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Software Application
By: DayLee Rivera, Andrew Patsios, and Tyler Tran
Executive Summary:

524 MyMuse
● No CollaboratIon

● No Social Interaction
● SP Aggregator

● Link Patent Protocol

● Finalize Beta

● Negotiate Agreements
● No Protection IP
● Secure Funding
Company Description:

MyMuse significantly enhances music streaming experience by linking together subscribers across multiple (competing) platforms

thereby extending social community outreach, subscriber engagement, and exposure to members with widely varied and diverse musical

interests from around the world:

● Three founders

● Limited Liability Corporation

● Boston, MA

● Privately Funded

● Securing the Next Round of Funding

MyMuse is a software program that allows you to connect with people around the world and convert their music
playlists to the service you use, and it will also act as a music social media platform where you will be able to
connect with people through music!

● Top songs, top playlists, and artists

● Scroll and see peoples new updates about songs they're listening to and new artists they’ve discovered

● Preview Songs

● Convert playlists between different platforms

● Connect through music instead of photos and videos

● Discover new music 24/7 through your friends and followers

Social media campaign
● 6 months into development
● Following Goal: 100,000 followers
● KPIs measured
○ Follow Count
○ Engagement
○ Reach
○ Total likes and comments

Target Demographic
● Young Adults (18-25)
● High School (13-17)
Revenue will be based on advertising from outside businesses seeking to grow their sales
through our platform

MyMuse Advertisement Costs

Advertisement Cost Per Click $0.15 Per Click

(Likes, Links, Comments, Shares)
Advertisement Click to Link Destination $0.30 Per Click
Cost Per Engagement $0.01 Per Engagement
Milestones: Q1: 2022
Q2: 2022-23
Q3: 2023
Q4: 2023
The first quarter of MyMuse These months will be Quarter three will be The last quarter is going to
development will be focused solely dedicated to primarily about the transfer be the final touches on the
Before Launch: on rough drafts of the app perfecting the design of the of information between app and the launch;
and assembling our team app; MyMuse and other
streaming platforms and - Downloadable
- Follow count of 10,000-15,000 - Idea development - Layout (overall converting; files (user can
- Investments into design of app) (SP=Streaming platforms) download
MyMuse - Feed (how playlists)
users (No Ads) - Loans from family, followers info. - Reaching out to - Song samples
friends, ourselves will be shown on SP (User can listen to
- Office / users screen - Collecting and a snippet of a
After Launch: headquarters space - Home screen transferring data song posted by a
rental (users account) from SP on to follower)
- 15,000 to 100,000 users - Team development - Account MyMuse - Polish app design
- App logo created information (how - Adding in and layout
- 50% retention rate, first week - Rough draft of the users will login converting - Test Runs
design of the inside and data will be software to be - Bug Fixes
of the app shared between able to download - More Test Runs
- Break even at 326,000 users at a - Rough software streaming playlists from - Start reaching out
designs platform) other SP on to the to Ad managers
56% retention rate, 5 weeks users SP for advertisements
- Launch date:
August 29th, 2023
● Strengths
○ Single Source Aggregator | Patented Protocol Technology

● Weaknesses
○ Small - Resource Constraint | Depleting Cash

● Opportunities
○ Leveraging the Blockchain (Validate subscribers, Protect IP/Copyrights of artists)

● Threats
○ Uncertainty in securing early adopters with an untested model
Risk Assessment:
Risk Impact Likelihood of Degree of Impact Responsibility Response Plan
Occurrence (L,M,H)

Loss of IP and Jeopardize the L H Make sure the If plan is stolen or adapted by big
sensitive data unique concept, content being company, pivot into other ventures
could result in promoted isn’t too in
total loss of detail, keeping it
individuality vague

Not gaining Not gain enough M H Make sure content is Venture into more advertising options
enough traction active users to consistently such as adverts on websites etc.
from social media make the advertised and listen Reach out to influencers that have a
application to user feedback similar target audience and similar
financially feasible interests

Little Longer to reach a M M Make the platform Expand and accept more companies
advertisement return on attractive for that want to promote on the app.
requests on app investment companies to want to
advertise on

- App Stores
- MAINLY marketing
- Advertisements on different social media’s
- 20 dollars a day on each social media
- 3 months (September 1st - December 1st)
- Word of mouth; Influencers
Financial Request:
How much are we asking for…….. $550,000
Initial App Development…………….. $250,000
● Software Dev Salary and Hosting Server
App Marketing…………………………….. $125,000
Yearly App Maintenance……………. $100,000
In Summary….
● MyMuse offers an opportunity to amplify the subscribers experience
● Establishing a coalition hub for bringing streaming SPs and their
subscribers together for the ultimate social engagement & artistic collaboration
● The timing is right with the advancements in blockchain technology
● The platform is nearing ready for launch


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