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Directions: Identify whether each statement is true or false.

1. An editorial should present a balanced view of an issue, considering multiple

2. Editorial writing often includes personal opinions and biases of the author.
3. The primary purpose of an editorial is to inform readers about current events
rather than persuade them to take a specific stance.
4. Editorials typically follow a formal writing style, similar to news articles,
using objective language and avoiding emotive language.
5. It is acceptable for an editorial to include factual inaccuracies as long as they
support the author's argument.
What is an Editorial?

An Editorial is usually written by the editor or one of

the writers on his or her behalf and it represents the
views of the newspaper.

Other people’s opinions on the same subject or others found

in the editorial section.
Editorial stories have:

♦ Introduction, body, solution and conclusion like

other news stories.

♦ An objective explanation of the issue,

especially complex issues.

♦ A timely news angle.

Opinions from the opposing viewpoint that refute
directly the same issues the writer addresses.

♦ Good editorials engage issues, not personalities, and

refrain from name calling or other petty tactics
Alternative solutions to the problem or issue being

criticized. Anyone can gripe about a problem, but a

good editorial should take a proactive approach to

making the situation better by using constructive

A solid and concise conclusion that powerfully
summarizes the writer's opinion. Give it some
Types of editorial
Editorials of argument and persuasion take a firm stand
on a problem or condition. They attempt to persuade
the reader to think the same way.

This editorial often proposes a solution or advises

taking some definite action.
Editorials of information and interpretation attempt to
explain the meaning or significance of a situation or
news event. There is a wide variety of editorials in
this category, ranging from those which provide
background information to those which identify
Editorials of tribute, appreciation
or commendation praise a person
or an activity.
Editorials of entertainment have two categories. One is
the short humorous treatment of a light topic. The second
is a slightly satirical treatment of a serious subject.
(Satire is the use of sarcasm or keen wit to denounce
abuses or follies. While it ridicules or makes fun of a
subject with the intent of improving it.)
n Edi to r i a l
t ure o f a
♣ Editorials are written according to a well-
established formula.
• Introduction ………state the problem
• Body ………………expresses an opinion
• Solution …………...offers a solution to the problem
• Conclusion ……….. Emphasize the main issue
Present the
problem or
Take a stand!

Viewpoints are Reason #1 for position

Evidence for
all 3 points

Reason #2 for position

Reason #3 for position

Present a
An effective formula for editorial writing is SPECS
• S tate the problem;
• P osition on the problem;
• E vidence to support the position;
• C onclusions : Who’s affected and how;
• S olutions to the problem: At least two
Tips in structuring your editorial

1. Lead with an Objective Explanation of the

 Include the five W's and the H. Pull in facts and
quotations from sources which are relevant.
2.Present Your Opposition First. As the writer you disagree
with these viewpoints. Identify the people (specifically who
oppose you). Use facts and quotations to state objectively their
opinions. Give a strong position of the opposition.

You gain nothing in refuting a weak position.

3. Directly Refute The Opposition's Beliefs. You
can begin your article with transition. Pull in other
facts and quotations from people who support your
position. Concede a valid point of the opposition
which will make you appear rational, one who has
considered all the options.
4. Give Other, Original Reasons or Analogies.

In defense of your position, give reasons from

strong to strongest order. Use a literary or cultural
allusion that leads to your credibility and perceived
5. Conclude With Some Punch. Give solutions to the
problem or challenge the reader to be informed.

A quotation can be effective, especially if from a

respected source. A rhetorical question can be an
effective concluder as well. While it ridicules or makes
fun of a subject with the intent of improving it.
Think of an opinion piece as a persuasive essay: the
writer has an opinion or a point of view on an issue
and he or she wants to convince the reader to agree.
This is not as easy as it may seem.
• You must research your topic and find out what’s happening
and what went on in the past.

• You must know the facts

and be able to refer

to them in your

Pretend you are a lawyer and you are making a case before a
jury. You will want to convince the members of the jury to
believe that your client is right . Therefore you need to present
as much

evidence as you can

that proves the point.

You can do the same when you write a column or editorial.
Here’s an example:

Let’s say you want to write an editorial supporting capital

punishment. You want to convince your readers that someone
who commits

murder should receive

a death sentence.
The first thing you have to do is start collecting the facts.

• When did Canada put an end to capital punishment? What

were the arguments used to do that?

• When did people start talking about re-introducing the death


• What cases have prompted debate on this issue? What

examples can they find to support their argument for capital
You must also consider the other side of the argument.

• What would people who oppose the death penalty say?

• How would they respond to their points?• start with a basic

premise or theme. • use facts and details to back up

your opinion and help you

make your case.

Leave your readers with a lasting impression -- a strong point
that will make them consider your point of view.

• Don’t need to preach to the reader. A good editorial will make

readers take notice of the situation and form their own
opinions on the issue.
Characteristics of an Editorial

Interesting, brief and forceful Clear and have moral purpose,

sound reasoning and power to influence public opinion.

Factual and provides pertinent information.

Planning the Editorial

1. Start with one specific idea as your topic for the editorial.

2. Establish a purpose well in mind.3. Gather sufficient data.4.

Run though your topic and develop fully.5. Have a definite
stand on controversial issues.6. Use logical reasoning and use
this to end your editorial.
Beginning the Editorial

• You can use the following:• A striking statement about the

topic.• A quotation• A narration• An order• A question• A
mixture of facts & opinion• A news peg
The Body

• Include in this part

- the editorial’s basic facts

- the causes and effects behind

- incidents and situations

- illustrations

- arguments
This part drives home a final important thought or direction. It

may be in the form of advice, challenge, command or just a

rounding out or a simple summary.

Possible topics for editorials and columns are almost endless
because everyone has an opinion on everything! They could

♠ legal or political issues such as gun control or the country’s

economy, minority rights or international politics.

♠ issues facing people in your own community — such as a

decision to demolish a historic building or the controversy
surrounding a new law against skateboarding.
LOOK through stories in your daily paper.

☻Form your own opinions. Opinions are based on what you

have read and what you already know or believe.

Then you can put those views down in an editorial or column of

your own!
Your lead paragraph should set the correct

mood for your editorial. Write simply, directly and vigorously.

Know your facts and be sure

to stress a point. Be impersonal.


Keep it brief. Delimit the topic to one specific idea. Maintain &
sustain your objectives in

writing the editorial Use the positive approach in writing the

editorial. State the problem or need. You can suggest solution

& give motivation for action.



Give it quality & freshness. Current topics have the tendency to

become monotonous & so a fresh treatment in your editorial
can make people have the interest to read it. Use catchy titles.
End the editorial appropriately.

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