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Lesson 2: Online safety,
security, ethics, and etiquette

is the abbreviation of
Internet etiquette or
network etiquette,
guidelines for courteous
communication in the online
It includes proper manners
for sending e-mail, and
conversing online.
Why is online etiquette is so important?
Netiquette (Online Etiquette) is a set of
rules that encourages appropriate and
courteous online behavior. These rules are
important as they promote communication
skills, prevent miscommunications, and help
you understand what is socially acceptable
when working and collaborating online.
Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 1: Remember the Human

Golden Rule: “Do unto others
as you would have others do unto you.”
Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 2: Adhere to the same

standards of behavior online that
you follow in real
You should do your best to act within the laws
and ethical manners of society whenever you
inhabit "cyberspace."
Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 3: Know where you are

in cyberspace
“Netiquette varies from domain
to domain." (Shea, 1994)
Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 4: Respect other people's

time and bandwidth
As a virtual world communicator,
it is your responsibility to make
sure that the time spent reading
your words isn't wasted.
Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 5: Make yourself look good

The quality of your writing will judge
you, so keep the following tips in
Core Rules of Netiquette

 Always check for spelling and

grammar errors.
 Know what you're talking about
and state it clearly.
 Be pleasant and polite.
Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 6: Share expert knowledge

Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 7: Help keep flame wars

under control
"Flaming is what people do
when they express a strongly held opinion
without holding back any emotion." (Shea,
Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 8: Respect other people's

Just as you expect others to respect
your privacy, so should you respect
the privacy of others
Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 9: Don't abuse your power

Just remember: knowing more than
others do or having more power than
others may have does not give you the
right to take advantage of anyone.
Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule 10: Be forgiving of other

people's mistakes
The Anti-Bullying
Act of 2013
(RA 10627)

This law finds applicability in
school-related bullying,
student-student bullying in
particular, which covers those
uttered in social media.
“Bullying”, as defined, refers to
any severe or repeated use by one
or more students of a written,
verbal or electronic expression, or
a physical act or gesture, or any
combination thereof, directed at
another student that has the effect
actually causing or placing the latter
in reasonable fear of physical or
emotional harm or damage to his
property; creating a hostile
environment at school; infringing on
the rights of another; or materially or
substantially disrupting the education
(Sec. 2, RA 10627)
These acts are collectively called
“cyberbullying” when committed online.
(Sec. 2-D, RA 10627) This covers social
bullying aiming to belittle another individual
or group or gender-based bullying that
humiliates another on the basis of perceived or
actual sexual orientation and gender identity.
Accomplish the items below using what you have
learned from the Ten Rules of Netiquette.

1. In cyberspace, it is important to remember the

________________. “Do unto
others as you would have others do unto you.”

2. Why are spelling and grammar crucial on the

3.Is it okay to read other people's files and emails
without their permission? Why?

4. What do you need to be careful about if you are in

control of a network?

5. What should you do about a newbie who

continually makes the same error on the Internet?

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