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Malaria is a life-threatening disease spread

to humans by some types of mosquitoes. It
is mostly found in tropical countries. It is
preventable and curable. The infection is
caused by a parasite and does not spread
from person to person. Infants, children
under 5 years, pregnant women, travelers
and people with HIV or AIDS are at
higher risk of severe infection. (World
Health Organization)
• is a serious and sometimes fatal
disease caused by a parasite that
commonly infects a certain type
of mosquito which feeds on
• it is also called as Ague, Miasm,
Miasma, Fever and Ague, Jungle
Fever, and Paludism.
• Fever
• Flu-like illness
• Shaking chills

Pathognomonic • Headache
• Muscle aches
• Tiredness
• Nausea
There are no pathognomonic clinical
signs or symptoms for the diagnosis of • Vomiting
malaria. However, among its signs and
symptoms may include the following:
• Diarrhea
• Malaria may cause anemia and jaundice
because of the loss of red blood cells.
Causative Agents
Malaria is caused by protozoa of the genus
Plasmodium. Four species cause disease in humans:
Causative Agent
Malaria is caused by protozoa of the genus
Plasmodium. Four species cause disease in humans:
Causative Agent
Malaria is caused by protozoa of the genus
Plasmodium. Four species cause disease in humans:

Plasmodium falciparum
Causative Agent
Malaria is caused by protozoa of the genus
Plasmodium. Four species cause disease in humans:

Plasmodium vivax
Causative Agent
Malaria is caused by protozoa of the genus
Plasmodium. Four species cause disease in humans:

Plasmodium ovale
Causative Agent
Malaria is caused by protozoa of the genus
Plasmodium. Four species cause disease in humans:

Plasmodium malariae
According to the latest World malaria report from World Health
Organization (WHO), there were 249 million cases of malaria in
2022 compared to 244 million cases in 2021. The estimated
number of malaria deaths stood at 608 000 in 2022 compared to
610 000 in 2021.
250000000 Cases

609500 150000000
609000 2021; 244000000 2022; 249000000

608500 2021; 610000 100000000

2022; 608000 50000000

Deaths Cases
WHO African Region: MALARIA


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

All Children (<5y/o)

The WHO African Region continues to carry a disproportionately

high share of the global malaria burden. In 2022 the Region was
home to about 94% of all malaria cases and 95% of deaths.
Children under 5 years of age accounted for about 78% of all
malaria deaths in the Region.
Four African countries accounted for just over half of all malaria
deaths worldwide: Nigeria (26.8%), the Democratic Republic of
the Congo (12.3%), Uganda (5.1%) and Mozambique (4.2%).



Nigeria Democratic Republic of Congo Uganda Mozambique

Malaria can be classified based on
various criteria
• Based on 1

Plasmodium falciparum malaria
• Based on This species is responsible for the majority of severe cases
and deaths associated with malaria
Plasmodium vivax malaria
Known for causing relapses due to dormant
liver-stage parasites.

Plasmodium ovale malaria

Similar to P. vivax, it can form dormant liver
stages and cause relapses.

Plasmodium malariae malaria

Associated with chronic, low-level infections.
Plasmodium falciparum malaria
• Based on 1 This species is responsible for the majority of severe cases
and deaths associated with malaria
Plasmodium vivax malaria
2 Known for causing relapses due to dormant
liver-stage parasites.

Plasmodium ovale malaria

3 Similar to P. vivax, it can form dormant liver
stages and cause relapses.

Plasmodium malariae malaria
Associated with chronic, low-level infections.
• Based on Severity

• Based on Severity

1 Uncomplicated Malaria
Milder forms of the disease without severe complications

• Based on Severity

1 Uncomplicated Malaria
Milder forms of the disease without severe complications

2 Severe Malaria
Involves complications that can be life-threatening
• Based on

• Based on Endemic Malaria

1 Regions where malaria is regularly present and transmission
occurs consistently.

• Based on Endemic Malaria

1 Regions where malaria is regularly present and transmission
occurs consistently.

Epidemic Malaria
2 Outbreaks of malaria in areas where the disease is not usually
• Based on Age 1
• Based on Age 1 Pediatric Malaria
Refers to malaria cases in children

• Based on Age 1 Pediatric Malaria
Refers to malaria cases in children

2 Adult Malaria
Refers to malaria cases in adults
Mode of Transmission Malaria is primarily transmitted through the bites of
infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. The mode of
transmission involves a complex life cycle of the
Plasmodium parasite, which causes malaria, and two hosts:
humans and mosquitoes.

Etiology The etiology of malaria is primarily associated with

parasites of the genus Plasmodium. These parasites are
transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female
Anopheles mosquitoes.
Clinical Manifestations by stage
Asymptomatic Prodromal (Pre- Erythrocytic Stage Severe Malaria
(Incubation) Stage erythrocytic) Stage
• Symptoms include:
• is the main stage when the ⚬ Impaired
parasites replicate within consciousness or
• is the period between the • is marked by the onset
red blood cells, leading to confusion
mosquito bite and the of nonspecific
the characteristic ⚬ Respiratory distress
onset of symptoms symptoms before the
symptoms of malaria and difficulty
• During this stage, the parasite infects red • Symptoms include: breathing.
parasite undergoes blood cells ⚬ High fever ⚬ Jaundice
development in the liver • Symptoms may include ⚬ Chills and rigor ⚬ Seizures.
(exoerythrocytic stage) fatigue, malaise, ⚬ Sweating profusely ⚬ Hemoglobinuria
without causing headache, muscle aches, ⚬ Headache. ⚬ Abnormal bleeding
noticeable symptoms and low-grade fever ⚬ Nausea and vomiting.
and clotting.
• Symptoms are mistaken ⚬ Muscle and joint pain.
⚬ Multi-organ
for flu ⚬ Anemia and fatigue
dysfunction and
Incubation Period
P. falciparum P. vivax P. ovale P. malariae

• 9-14 days • 12 to 18 days but • 12-18 days • 18-40 days

some strains may
have an
incubation period
of 8 to 10 months
or longer
examination of
blood smears
Polymerase Chain
Reaction (PCR) for
Prophylactic (preventive) treatment includes antimalarial
medications for individuals at risk of exposure in
malaria-endemic areas. Depending on the region and
drug resistance, options include:
• Chloroquine
• Mefloquine
• Atovaquone-proguanil
• Doxycycline
• Cerebral malaria
• Severe anemia
• Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
• Organ failure
• Pregnant women are at risk of complications
such as placental malaria, which can result
in adverse outcomes for both the mother and
the baby.
- With prompt and effective treatment, the
prognosis for uncomplicated malaria is
generally good.
However, severe malaria can be life-
threatening, and early intervention is crucial
for a positive outcome.
Period of
• Malaria is not directly transmitted from person to person.
It requires the involvement of mosquitoes.
• Infected individuals are only a source of the parasite for
mosquitoes. Once treated, a person is no longer a source of
infection for mosquitoes.
Medical Management
Antimalarial Clinical Laboratory
Drugs Assessment Testing
Chloroquine, Medical To confirm the
Artemisinin-based professionals presence of the
Combination assess patients' malaria parasite
Therapies (ACTs),
Quinine or
symptoms, past and identify the
Quinidine, travel species, blood
Atovaquone- experiences, tests like blood
Proguanil, and possible smears or rapid
Mefloquine, or malaria diagnostic tests
Doxycycline exposure. (RDTs) are
Medical Management
It is crucial to Pregnant women
continuously Regular blood
smears can be may have
monitor blood different options
parameters, carried out to
verify the for treatment,
vital signs, and and medical
treatment removal of
parasites. professionals
response. take into account
any risks to the
mother and the
RTS,S/AS01 (Mosquirix)
Nursing Management

Clinical Assessment Monitor Vital Signs Assist with the collection

Evaluate the patient's signs and Keep an eye on body's temperature,
of blood samples
symptoms, travel history, and heart rate, breathing rate, and blood
contact with regions where malaria pressure on a regular basis. for laboratory tests to confirm the
is prevalent. diagnosis and identify the malaria
parasite species.
Nursing Management

Administer antimalarial Ascertain that the patient Administer IV fluids as

medications as directed by receives the entire course of needed to maintain hydration
your healthcare provider medication and educate them
on the significance of
Nursing Management

Monitor for complications and Observe for signs of severe

changes in the patient's malaria, including altered
condition mental status, respiratory
distress, and signs of organ
Nursing Management

Emphasize the use of Provide emotional support and

preventive measures, such as counseling to patients and
bed nets and insect repellent, their families, as a malaria
to avoid reinfection diagnosis can be stressful

1 2 3 4
Sleeping under bed Use mosquito Wear long-sleeved In malaria-endemic
nets treated with repellents on exposed shirts, long pants, and areas, indoor surfaces
insecticide is a highly skin and clothing. socks to minimize can be sprayed with
effective method to exposed skin and insecticides to kill
prevent mosquito bites reduce the risk of mosquitoes that land
during the night. mosquito bites. on them.

1 2 3 4
Sleeping under bed Use mosquito Wear long-sleeved In malaria-endemic
nets treated with repellents on exposed shirts, long pants, and areas, indoor surfaces
insecticide is a highly skin and clothing. socks to minimize can be sprayed with
effective method to exposed skin and insecticides to kill
prevent mosquito bites reduce the risk of mosquitoes that land
during the night. mosquito bites. on them.

1 2 3 4
Sleeping under bed Use mosquito Wear long-sleeved In malaria-endemic
nets treated with repellents on exposed shirts, long pants, and areas, indoor surfaces
insecticide is a highly skin and clothing. socks to minimize can be sprayed with
effective method to exposed skin and insecticides to kill
prevent mosquito bites reduce the risk of mosquitoes that land
during the night. mosquito bites. on them.

1 2 3 4
Sleeping under bed Use mosquito Wear long-sleeved In malaria-endemic
nets treated with repellents on exposed shirts, long pants, and areas, indoor surfaces
insecticide is a highly skin and clothing. socks to minimize can be sprayed with
effective method to exposed skin and insecticides to kill
prevent mosquito bites reduce the risk of mosquitoes that land
during the night. mosquito bites. on them.

5 6 7 8
For individuals Mosquitoes that Eliminate mosquito Use screens on doors
traveling to malaria- transmit malaria are breeding sites by and windows to
endemic regions, most active during the emptying standing prevent mosquitoes
evening and night. water from containers from entering living
taking prescribed
Minimize outdoor around homes. spaces.
activities during these
medications before,
times, or use preventive
during, and after the
measures, such as bed
trip can provide nets and repellents

5 6 7 8
For individuals Mosquitoes that Eliminate mosquito Use screens on doors
traveling to malaria- transmit malaria are breeding sites by and windows to
endemic regions, most active during the emptying standing prevent mosquitoes
evening and night. water from containers from entering living
taking prescribed
Minimize outdoor around homes. spaces.
activities during these
medications before,
times, or use preventive
during, and after the
measures, such as bed
trip can provide nets and repellents

5 6 7 8
For individuals Mosquitoes that Eliminate mosquito Use screens on doors
traveling to malaria- transmit malaria are breeding sites by and windows to
endemic regions, most active during the emptying standing prevent mosquitoes
evening and night. water from containers from entering living
taking prescribed
Minimize outdoor around homes. spaces.
activities during these
medications before,
times, or use preventive
during, and after the
measures, such as bed
trip can provide nets and repellents

5 6 7 8
For individuals Mosquitoes that Eliminate mosquito Use screens on doors
traveling to malaria- transmit malaria are breeding sites by and windows to
endemic regions, most active during the emptying standing prevent mosquitoes
evening and night. water from containers from entering living
taking prescribed
Minimize outdoor around homes. spaces.
activities during these
medications before,
times, or use preventive
during, and after the
measures, such as bed
trip can provide nets and repellents

9 10 11 12
Pregnant women are Individuals living in or Educate individuals Dispose of waste
more susceptible to traveling to malaria- and communities about properly to prevent the
malaria. They should endemic areas should the risks of malaria, accumulation of water
take extra precautions, seek regular health the importance of in discarded
such as sleeping under check-ups. Early preventive measures, containers, which can
bed nets and considering diagnosis and and the recognition of serve as mosquito
antimalarial medication treatment of malaria malaria symptoms breeding sites
options that are safe
are essential for a
during pregnancy
positive outcome

9 10 11 12
Pregnant women are Individuals living in or Educate individuals Dispose of waste
more susceptible to traveling to malaria- and communities about properly to prevent the
malaria. They should endemic areas should the risks of malaria, accumulation of water
take extra precautions, seek regular health the importance of in discarded
such as sleeping under check-ups. Early preventive measures, containers, which can
bed nets and considering diagnosis and and the recognition of serve as mosquito
antimalarial medication treatment of malaria malaria symptoms breeding sites
options that are safe
are essential for a
during pregnancy
positive outcome

9 10 11 12
Pregnant women are Individuals living in or Educate individuals Dispose of waste
more susceptible to traveling to malaria- and communities about properly to prevent the
malaria. They should endemic areas should the risks of malaria, accumulation of water
take extra precautions, seek regular health the importance of in discarded
such as sleeping under check-ups. Early preventive measures, containers, which can
bed nets and considering diagnosis and and the recognition of serve as mosquito
antimalarial medication treatment of malaria malaria symptoms breeding sites
options that are safe
are essential for a
during pregnancy
positive outcome

9 10 11 12
Pregnant women are Individuals living in or Educate individuals Dispose of waste
more susceptible to traveling to malaria- and communities about properly to prevent the
malaria. They should endemic areas should the risks of malaria, accumulation of water
take extra precautions, seek regular health the importance of in discarded
such as sleeping under check-ups. Early preventive measures, containers, which can
bed nets and considering diagnosis and and the recognition of serve as mosquito
antimalarial medication treatment of malaria malaria symptoms breeding sites
options that are safe
are essential for a
during pregnancy
positive outcome
Malaria is a disease caused by parasites transmitted
through mosquito bites.

Common symptoms include fever, chills, headache,

What is Malaria? and muscle aches.
Malaria is mainly transmitted by female
mosquitoes, especially the Anopheles type.
Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so it's
crucial to eliminate standing water around us.
How Malaria
Bed Nets: Sleep under
insecticide-treated bed nets for a Repellent: Use mosquito repellent on
safe night's sleep. exposed skin and clothing.

3 Clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts, long

How to prevent pants, and socks to minimize exposure.

having Malaria?
Clean Surroundings: Eliminate stagnant
water to reduce mosquito breeding sites.
Speak with a Healthcare Professional:
Request guidance on antimalarial drugs.

Preventive Medicines: Comply with

What are tips for
prescription guidelines when taking drugs. travelers?
If you're visiting a region
where malaria is endemic:
Prepared by:
LUCMAN, Hazrat Fatimah D.

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