta carrots strawberries rice lettuce orange chicken lamb potato bread
pineapple cucumbers milk onions beef bananas cheese yogurt apple

B. Listen and check your answers.

Fruit Vegetables Dairy products Meat Grain products

Strawberries Carrots Milk Lamb Bread

Orange Cucunberts Chesse Chicken Pasta

Apple Lettuce Yogurt Beef Rice

cream bacon Breakfast cereals
Pineapple Potato

Bananas Onions butter grits

Reading: Vegetarian or Meat eater?
Listen, read and answer the question .

• I´m a vegetarian, so I don´t eat meat of • I love meat and I eat some every day!
fish. I eat dairy products and eggs, and My favorite is beef and I usually have a
of course I love all kinds of vegetables, steak with some rice. I don´t like
especially tomatoes. I have some vegetables very much, but I try to have
tomato plants in my garden. For a a salad with every meal, because
snack, I usually have an egg sandwich vegetables are good for you. I love all
and some tomato juice. It´s delicious. I kinds of fruit and fruit juices. My
don´t eat fruit very often and I can´t favorite is apple and strawberry.
stand strawberries or bananas. However, I hate one thing and that´s
eggs! I can´t eat them.
Betty, 23
Stuart, 29
B. Read again and answer the questions.

1. Who likes vegetables? 6. What does Stuart eat with rice?

Whosheeatslikes vegetables
vegetables? Stuart
7. Whoeats
fruit?with rice

Betty have in her garden? Stuart
8. Whatlikes
does Betty never eat?

4. What
Betty does
have Betty
some have plants
tomato with her sandwich? 9. What
Betty is ineats
never Stuart´s favoriteorjuice?
strawberries bananas.
5. Who can´t stand eggs?
Betty have tomato juice Stuart´s favorite juice is apple and strawberries

Stuart, can´t stand eggs

Countable and uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns only have

Countable nouns have both a a singular form, and we cannot
singular and plural form and we count them.
can count them. We use a/an and Cheese- meat- milk
numbers before countable nouns. We don not use a/an or numbers
• An apple before uncountable nouns, but
we often use some and any.
• two apples A: Is there any milk?
B: No, but there is some yogurt.
A. Read the examples and match.

1. There´s a sandwich on the table. _____ a. some + plural countable nouns

2. There´s some bread in the bag. _____ b. a (n) + singular countable nouns

3. There are some carrots in the refrigerator. _____ c. some + uncountable nouns
B. Complete with a, an or some.

1. A: Let´s make a fruit salad. There are ______an____ apples and _____a_____ strawberries in the refrigerator.

• B: Here´s _____some_____ banana and _______a____ orange.

• A: Great. Let´s put __________, too.

2. A: I have __________ vegetable soup and __________ bread for lunch. What do you have?

• B: I have __________ and __________ cheese.

• A: Here´s __________ bread, too.

• B: Thanks.

3. Let´s go to the supermarket. We need __________ onions and __________ potatoes.

a. Talk about your food preferences and eating habits. Discuss
the questions below.
• Are you vegetarian?
• Are you meat eater?
• Do you like fruit and vegetables?
• What´s your favorite fruit/vegetables?
• What do you usually eat for a snack?
• What do you usually have with meat or fish?
• What do you hate?

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