Environmental Policy Development

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Gene Gabriel Talagon
Rose Mariel Gumop-as
Regelle Gumop-as
Table of contents
01 A. Creating an effective Environmental Policy

02 B. Aligning the environmental policy with organizational


03 C. Communicating the environmental policy to stakeholders

• Environmental policy
development refers to the process
of creating laws, regulations, and
guidelines aimed at addressing
environmental issues and
promoting sustainability.
A. Creating an effective
Environmental Policy
Creating an effective environmental policy involves
identifying the environmental impacts of the
organization’s operations and setting clear, achievable
objectives to mitigate these impacts.

Rose Mariel Gumop-as

• Identify Objectives: Clearly define the goals and
objectives of the environmental policy. These
objectives should address specific environmental
issues or challenges that the organization aims to

• Research and Analysis: Conduct thorough

research and analysis to understand the
environmental issues relevant to the organization's
operations or industry sector. This includes
gathering data, assessing risks, and evaluating
potential solutions.
• Stakeholder Engagement: Involve relevant
stakeholders, including employees, customers,
suppliers, local communities, and regulatory
agencies, in the policy development process. Their
input can provide valuable insights and help build
support for the policy.
• Policy Design: Develop the policy framework,
including specific measures, targets, timelines, and
implementation strategies. Consider incorporating
best practices, industry standards, and regulatory
requirements into the policy design.
• Flexibility and Adaptability: Design the policy to be
flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances,
such as advancements in technology, shifts in market
conditions, or updates to regulatory requirements.

• Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish mechanisms

for monitoring progress and evaluating the
effectiveness of the policy over time. This may involve
setting performance indicators, conducting regular
assessments, and making adjustments as needed.

Republic Act No. 9729: In light of the climate vulnerability of

the Philippines and its people, the Climate Change Act of
2009 integrates climate change adaptation and mitigation
strategies into policy formulation and development activities
of all government agencies. It also created the Climate
Change Commission, chaired by the President of the
Republic of the Philippines, as the central entity for all
climate change-related plans and programs in the country.
Environmental Policy.
Environmental Policy
Aligning the environmental policy with organizational goals
a report by Gene Gabriel D. Talagon
Steps in aligning the environmental
policy with organizational goals:
 Identify organizational goals
 Understand the broader goals and objectives of the
organization. This may include financial, operational, and
branding goals.
Steps in aligning the environmental
policy with organizational goals:
 Identify synergies
 Analyze how environmental sustainability aligns with the
organization's goals. Identify areas where environmental
initiatives can contribute to cost savings, process improvements,
regulatory compliance, and overall reputation.
Steps in aligning the environmental
policy with organizational goals:
 Integrate environmental policies into strategic planning
 Incorporate environmental considerations and targets into the
organization's strategic planning process.
Steps in aligning the environmental
policy with organizational goals:
 Assign responsibility
 Clearly define roles and responsibilities for implementing and
monitoring environmental performance.
Steps in aligning the environmental
policy with organizational goals:
 Performance incentives
 Link environmental performance to performance incentives and
rewards to motivate employees and encourage participation in
sustainability initiatives.
Example 1

 Patagonia has aligned its environmental policy with its overall business goals
by pursuing sustainable sourcing, reducing waste, and minimizing energy
usage. They have set specific goals and targets to achieve carbon neutrality,
reduce waste generation, and promote the use of recycled and organic
materials in their products.
 Patagonia, Inc. is an American retailer of outdoor recreation clothing. It was founded by Yvon
Chouinard in 1973 and is based in Ventura, California. Patagonia operates stores in more than 10
countries globally, as well as factories in 16 countries.
Example 2

 A manufacturing company has identified reducing carbon emissions as a priority for its
environmental policy. One of the company's organizational goals is to become a more
sustainable and environmentally responsible business. To align the environmental policy
with this goal, the company decides to implement the following initiatives:
 Energy Efficiency Improvement: The company invests in energy-efficient technologies and
practices within its manufacturing processes to reduce energy consumption and lower carbon
 Renewable Energy Adoption: The company commits to sourcing a percentage of its energy
from renewable sources, such as solar or wind power, to further reduce its carbon footprint.
 Waste Reduction and Recycling: The company implements waste reduction initiatives and
establishes a recycling program to minimize waste generation and promote a circular
economy approach.
 Employee Engagement and Training: The company provides training and awareness programs
for employees to encourage environmentally friendly behaviors both at work and in their
personal lives.
That is all
Thank you…
C. Communicating the
environmental policy to

Regelle C. Gumop-as
Communicating the environmental policy to stakeholders
involves sharing information about the organization's
commitments, goals, and actions regarding environmental
sustainability with those who have an interest or investment in
the company's operations.
To effectively communicate the environmental policy to
stakeholders, consider the following:

• Stakeholder mapping: Identify the stakeholders who are

directly or indirectly affected by the organization's
environmental practices. This may include employees,
customers, investors, regulators, suppliers, and local
To effectively communicate the environmental policy to
stakeholders, consider the following:

• Tailored messaging: Develop clear and concise messaging that

addresses each stakeholder group's concerns and priorities. Highlight the
benefits of the environmental policy in terms that resonate with each group.

• Variety of communication channels: Use multiple channels to reach

different stakeholder groups, such as websites, social media, newsletters,
public announcements, and direct communication.
To effectively communicate the environmental policy to
stakeholders, consider the following:
• Engagement and feedback: Encourage stakeholder engagement by
seeking their input, holding meetings, surveys, and feedback sessions. This
demonstrates the organization's commitment to transparency and allows
stakeholders to provide valuable insights.

• Reporting and disclosure: Regularly report and disclose environmental

performance to stakeholders, including progress towards goals,
achievements, and challenges. This builds trust and demonstrates

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