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Science 4-Q3 Week 3

Characterize magnetic force

Let’s Recall!
Tell CF if the statement
is contact force or NCF
if non-contact force.
1. pushing a grocery cart
2.kicking a ball
3. falling leaves from a tree
4. picking up textbooks from the table
5.pulling a door
Let’s Discover!
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What is magnet?
Magnet is something that attracts iron.
Magnetism is the power of the magnet to attract
iron. It is an invisible force. Magnetic materials
or substances are materials that get attracted
towards a magnet. The materials that are not
attracted towards a magnet are non-magnetic
Kinds of Magnet
Natural magnets are magnets mined from the earth.
Artificial magnets are magnets which are made or manufactured by man.
Permanent magnets are common artificial magnets that keep their magnetism for a long time.
What is magnetic force?
Magnetic force is the strength exerted by a magnet which can attract (pull toward) or repel (push away) an object.
. A magnet has two poles: the north pole and the south pole. The space where the magnetic forces work is called
the magnetic field.
The farther you go from a magnet, the weaker its
magnetic force becomes.
The coins become magnetized and collected together at the places where magnetic forces are working
strongest. On a bar magnet, the magnetism is strongest at the ends
Let’s Apply!
Read the following questions and choose the
correct answer.
Which one will a plastic comb
magnet attract? paperclip
Which one will a glass
magnet not screw
attract? nail
A bar magnet Middles
is strongest at Poles
The north end of a North
bar magnet always South
points to the
The earth is like a Force
giant Magnet
Let’s Remember!
Magnetism is an invisible . A magnet does not have
to be something to exert force on it. Magnetic force is
strongest at the of a magnet. The area around a
magnet where it has force is called a magnetic .
Opposite poles or pull toward each other. So, a north
pole will be attracted to a pole. Poles that are the
same or push away from each other. So, a north pole
will repel a pole
Let’s Do It!
Draw the following and a line
from the magnet to the things it
will attract.
Let’s Answer It!
Complete the following sentences.
Choose the answer in the box
Magnetism is an invisible ____1______. A magnet does not have
to be ____2______something to exert force on it. Magnetic force is
strongest at the ____3______of a magnet. The area around a magnet
where it has force is called a magnetic _____4_____ . Opposite poles
_______5________or pull toward each other. So, a north pole will be
attracted to a ____6______pole. Poles that are the same
____7_______or push away from each other. So, a north pole will
repel a ____8______ pole
Prepare all the materials for next session

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