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Sunday Bible School


The secrets
of the Word
of God
4th Lesson: Does the Lord know you?

“And while they went to

buy, the bridegroom came,
and those who were ready
went in with him to the
wedding; and the door
was shut. Afterward the
other virgins came also,
saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open
to us!’ But he answered
and said, ‘Assuredly, I say
to you, I do not know
you.” Matthew 25:10-12
Jesus told us that ten virgins were waiting for
the groom to arrive for the wedding feast
But there was a difference between them: five of
them had spare olive oil and five didn’t

“...The bridegroom came, and those who

were ready went in with him to the
The other five imprudent virgins arrived late in the
dark and said: "Lord, Lord, open to us!".

“Assuredly, I say to you, I

do not know you”
The ones who didn't have the spare oil were
not known by the bridegroom

Such is the
unfaithful church,
which walks
without the Holy
Spirit. It will not be
known by the
bridegroom at the
Just like the ones who were known by the
bridegroom, the faithful church will be raptured

It has the
guidance of the
Holy Spirit for
this hour of the
night, so it is
Our heart is like a storehouse in which we keep
the Lord's teachings
“That good
thing which was
THE WORD OF committed to
GOD you, keep by
PRAISE the Holy Spirit
FAITH... who dwells
in us.”
II Timothy 1:14.
May we listen more and more to the voice of the
Holy Spirit, for the Lord knows those who are His

“Does the Lord know you?”


Holy Holy
Holy Bible Bible
Bible Holy
Question for

What does the olive oil represent?

Answer: The Holy Spirit. “Those who were foolish

took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the
wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.”
Matthew 25:3.

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