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By Golden Hills RAMS, Bridge, & High School Students

Halloween Stories

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Order of Stories

Alliso n Ashon te Brand i Chand ler David Ebony







The Abandoned House Party Killing

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By: Allison Kaye Callier 4/29/12

Colleen, Marissa, Kylie, and I were going to this abandoned Halloween house party the night before Halloween. All the way out in the country. There was going to be so many 4/29/12

I was asking everybody, Whats going on? Then somebody finally answered my question. A girl dressed as a vampire replied, There is a serial killer on the loose. I was like, How do you know he is on the loose? The girl in the vampire costume was like, I heard it on the radio. I heard he was at the party and he is 4/29/12

Marissa said, The serial killer dressed as a hot dog killed colleen and Kylie. The killer came up behind them and started stabbing them. Then I 4/29/12 tried to help colleen and Kylie

TheAshonte Elena Abandoned Mansion By

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Its eight oclock on a Halloween night my

friends and me are just hanging around Jamies house till Jamie suggested we go to an abandoned house. She heard from a kid at school that its haunted so they say. She says there is a lot of stuff there that no one is using so we all go. When we get close to the house we see there is a huge cloud hovering over the chimney. So we think its nothing we enter the gate and the atmosphere gets cold. Anna wanted to chicken out and turn back but we were half 4/29/12

When we get upstairs theres light coming from this room and we got closer there was this woman and she was in front of this pot that had green smoke coming from it. She had gray hair and this big mole on her face and her nose was huge and she was laughing loudly until Anna stepped closer. She turned and we saw her piercing green eyes and then she disappeared just like that she was gone. Nothing but smoke and the muffling laugh she left behind. We stared at one another for a minute then we started to walk toward the pot and thats when the window opened wide and the old woman came rushing in and there was a scream and to our surprise Anna was gone. Jamie and I looked at one another and stared to run to try and reach the front door but it seemed the faster we ran the hallway got longer and longer. Thats when we came to a complete stop because in front of us was Annaand the old woman she was laughing but Annas face was pale and there was a dripping sound it was blood she raised her bloody hand and pointed to me and the only words leaving her mouth was RUN.



We ran as fast as our feet would carry us thats when it turned pitch black and all I could hear was breathing like it was right there in front of me. Thats when I called out to Jamie but there was no answer. So I called again and thats when I heard it shhh she will hear you and I called again and Jamie

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Colli ns


It was a dark and stormy night. Me and two friends of mine which their name was Shawn and Nicole we were going to an abandoned church it was all white and it had colorful broken glass window that we found when we were kids we were 4/29/12

We all looked at each other and stood up pulled the covers off of the benches. That we were sitting on when we pulled them off we saw nothing on the benches it was too dark to see anything so we felt on the benches and what we were feeling was cold so we went around to the other benches and uncovered them and there were still nothing but we were wondering what we sat on when we were feeling the cold spot my friend was talking Shawn said Guys I can feel a mouth and a nose, one of my other friends went to find a light 4/29/12 switch and turned it on there

We were trying to find a way out of the abandoned church the dead bodies locked the doors and I couldnt find my friends I was so scared that I couldnt find my friends Shawn or Nicole. They always play pranks on me but I knew this wasnt a joke these dead bodies were real. I saw one coming closer to me and I saw 4/29/12 something hanging out

The Mysterious Subway

By Chandler Johnson Click to edit Master subtitle style


One day, I, Jimmy, David, and Zach were walking in downtown Paris just for fun. We were about to go home because we had to be home by dusk time but we came along a giant hole in the ground that led to a dark empty subway. We knew it was a subway because there was a flickering sign in there that said, North Subway. We couldnt resist entering it. So then we climbed in. It smelled like there was a fire. But it was pitch dark so we couldnt see anything. There was also dust flying around all over the place. We always had our cameras and flashlights with us so we took them out. We went further down the subway; it was my idea to go into the subway. It was very cold. We thought the subway was pretty cool because it was a totally new experience and there was nobody there. So we were all taking pictures but it was nothing interesting and there4/29/12 of dust flying around was lots that was fogging up the lens.

We all started hearing footsteps; they were getting louder and louder! Then we saw them. We couldnt really tell what they looked like because they were so fast and it just looked like flying dust, which must be why all of our lenses had dust on them. They started approaching us. We all started hearing footsteps; they were getting louder and louder! Then we saw them. One of them had grabbed my friend Jimmy. I wanted to hit them but there were too many and they were too fast so I, Zach, and David got scared and we bolted off. We 4/29/12 got out of that subway. I dont know why


I and my friends were frustrated because we had to get home still and we were already late. Then next thing we know, the mysterious creatures started climbing out of the hole with my friend Jimmy dead. It turned out that the S.W.A.T. only pulled out a robot of Jimmy. Everybody was freaked out and panicking. Finally the police tackled them all and tranquilized

er chied

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Brandon and Jimmy discuss about what they want to do for Zach being back. They want to throw a party. So Brandons dad owns a cabin out in the country. Jimmy said, Sounds good. So they got the word over Facebook in 2 days the party would happen they had a lot of people attending. The DAY BEFORE THE PARTY . They got everything ready they got everything ready. David called Brandon told them that we should have weapons on hand because the Minnesota mass murderer is out in Orinoco where the party was. Brandon was like, We dont need that. David said, Just do it. So they found a guy and bought some stuff like gun 2 guns they had the axe..


.they all are having a good time. Chandler had said, Im going to ride my scooter and catch some air. Chandler had been gone for a while so David said, We should go look for him. Jimmy replied, No he is fine. An hour passed and Jimmy said, Okay we can go look for him. They heard a scream. Jimmy said, That sounded like Chandler. Chandler was found decapeted without his head scooter broken in half next to him. This 4/29/12 big person walked toward

Andrew scream. Jimmy grabbed the rifle and walked outside Andrews was gone. Where did the man and Andrew go? David asked jimmy. I dont know did you see his face it was like deformed, said jimmy. Brandon look at him and said, You moron! it was a mask. Jimmy get scared grabs a gun put the gun to his head he said, He going to come and kill me anyways so I will just kill myself. David says, Jimmy killing yourself wont solve a thing. Jimmy points the gun at David and says, No but killing you will. Jimmy Shoots David in stomach, NEVER DID LIKE YOU! Zach hits Jimmy over the head with his crouch and grabs his gun and shots his legs and he passed out from the pain. Zach said, Im outta here! Then the man walks in with his big bloody sword like knife.Jimmy wakes up with the looking right at him. The man picked him up buy the collar of his shirt and squeezes his head and his head blew up brains blood all over. Zach shoots the man several times but he just wont die. They all ran but David somehow found the will to hit him with an axe and took his and it took his head off. So David put gasoline on his head and started his head on fire. Now he is dead! David whispered. Andrew walked in the room and David said, I thought you were dead! Andrew grabs the gun that Zach had drop and David was shot 4 times in all now. No one was around to see it. David muttered, Why Andrew? Andrew said, I Am the stranger everyone is looking for 58 kills wow not found yet. So who was that guy? David asked. 4/29/12 That was Jason vorhease so you found a way to kill him now

The Drive
By: 3bony Moss

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It was late afternoon around 6:30 pm it was getting dark very


Jade said maybe we can just wait for a different car to come because there was a weird vibe coming from the man. Alexs really didnt want to get in the car even thou he didnt know what we were going to do if we didnt get in the car with the man. Lets just get in the car and go to the 4/29/12 gas station to get


Alex said wait the keys are still in the car so lets take the car and drive away before he comes. I looked to see if the man was coming I didnt see him. So Alex was just about to jump into the driver seat the all sudden the man showed up. The Man got in the car and said sorry for the wait and he then he started to drive away. As we were

He was knock out there was blood gushing out of his head where I hit him. There was one thing wrong the car was still moving. There was a BIG rock wall in front of us we had to jump before it was too late I open the car door and said come guys before its too late Alex jump first then jade flowed behind him then I jumped right in time. Then BOOM the car crash in to the big rock! I made sure that Alex and Jade where okay and they were alright I was too. We got up and start walking to the gas station. As we were walking in my head I was thinking about the man. We 4/29/12

The Carnival
By: Andrew

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Andrew had never been to a Carnival before, especially not one on Halloween. He had just bought tickets at the front entrance, and that was when the trouble started. Andrew got on the Zipper (a fast ride that goes upside down when u are on it). All of a sudden every single ride at the carnival had stopped moving. And then all of the carnival lights had turned off. Andrew panicked and tried to get out of his seat but it wouldnt budge. It was black as tar outside, so nobody could see anything. Then it got quiet for at 4/29/12 least four minutes. A woman let out a blood

A few hours later Killville Carnival was shut down and wrapped in police tape, lacerated bodies were floating in pools of blood. Somebody went on a killing spree. There was no sign of the

Then Dakota asked, Did you hear those footsteps? Andrew replied, Dakota just stop trying to scare me! About a second later Andrew heard the footsteps too. They grew louder and louder and LOUDER! Then there was a loud yell Dakota dropped to the ground facing up. Andrew still thought that he was playing a prank on him, so he jabbed him in the ribs with his foot. Still no reply. Andrew opened 4/29/12 up his eye and touched it with a leaf, if

Andrew decided that he would slowly move his arms to his feet and undo the rope, it was better than just doing nothing and getting killed anyway. He crept his arms forward slower than a slug. Then he untied the rope and came to a halt in the dirt. Thank god, Andrew thought. His ears must have been so burned that he didnt hear him escape. As Andrew got up off of the dirt and made his first footstep, he tripped and his 4/29/12 shoe shot off of his foot and hit the

Just then, Andrew felt a sharp pain in his hand! He looked at his hand to find a yellow tooth deep in his knuckle. He tore it out like a band aid. Then he hopped over the fence and got on his bike. Then he went to the sheriff Sanders and gave him a detailed description of the man. Andrew and the sheriff were close friends because he knew his mom from when they went to high school together. Then he went home and told his mom everything that happened.

By Irwin


One Halloween night three kids Chris, Amanda, and Jake went to the cemetery with an Ouija board. They sat on a grave stone and started to play around. Then Jake grabbed his back pack and pulled out some milk and cookies. They all were very tired. They all passed out. Then Amanda woke up and saw that Chris and Jake were missing. She saw that there were lots of people walking so she asked a man if he had seen her friends. There was no response. So she asked him again no response again. She got irritated. So she went up to him and saw that half his face was missing.Click to edit Master subtitle style Then she saw some one behind her she yelled. It was a zombie. she started to run but she was lost. She thought that the graveyard was endless but then she saw Jake and Chris. But she also saw the exit. So she thought for a moment. She thought if she went to go help them that all of them could die. But if she goes she could get help and warm 4/29/12 people but then it would be too late for

They freaked out. Then they started to run. They found a way out of the crowd of zombies. They saw three shovels. So they each picked one up. They started to kill some but there were too many. Amanda fell. Jake saw her. Picked her up. He got bit. Jake told Amanda to run to Chris. She ran and told Chris that Jake got bit. He started to tear up but he knew that crying wouldnt help. So he went to check up on him. By the time he got there they were all eating him. Jake said run. So Chris knew that this would stop the zombies for a little bit. So he started to run he came across his dad. He was missing an eye and his mouth was split open blood coming out of his mouth and eye. He knew he had to kill him if they wanted to keep moving. But he couldnt. Amanda started to yell in fear. But Chris just kept thinking of memories with his dad. But he finally broke thru so he picked up the shovel. Hit his dad in the head. So they kept moving. Amanda realized that they were going the wrong way. So they had to turn around to get out. They wanted to warn people about the zombies. They had to fight thru a horde of zombies. They came across Jake. They started crying as they killed him. They found the exit they finally got out. They cried then they ran to the police station. But they didnt find anyone. They looked around and they saw a zombie.


So they thought to themselves, Oh no we were to

The virus has completely devastated over 150 of the worlds major regions and is spreading rapidly At this point in time we know of only one method of killing the creatures: destroy the brain Be on the guard of any loved ones who may have recently been in any sort of contact could be infected And if you find yourself out in a threatening position please do not hesitate to act Again This is not a test This is not a joke We as a species are overwhelmed We4/29/12outnumbered. are

By: James Hilton Click to edit Master subtitle style


Night in the Woods with the Wood Stalkers

Spencer, Kiwi, Joe and I go out into the woods to find out if the urban legend of Wood Stalkers was true. Or if the rest of the city was crazy. All of us were like family. The story of the wood stalkers is 29 years ago there was a family of outcasts. The reason they were outcasts is because the son was always getting in trouble. With stuff like bullying kids, sitting stuff on fire and his classmates on fire as well. They ran to the woods and made a cabin. Every time someone went into the woods they would start hearing what sounds like an open fireplace. We heard of the stories before but just thought everyone was just crazy. We went into the woods to find the cabin. Just in case we found something everyone brought something. Spencer brought his dads Winchester rifle. Kiwi brought a cleaver that looked like something out of a Jason movie. Joe brought his big mean German Shepard named Fitz. And I brought a butter knife. Yes a butter knife.


First everything was going boring, except Fitz needed to use the bathroom every ten minutes. We dont know the reason why but all of us felt that something or something was behind us. But every time we looked back nothing was there. Ha-ha we all laughed because kiwi kept screaming every time we heard a howling from wolves. We found a cabin with no one in it.

So Spencer said, We should go in and get warm. And we all agreed. The door was unlocked which was a bonus for us.

But Joe said, He saw something outside. So spencer and I went outside to check it out.

Spencer pulled out his rifle and I pulled out my knife. We could taste the lake water from the lake nearby. And we saw something hiding behind a tree with something round with ears in its hands. So we ran inside.

And Joe asked, Did you see my dog outside? Cause I let him out to use the bathroom for the thousandth time that night.

I went to the door and called for the dog to come


But something did come to the door. But it wasnt Fitz. It was the dad Wood Stalker. And he had Fitz head in one of his hands. His big hands were over-grown and hairy. With long fingernails on both hands, blood dripped from both hands and as I was about to tell 4/29/12 everyone he bit Fitz

n e e w lo l a H e t h h T ig N

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By Koeundara

It was Halloween night. My friends and I went trick or treating. When we were walking, my friend Billy stumbled upon the idea on going to a church. Billy asked for all our opinions and we all said yes. Tommy said he had a bad feeling about 4/29/12 this, but we all said

Billy had gotten possessed by the demon. He broke all the front row benches and tried to throw the wooden pieces at us. The others were scared; we didnt know what to do. Tommy escaped and ran to the new church down the street. He came through the door with a priest. We grabbed Billy and tied him down in front of the big cross. I noticed that we are doing and exorcism. The demon screamed and tried to remain in his body, but right when he got out Billys body we threw holy water at it and it vanished.
4/29/12 We walk to the other church down the

longer at the church until are parents picked us up. While we were there, the priest told us if tommy didnt get him in time, the demon would fully possessed Billys body and he would have killed us all in the house of the lord.

Our parents are here said tommy.

The Scariest Day of My Life! By: Lilian Sanchez

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The Day of Halloween, My mom, sister, and I were going to visit my aunt in Sparta that we barley ever see. As we passed the haunted house to our aunts house. It looked creepy like you would see scary faces at the window, the house 4/29/12 was old, it was near a grave yard, and

We waited about an hour, there was the pastor who would do a prayer for you if you wanted it. I thought it was kind of funny. Than it was our turn to go. it was dark and when the door shut there was no turning back , I got scared and I was like oh man what did 4/29/12


Than we hear a Man in the background, Anybody Back here, screams the Man. Akemi says in tears, YES HELP US! The man ran down to help and thank goodness it was a police. He handcuffed the lady she been wanted for

The Haunted House

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By:Najma Abdi

Emily Shay and Jason were hanging out at Emilys house. They were doing there English project. They were almost done with it. It took them almost 3 or 2 hours. It was a big project. Shay thought it was getting boring. Because they were all doing work . Shay asked, Where is the bathroom? Emily told her were it was. Shay started walking slowly looking inside the house everywhere. She thought theres only Three people that lives here. Why do they want a house this big. When shay want to the bathroom she start earing noises. At first she thought it was nothing. So she started walking back to Emilys room. Then she saw this one big door. She was looking at the door for a while. Then she thought oh well it wouldnt hurt just to look at it. When she open the door it had stairs. Then she find out it was the basement. She start walking down but there was something weird about it how it looked and how it smelled. The basement smelled really bad. It smelled like some kind of animal died in there. Then all of sudden someone pushed her to the ground and then her bottom lip and nose start bleeding. She thought Emilys little sister 4/29/12 pushed her. But then she didnt hear anyone

Emily was looking scared and pale when she got it in the basement. Shay said, What is the matter is just a basement you act like there is a ghost or something! Emily said, My mom said never to come here shes going to kill me if she finds out, lets get out of here.

Shay thought to herself, Oh my god I thought Emily was joking when she told me theres a lot of stuff. Then Emily

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A Night at the Library 4/29/12

One day Billy and Bob were walking around town when they heard someone or something moaning and groaning from around the corner. They followed the sound and realized that it was coming from the library. While Billy started walking towards the entrance of the library, Bob were getting more creeped out by the minute. The library door happened to be unlocked so they just went right on in. Once they walked through the door the smell of a brand new book being opened blew into their faces. As they kept walking they saw 4/29/12

As soon as they got to the old man he explained that the so-called Darkness would say something to get them out of the stories and keep them locked up in a room for hours every Halloween night. The Darkness wanted to keep the characters locked up because he wanted to ruin all the Halloween stories for all the little kids. The Darkness could transform itself into any animal, object, or person he wanted too. So the characters had begged them to help them get back into their books before the sun rises because if they dont get back into their books before sunrise they would all be controlled by the 4/29/12 Darkness and the stories they came from

Then, he decided to turn back around to go look for everyone, but he couldnt

Movie Theater

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The day started off like every other day on Halloween, Just feeling good and ready to go out and start pranking. And to get free candy too.So next thing you know its dark out and its time to call the gang. This year we decided to do the coolest, Stupidest, and friendship loosen thing ever. Trash MY dads theater. The reason why we are really doing this is because we heard that this place is haunted or some employ lives upstairs after hours. So we all get to the theater all on time and I jacked my dads keys to get in. And I dont care what people tell you movie theaters are scary when there pitch black at night! So we get inside and right then and there we start hearing noises like someone else is in the theater too. No one knew where to start so I just tell them lets just put on a movie while were here.


So I tell Jared and Brandon and to just meet me in the theater cause Kiwi wants to go up to the projection room with me. As soon as we are walking up the stairs we hear a big scream, then we start running up the stairs. And I look out the window of theater 7 and I turn on the lights and see a big bloody trail on the ground. And it leads to under the movie screen. Then I see Jared walk out with a bloody knife in is his hand. And I see Jared running out of the theater but right then and there Kiwi and I hear a noise that kinda sounds like a gun shot. So we run down stairs as fast as we can and see Jared trying to crawl his way out. But I reach out for him and then THE MAN shoots him 3 more times in the



So I unlock another door and we run all the way to the other end of the theater but when we got there I knew who it was at that point. So HE shoots Kiwi point blank and says to me Spencer, this will be our little secret. IT WAS MY DAD! Because who else would know the theater as well as I do? And who else would have the keys the all the doors? And who else would do ANYTHING to keep his job? My dad would thats who

Fun to Disaster
Vannida Voeun

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Its the night of Halloween. My friend Sammy and I are planning on going to a house party. It was 8:30 at night we started walking pass the cemetery. Sammy said, Vannida I dare you to run all around the cemetery and back.

Vannida asked, Really Sammy?

Come on Sammy stop trying to be Oprah lets go to the house party. Okay, we started

Vannida yelled, Come on Sammy RUN RUN

Next thing I know Sammy was out of my sight.

The ghost girl flew upon us


By Xaiver M Passe

The Scary Cave Man

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Xaiver set up a party with him and a couple friends. They went on a walk in the middle night to a cave that supposedly was haunted but they didnt believe it so they still went in. They went around the corner it smelt like rotten food. They saw spider webs everywhere but they still had enough courage to walk through the door way. The cave walls were all crumbly and fell to the ground if you would touch the walls. The cave was calming until they walked for a little bit. Then it was unbearable to hear.
4/29/12 Decided that Xaiver and Ashlyn would

Then they heard footsteps that made it sound like people were running. Shalom and miles realized that David was possessed when he did not respond to any of the questions and also that David threw miles into a wall. Then somehow Shalom 4/29/12

The lighter did not appear to scare the cave man but it did amaze him. So he no longer controlled David. So Xaiver told David to run and he did but Xaiver did not he started a fire with the lighter. The cave man stuck his hand in it and screeched so Xaiver jumped in fright that it might attack. So Xaiver hurried up and started a fire around the cave man and it burned to death. So Xaiver went on to meet up With Ashlyn, Shalom, and David they meet up and went home and went to bed the next day they buried Miles and honored him greatly. 4/29/12

The haunted house mystery Zach

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David chandler and I were at a haunted house. On Halloween It was dark cold I remember seeing doors that wide and long some went to staircases some went to empty rooms and some led nowhere widows were cracked and somewhere just dark mirrors that reflected yourself in the past present and future and then you dead and pictures of the dead people were really creepy All of a sudden, there was a 4/29/12 bang. It was the doors that shut. We all

There was a mom, dad and son they all looked pal and had old ripped up clothes also looked really mad and sounded really quiet they only showed themselves showed only on Halloween because they wanted someone to know how they died 4/29/12

A Day At the Library

By Jimmy Stoppel

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Me and chandler were doing homework. Then it was getting late. Everyone had gone home. We thought it was just us. We were about to leave. Then Chandler ran to the bathroom. Ten minutes had


Then in the basement the blood trail kept going a little further. Then all of a sudden Jimmy heard laughing and Jimmy knew someone was right in front of him. Jimmy turned on the 4/29/12 light. And it was

Then before the library had opened up a police officer had stopped by. There was a missing persons report for two 15 year olds. So she invited him in and while he was looking around the old Librarian attempted to kill him. But he had grabbed his custom made M1911 hand gun and blew her brains out.


The cemetery next to the mental institution

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Well it was Halloween. We just got back from trick or treating. Me and Jessie and Tomes were bored so we decided to go to the cemetery since it was Halloween. We were going to go see my grandpas grave. We started walking and realized it was past

Come on, Tomes says. Theres a way to the basement and there we can crawl through this small hole. We got to this wall and it wasnt wood. It was drywall. So we kicked it and my foot went 4/29/12 through and

So we were trying to get out, but there was no way out at the bottom. We found a dead little kid. His head was gone and his finger was gone too. And we found his mom and two of her legs were gone and her arm was gone too. So we got out of the hole as soon as possible and we ran all the way to my house. But we got stopped by a cop and he took us to the station. We told them everything so we were chilling and sitting and we heard in a walky-talky that they had an officer down at the cemetery. I went to the restroom and there were mud foot prints coming from the back door to the gun room. I went to the gun room and I followed it the locker rooms and I found a dead cop on the floor. I ran back to my friends and told them that the killer was in the building and that he killed a cop and he was in the restroom, all bloody. But when we went to the restroom the cop was not there and there was no blood on the floor. Jesse said wheres the body huh? Are you crazy or something? Thats when he fell out of the locker all bloody. We saw the bloody mop and all the cops came into the room and saw us and saw the dead cop. They all pulled out their guns. I was like it wasnt us. It was the crazy dude that did it but no one believed us. Then, the FBI came through the window and through the front door and back door and through the roofs window. They all pointed their guns at us and we got down and as soon as we got down the real killer was behind us. 4/29/12 They told him to get down and he didnt and they told him again. They counted

It was Halloween Night

By: Samean Mok It was Halloween night. Pete decided to have some friends over to watch movies. And that everybody had to be dressed up. Pete decided to be a business man. But Pete had to clean up the house first. After done cleaning up the house Pete looked in his dads closet to find a shirt to wear, he looked up and found a game board called Ouija Board. His parent was also out of town to. Then the doorbell rang, it was Pablo, Mike and Sally. Man am I happy to see you guys. Click in edit Master subtitle style They came to and they sat down in the living room. Pete said I found this game in my dads closet while I was trying to find a shirt to wear. Do you guys want to play it? Then Sally took it and read the back of the board and it said this game talks to spirits she said! The boys didnt believe it. Pete and Mike went to the garage but the second one, Sally and Pablo said they would meet us in there when they done eating. So Pete sat across from Mike, with the board in the middle between them, talking to Pete favorite singer. Lights were already off and candles already around us. All of a sudden the candles went out. Then they heard something like somebody threw something against the wall. The candles 4/29/12

Pete and Mike looks around them, they saw knives stuck to the wall all around them. Pete gets up and runs towards the door, with Mike be hide him. While at the door they couldnt get in. Pete yells I cant open the door Sally. So Sally finally opens the door for them to let them in. Pablo it is true the board does talk to spirits. Pablo said I dont believe you, but Sally did believe. So Pablo goes into the garage and play, With Sally walking right be hide 4/29/12

Halloween party SCARY!!! By Isaiah Banks

On one Halloween day me witch is Mike and my sister Kate. Our parents went out on vacation so we got the cabin to ourselves. So we through a Halloween party with our friends before we started to clean I had to do one thing first. Witch was clean this red stuff off the garage that looked like blood. Late last night I and my sister went on a walk with the dogs and 4/29/12 before we had got back we must have

The most exciting part was when Kate was cleaning in the garage. But the most important thing on her mind was that guy that they see last night before they came home with the dogs. So after she was thinking about what happen she herd this weird noise and it sound like leaves falling or getting crushed, as I turned to see what it was looked like this plain person with a sweater, a cap on with blue jeans and a pair of Nike.

Abandoned Cabin By Sam

Kate, Bri, and Nate were on their way to the abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods. For a weekend just to get away from everything in their normal life. But the spoken to soon. Kate, Bri and Nate filled the car. They were just driving. When the car ran out of gas they stopped. Kate and one of her friends Bri went inside to pay and TRYING to find someone to 4/29/12 help them but they couldnt find any

They tried to get the person up to get it in the car. Because they need to make sure the person was going to be ok and to bring it home. When it got up and it tried to kill them with a peace of mental. it was a long pole. Nate jumped back in to the car after he could get away. He drove off. they get to the cabin. And took their stuff out of the car and brought it inside when they get inside it looked like someone else was already here. they went out and looked around back 4/29/12 there.

Movie Theater Mayhem By Kiwi

James and I were at Shopko North, the night before Halloween messing around as always. The manager was yelling at us telling us to get out of the store. So we got kicked out, and as James and I were walking out my phone vibrates, its Spencer calling. Hey Kiwi, meet me Jared and Brandon at the theater. So James and I continued walking to the theatre, as 4/29/12 we were walking we heard geese fly

We had Spencer check the supply closet. It seemed fine. But as we turned around the mop was sitting out with a bucket of water and it was freshly used. We all got chills because we dont know whats going on here.James and Spencer tried to look for some clues in the lobby while Brandon and I looked thru the rest of the theatres. As Spencer and James walked around the lobby they heard screaming. We all met up by the dragon statue and we talked to see 4/29/12 what was happening. But we noticed

The Dark Mysterious Road That Killed Them

By Dakota It was dark and at night. My mom and I were driving to go get my puppy that was kidnapped and we got a tip that he would be out in this small town. We were heading out of town. We had never been to this town before. We 4/29/12

I was running in fear of my life. And wondering what happened in that house. I wanted to know who he killed and all that was going through my head was why didnt I just walk away from that house and not gone to it! As I was running I started to see my car! I ran as fast as I could to get to it. As I was running I tripped over something! It was my puppy and my mom! They were covered in blood. And I was in terror! I wanted to pick them up and bring them to safety with me to see if 4/29/12 they were still alive and to see if they

home from school one day though a path way. They saw this old house and they went inside and there was a guy looking at everything they did. They didnt see the guy and he was ugly and scary looking. After they were leaving Chris saw someone looking out the window.

By Miles Miles, Chris, and Xavier were walking

Then he asked Miles and Xavier,

The cop said, I heard screaming. The old man said, Nothing here. Then the cop left. As the old man was going up stairs he saw Chris but Chris didnt see him. The old man got Chris. He took him to his room. When Xavier looked back he didnt see Chris. Then Xavier ran to the bathroom where Miles was. Then Xavier heard Chris yelling. Miles and Xavier went to go find Chris and as they were walking they saw blood. Then they stopped 4/29/12 and heard yelling again.

The Haunted House By Nathaniel

My friends and I were thinking what to do for Halloween. All of a sudden home girl Alexis called and told us, Im having a party. Youre invited! Me and my friends got ready to go to the party. When we headed out to the party we stopped at the liquor store. When we pulled up to the party it 4/29/12 was packed. It was like a reunion. We

Some people ran through the back door. My friends and I stayed. We were drunk to the fullest! There were like 15 people that stayed and were all scared. It was barely 12 in the morning. We all ran down stairs to the basement. We were all frightened! Once we got to the basement we were planning how we were going to get out of here. We all looked outside. We all saw the zombies. I saw my friends car out there. I told my homeboy that we could try to make it 4/29/12

Haunted Fairgrounds by Frank

On Halloween night, the carnival is the scariest place to go. One day, Frankie, Alex, and Jocasta were going to the carnival. At 9:00 p.m., they walked there and all of a sudden there was nobody there. They didnt know the carnival was closed. Then Jocasta said, Hey Frankie, we should go back home. Theres nobody here. Its too late to play in the 4/29/12

But it gets worse. 300 ft. away from me and Jocasta was a big part of the roller coaster, broken. We tried to think of a plan of how we were going to get out without dying. But when I looked down by the roller coaster, I saw a 55 ft. tall inflatable house that gave 4/29/12

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