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Introduction to Conflict Management

Meaning of Conflict

It can be defined as a disagreement between two or more

individuals or groups with each individual or group
trying to gain acceptance of its view over others.
As long as organizations continue to use work teams,
conflict cannot be avoided since it is an inevitable aspect
of work teams.
Meaning of the Conflict (Cont’d)

Definition of Conflict
• “The clashing of opposed principles” Oxford
• Conflict means to be in opposition to one another.
It refers to disagreement between people or
members of organizations. Such disagreement is
inherent in relationships between all human
Meaning of the Conflict (Cont’d)

Types of conflict
• Interpersonal conflict
• Intrapersonal conflict
• Intra-group conflict
• Inter-group conflict
Definition of the conflict management

Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative

aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of
Conflict management implies integration of all factors which
can contribute to conflict resolution or its prevention. Those
factors are improvement of communication and practicing
discipline in the organization, as well as having in mind the
life phases of parties included.
Conflict management is the process of avoiding conflict.
Definition of the conflict management (Cont’d)

Definition of Conflict Management:

• Conflict management as a process of getting things
done by the employees by reducing or resolving
disagreement and misunderstanding between the
employees and management for the establishment
of satisfied working environment.
Definition of the conflict management (Cont’d)

Employers Value Conflict Management Skills

Poor communication or interpersonal tension can
easily cause simple disagreements to flare up into
resentment or worse. Conflicts that are allowed to
fester and grow will ultimately diminish productivity
and damage staff morale. This is why employers seek
employees with the skills to manage and diffuse
Definition of the conflict management (Cont’d)

Types of Conflict
Management Skills
• Communication
• Emotional intelligence
• Empathy
• Problem-solving
Topics To Be discussed

• Causes of Conflict

• Objectives of conflict Management

Causes of Conflict

Conflict between team members arises for several

reasons. Some conflicts have their basis in how
people behave, while others come from
disagreements about the nature of the team's work
and how it is being accomplished. It may be
related to personal interests or organization related
issues or problems.
Causes of Conflict (Cont’d)

Competing interests

Different behavioral styles or preferences

Competition over resources

Failure to follow team norms

Performance deficiencies

Poor communication
Causes of Conflict (Cont’d)

• Competing interests
Conflict can arise when people have
mutually incompatible (opposite) desires or
For example, two team members with
similar skills may both want a certain
assignment, leaving the one who doesn't
receive it resentful (disturbing).
Causes of Conflict (Cont’d)

• Different behavioral styles or preferences

Individuals may clash over their respective work

habits, attention to detail, communication
practices, or tone of expression. While these can
affect coordination of interdependent tasks, they
can especially inhibit direct collaboration.
Causes of Conflict (Cont’d)

• Competition over resources

Members may fight over the limited resources

available to accomplish the team's tasks. For
example, if two people both rely on the action of
a third person to meet identical deadlines,
disagreements might arise over whose work
should receive that person's attention first.
Causes of Conflict (Cont’d)

• Failure to follow team norms

A team member creates conflict when he/she

displays attitudes or behaviors that go against the
team's agreement about how it will function. If a
group norm calls for prompt arrival at meetings
and prohibits the use of mobile devices during
discussions, ignoring these practices can
engender conflict.
Causes of Conflict (Cont’d)

• Performance deficiencies

When some team members are either not

contributing their share of effort or not
performing at the expected level of quality, the
impositions that result can create friction,
which may be heightened when critical or
highly visible tasks are involved.
Causes of Conflict (Cont’d)

• Poor communication

When team members do not share relevant

information with each other, people may make
decisions or take actions that others consider
inappropriate or even harmful. Blame and
questions about motives can result, creating
discord among the team.
Additional Causes of Conflict

Interpersonal Scarce Poor

Change Resources Performance

vs. External Poor
Changes Harassment
Objectives of conflict Management

Conflicts are widespread to the human society.

Our work place is so often infected by
complaints, rumors, grumbling, criticism,
sarcasm, unpleasant comments, gossips and
politicking that it leads to an atmosphere of
mistrust and negativity.
Objectives of conflict Management (Cont’d)

• To identify the source of conflict between individual, group,

organization, or enterprise.
• To maximize the positive consequences and minimize the
negative consequences of conflict.
• To discover the hidden sources of conflict.
• A previous preparation to face the future obstacles which is
Objectives of conflict Management (Cont’d)

• To increases the productivity of the organization by mean to resolve

• To prepare the models or theories to resolve conflict in any
• To pursue (seek for) peaceful utilization of resources in
Benefits of conflicts

1.Increased understanding: People’s awareness ,

Different point of views
2.Increased team work: Mutual respect
3.Improved self - knowledge: Professionalism
Benefits of conflicts (Cont’d)

4.Increased participation in decision making: Draw

out quieter voices
5.Better information: Opinion is valued
6.Better choices: More minds ,more solutions
7.Encourages collaboration: Clear communication
Advantages of conflicts for the organization

1.Earlier problem identification

2.Better problem solving
3.Healthy relationships, morale and commitment
4.Improved productivity
5. Personal growth & Insight
Advantages of conflict for the

• Conflict can enhance engagement: attention 2.collabboraration 3.sensese of belonging and same value.
• Conflict can enhance communication skills:
1. Reduce miscommunication 2. Reduce misinterpretation.
Cconflict teaches compassion and accountability through active listening:
1.control slang speech 2.Help to understand others
• Conflict teaches us to be open and honest about emotions:
1.Help to express opinion and feeling.
Advantages of conflict for the employees (Cont’d)

• Getting Employees' Attention:

1.Eliminate monotony. 2.Employee feedback.
• Improves Employee Relationships:
1.Enssure bonding.2. Reduce envy and hostility.
• Improves Employee Morale:
1.Increase responsibility 2.Fondness of org.
• Conflict encourages creative problem solving:
1.Sharing strategy's & methods from various parties.
• Improves Ideas:
1. Sorting of ideas.
Disadvantages of conflict

 Inter-team tension
 The Winner-Loser issue
 Time-consuming
 Takes an Emotional Toll
 Create deadlocks
 Delay decisions
 Conflict Exposes Business Weaknesses
Topics To Be discussed

• Different Types of Conflict in an Organization

• Principles of Conflict Management
Different Types of Conflict in an organization

There are different types of conflict in an organization. They are-

• Goal Conflict
• Affective Conflict
• Cognitive Conflict
• Procedural Conflict
Another classification is also there, this classification is shown as
• Responsibility Conflicts
• Conflicts for Leadership
• Conflicts for Personality
Different Types of Conflict in an organization

1. Goal Conflict: Goal conflicts is an important part of classical and

contemporary theories of motivation. Goals drive our behavior.
2. Affective Conflict: It can be explained as the incompatible feeling’s
emotions within the individual or between individuals. It can be
understood as emotional, social, and personal conflict.
3. Cognitive Conflict: The effects of cognitive conflict are mainly positive
like better decision quality, higher productivity. Successful teams use a
variety of techniques that help them keep ideas separated from people.
Topics To Be discussed

 Process of conflict
 Stages of conflict
Process of Conflict
Process of Conflict (Cont’d)

 Potential opposition or incompatibility

In this stage, there are potential areas of conflict that could develop, and
they consist of communication, structure and potential variables.
Process of Conflict Management (Cont’d)

 Cognition and Personalization

When one of the factors mentioned in the potential opposition stage

actually realizes as a conflict based on cognition and personalization.
During this stage, the perception of conflict arises between the parties.
Process of Conflict Management (Cont’d)

 Intentions

The third stage is regarding intentions, or decisions to be taken in a

certain way. If the intention is good, other concerned persons will
extend their cooperation.
Process of Conflict Management (Cont’d)

 Behavior

 This is a stage where conflict becomes visible. The behavior stage

includes the statements, actions, and reactions made by the conflicting
 These conflict behaviors are usually overt attempts to implement each
party’s intentions.
Process of Conflict Management (Cont’d)

 Outcomes

There are three possible outcomes: a) one wins, the other loses; b)
both win; or c) both lose. The last outcome can never be expected to
anybody, this can make the conflicting parties frustrated. The second
outcome is the best. Therefore, the conflict handler should always try
to ensure benefits for all conflicting parties.
Stages of conflict

1. Latent Stage

2. Perceived Stage

3. Felt Stage

4. Manifest

5. Aftermath
Stages of conflict management(Cont’d)

 Latent Stage

In the "Latent Stage, people may be in conflict without being aware

that they are in conflict.
Stages of conflict management(Cont’d)

 Perceived Stage

The "Perceived Stage" is when the people involved in a conflict

become fully aware that there is a conflict.
Stages of conflict management(Cont’d)

 Felt Stage

During the "Felt Stage" stress and anxiety are felt by one or more of
the participants due to the conflict.
Stages of conflict management(Cont’d)

 Manifest

In this stage the conflict can be observed. The Manifest Stage can take a
number of shapes including: e-mails, phone calls, phone messages, face-
to-face meetings, or any situation in which the conflict could be
Stages of conflict management(Cont’d)

 Aftermath

The final stage is the "Aftermath Stage," which takes place when there is
some outcome of the conflict, such as a resolution to, or dissolution of
the problem. When the manager corrects the mistake with the
customer and takes appropriate steps to ensure the server is more careful
in the future.
Topics To Be discussed

• Functional conflict

• Dysfunctional conflict
Functional conflict

The conflict which supports the goals of a group and also improves its performance is
known as a functional or a positive conflict. The functional conflict is helpful in the
achievement of the goals of a group as it aids in –

• Analytical thinking
• Diffusing tension among the members of the group
• Promote Competition
• Promote group cohesiveness
• Facing challenges
Dysfunctional conflict

The conflict which obstructs the achievement of the goals of a group is called a
dysfunctional or destructive conflict. The characteristics of a dysfunction conflict are:

• Increased tension
• High rate of employee turnover
• Increased dissatisfaction
• Distrust
• Distraction from organizational goals

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