07 Hacker Mindset

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The Hacker Mindset

CSE 591 – Security and Vulnerability Analysis

Spring 2015

Adam Doupé
Arizona State University
What is a Vulnerability?
• Make the application to do something that
it is not supposed to do
• Therefore, in order to find vulnerabilities,
you must first understand the application
– What is the intended functionality?
– What is the intended behavior?
– What does the application use as input?
– What does the application produce as output?

Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis

• Find: unauthenticated users can edit page
• Is this a vulnerability?
– On cnn.com, yes!
– On wikipedia.org, no!
• This is why understanding the web
application is critical

Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis

How to Rob a Bank*
• Step 1: Reconnaissance
– Who works at the bank?
– What is their role?
– Who has the keys?
– When do the guards change or take a break?
– What does the layout of the bank look like?
– What does the vault look like?
– What kind of lock does the bank use?
– …
• Step 2: Build elaborate plan
• Step 3: Everything goes wrong
• Step 4: Profit?
*Knowledge comes from movies

Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis

How to Rob a Web Application
• Step 1: Reconnaissance
– How does the application work?
– Are there user accounts?
– Do the user accounts have different privileges?
– How are privileges enforced?
– What does the layout of the web application look like (URLs)?
– What URLs should only be accessible via a certain privilege?
– What is the input to the web application?
– What is the output of the web application?
– How is the web application probably written?
• Step 2: Develop vulnerability hypothesis
• Step 3: Test vulnerability hypothesis
• Step 4: Develop exploit
• Step 5: Profit
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Injection Vectors
• All user input to the web application
• Some examples
– Query parameters
– URL path
– POST parameters
– Cookies
– Referer header
– Files
– Other websites (twitter feed)
– Emails
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Understand Data Flow
• How does the input data flow through the
– Data on page X is displayed on page Y and
used to calculate the result of page Z
• How does the output of a page flow
through the program?
– Result of a calculation used as part of a tweet

Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis

• First step to hacking is reconnaissance
• Critical to understand the web application
– Helps to decide what is a vulnerability and what
is not!
• Want to reverse engineer the web
– Ask yourself how would I have written this web
– What mistakes might the developer have made?

Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis

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