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1 Customer Feedback
• Customer feedback is a reliable source of information regarding the
state of a company and its services. It assists a business in
determining what needs to be improved and what works.
Importance of Customer Feedback
• Helps identify customer preferences –
• Assists in determining what is important to customers
• Allows for comparisons to competitors
• It can help improve customer service
• Helps identify necessary changes
4.1.2Methods of generating customer
• Customer feedback survey:
Methods of generating customer feedback
Methods of generating customer feedback
• Net Promoter Score(NPS)surveys-NPS measures the willingness of
customers to recommend a company's products or services to others
on a scale of 0 to 10.
• Customers become ‘Advocate’ here.-
Methods of generating customer feedback-
Methods of generating customer feedback
CustomerEffort Score (CES)surveys-while CES
measures the effort required by customers to complete
a specific task or interact with a company's products or
Focus: NPS focuses on measuring customer loyalty
and advocacy, while CES focuses on measuring
customer satisfaction and ease of use.
Methods of generating customer feedback
• Comment and feedback section on the website
• Post-purchase feedback forms
• In-App feedback
• Review platforms and websites
Methods of generating customer feedback
• CSAT(Customer Satisfaction Score)-CSAT surveys are ideally sent
when you want to see how happy clients are with an action your
business took, or certain aspects of your products/services.
• CSAT survey example:
4.1.3Data Entry Methods
• 1. Keyboard –
• 2.OCR
• MICR(magnetic Ink Character Recognition)
OMR also called Mark sensing

• Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) or Optical Mark Reader is an

electronic process of extracting and interpreting information marked
by humans in specific places onto a piece of paper. OMR is also called
"mark sensing" and the document from which data is extracted is
called an OMR or bubble sheet.
RFID at toll---passive
4.1.4-Data Entry Process
• The process of entering valuesinto computersoftware in a systematic
way is known as data entry.
• Types:
• Data entry by an operator is known as manual data entry, and if done
by a machine, itis known as automated electronic data entry.
• Data capturing and entering - This type of data entry operation
focuses on collecting data from different sources –offline or online.
The employer often provides this information.
4.1.4-Data Entry Process
• Data cleansing - Data cleansing is a type of operation during which
information is filtered to remove duplicates or inaccurate data. This
type of data entry operation makes sure that information stored in the
database is not only up-to-date but free of errors.
• Data processing - Data processing's main focus is not only to store and
filter information but to edit information in a way that fulfils its
particular purpose.
• Data classification involves tagging data to make it easily searchable
and trackable. It also eliminates multiple duplications of data, which can
reduce storage and backup costs while speeding up the search process.
4.1.4-Data Entry Process
• Data classification An organization may classify data as Restricted,
Private or Public. In this instance, public data represents the least-
sensitive data with the lowest security requirements, while restricted
data is in the highest security classification and represents the most
sensitive data.
• Data conversion - Data conversion is about converting one format to
another. This means, for instance, changing a word file into PDF
format. Typing on a word file coming from a handwritten document is
also another illustration of how data conversion operation works.
4.1.4-Data Entry Process
• Formatting and editing operations-knowledge in English with that of
software such as MS Word in order to correctly format the data to the
needs of a company.
4.1.5 Data Organization
• The process of categorising and classifying data to improve its
usability is known as data organisation. You'll need to organise your
data in the most logical and orderly way possible, similar to how we
organise critical papers in file folders, so you and anybody else who
accesses it can quickly find what they're searching for.
4.1.5 Data Organization
• Tips for ensuring the best possible data organisation
4.1.6 Guidelines for Data Security and
321 rule for backup
• Storage &Backup use 3-2-1 rule
Back up options
4.1.7 Data mining
• In simple words, data mining is defined as a process used to
extract usable data from a larger set of any raw data.
4.1.7Data Mining - Rule Based
4.1.8 Scanner

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