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Fundamental Technologies-

Networking in Smart City Design

• Introduction
• Network Architectures design guidelines
• Significance of Network Connectivity
• Network Requirements
• Emerging Technologies
• IoT Reference Model
• How to manage smart city networks
• Features of Smart City Networks
• Challenges and Considerations for Network Connectivity
• Trends in Smart City Design
• Smart city services and applications need robust and dependable
communication support as well as an effective networking
infrastructure, which will permit competent message-sharing
procedures among the components of the smart city systems .
• To access the far-off destination, which may be clouds, the network
traffic from a broad variety of deployed diverse applications uses a
common networking architecture and resources.
• These resources may consist of switches, routers, communication
connections (links), and other forms of network middle-boxes.
What are smart city network Architectures
design guidelines
• Scalability and Flexibility: Design the network architecture to
accommodate the increasing number of connected devices and
services in a smart city. Ensure scalability to support future growth
and flexibility to incorporate new technologies and applications
• Interoperability and Standardization: Emphasize the use of open
standards and protocols to promote interoperability among various
devices, systems, and services. Adopting common frameworks and
interfaces enables seamless integration, data exchange, and
communication across the smart city ecosystem.
What are smart city network Architectures
design guidelines
• Security and Privacy: Integrate robust security measures into the
network architecture to protect against cyber threats and safeguard
sensitive data. Implement authentication, encryption, access controls,
and monitoring mechanisms to ensure data privacy and integrity.
• Resilience and Redundancy: Design the network architecture with
redundancy and fault tolerance to ensure continuous connectivity
and service availability. Incorporate backup systems, diverse network
pathways, and disaster recovery plans to mitigate disruptions and
maintain the functioning of critical services.
What are smart city network Architectures
design guidelines
• Integration of IoT Devices: Plan for the seamless integration of IoT
devices into the network architecture. Consider the connectivity
requirements, data transmission protocols, and device management
mechanisms to enable efficient and reliable communication between
devices and the central infrastructure.
• Cloud and Fog Computing: Evaluate the potential use of cloud and
fog computing technologies in the network architecture. Determine
the appropriate balance between centralized cloud resources and
distributed edge computing capabilities to optimize data processing,
storage, and analytics.
What are smart city network Architectures
design guidelines
• Data Management and Analytics: Develop strategies for data
management, including data collection, storage, processing, and
analysis. Consider scalable data storage solutions, data lifecycle
management practices, and advanced analytics techniques to derive
actionable insights from the collected data.
The Significance of Network Connectivity in
Smart City Development:
• Network connectivity is essential for smart cities, as it facilitates
information exchange between different entities.
• With network connectivity, data can be collected, processed &
analysed in real time, allowing informed decision-making that
enhances resident quality of life.
• For example, smart transportation systems, enabled by network
connectivity, can offer real-time traffic monitoring, intelligent routing,
and reduced congestion and emissions.
• Network connections can also support energy-efficient buildings,
public safety and security, and citizen engagement platforms.
Network Requirements for Smart City:
Network Protocols:
• Monitoring applications for smart cities often use a dense network of heterogeneous sensor
nodes, including fixed sensor nodes, mobile sensor nodes, and crowd sensing nodes.
• Long-Term Evolution (LTE), LTE for Machines (LTE-M), extended coverage GSM IoT, and fifth-
generation (5G) technologies are intriguing options to support such heterogeneous networks.
• Applications with short range communication such as smart buildings, and smart water networks
can use protocols from the personal area net-work (PAN) class such as IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee),
and 801.15.1 (Bluetooth).
• Applications requiring longer ranges such as intelligent transportation, and manufacturing some
USES new sensor node standards, such as IEEE 802.11(Wi-fi), LoRaWAN(Long Range Wide Area
Network), and Narrowband-IoT protocols offer numerous advantages: greater coverage,
improved scalability, reduced energy usage, and increased device longevity.
• Applications requiring wide range communication such as UAVs and smart grid can use protocols
that are in the wide area network (WAN) class such as IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX), cellular, and
Bandwidth requirement

• Many video applications in smart cities require high bandwidth.

• Certain applications, such as intelligent transportation, have low
bandwidth requirements. Others, such as smart buildings, gas and oil
pipeline monitoring require more bandwidth. However, even inside
the same type of applications, the bandwidth requirements can range
from low to medium or even high, depending on the type of data that
is generated.
• intelligent multimedia surveillance systems for home monitoring,
multimedia-based industrial monitoring systems, traffic monitoring
systems for road safety
Delay tolerance

• Some SCAs, such as smart transportation, only tolerate a small

amount of end-to-end delay.
• For example, to prevent imminent danger to the vehicle or potentially
fatal crashes, the data that are being relayed must arrive within
• Therefore, the control systems must react in time. However, other
applications have a higher tolerance for delays.
• Such applications rely on data monitoring and information gathering
for upcoming analysis.
Power Consumption:
• Power consumption is also an important requirement for smart city
• some applications that have local high energy sources such as smart
grid systems ,other applications, which have energy sources with
limited capacities have medium power requirements such
applications include gas and oil pipeline monitoring.
• The majority of applications have medium reliability requirements.
• A typical example of such applications is smart water networks. Some
other applications have high-reliability necessities such as intelligent
transportation and smart grids
• The majority of applications need medium to high security.
Applications such as production control and monitoring, for instance,
need medium security
Heterogeneity of network protocols

• Most smart city systems include networking protocols, which connect

the various components within the system.
• Examples of such systems include smart buildings, and intelligent
• In such cases, these protocols must be able to co-exist without
interfering with each other.
Wired/wireless connectivity

• he majority of SCAs that include wireless connectivity monitoring of

gas and oil pipelines .
• In these situations, wired networking may be used for communication
within a specific physical system, while wireless communication may
be used to link the physical system to other such systems that are
comparable to it or to the backbone and infrastructure networks.
• Some systems, such as the pipeline monitoring for gas and oil, and
smart water networks, have low to medium mobility.
• Other systems, such as intelligent transportation, are quite mobile.
• Medium- to high-mobility smart city systems can be connected if the
networking protocols are reliable and adaptable to node mobility
without using up a large amount of bandwidth on control messages
and related processing to react to changes in the network
Table of Networking characteristics and requirements of smart
city applications
IoT and leading technologies
The IoT will benefit from the integration of a number of leading technologies, including
those for
• Machine to Machine Communications
• Advanced sensing and actuation
• Cloud Computing (and distributed computing)
• Softwarization (incl. Software Defined Networking, Network Functions Virtualization)
• Autonomic Networking
• Big Data management
• Semantics support
• Machine Learning (AI)
• Service Delivery Platforms
• Security, Privacy and Trust
How to manage smart city networks
• Account for the IoT devices.-IoT devices are cornerstones of smart
city networks and your IT management system needs to be able to
account for them. As a result, you should leverage monitoring tools
that support the protocols and devices you use.
• Have a patch management plan- IoT devices are common targets for
hackers. In addition to limiting attack surface by turning off unused
and insecure network protocols, have a plan in place to patch
vulnerable devices in the field.
• Make visibility a priority-Network visibility and documentation is a
must in smart city networks where the status, location, and health of
individual devices are highly variable.
To manage smart city networks
• Monitor traffic flows. One of the most effective ways to improve
network visibility is by monitoring traffic flows. By monitoring traffic
flows, IT can gain insights that can enhance network security and
network performance.
• Use tooling that can provide real-time alerts . Tooling that couples
detailed visibility and documentation with real-time alerting will
help IT gain efficiencies in their efforts to maximize overall network
Features of Smart City Networks:
• Large Densities: A smart city network has a very large density as
thousands of smart devices are distributed in the area of a city.
• Abnormal Traffic Patterns: traffic patterns differ from the regular social-
generated traffic patterns on which most existing schemes and
technology used in our society are based.
• Disorganized Network Topology: Unlike the widely used wireless
connectivity features, smart city networks often adhere to a mesh
network topology.
• Heterogeneity: It uses a variety of technologies. In terms of power
consumption, latency, throughput, and communication ranges. The
involved dissimilar technologies must coexist on a single platform.
Features of Smart City Networks:
• Security and Privacy: They are extremely vulnerable to several risks.
The majority of specialized smart sensors, actuators, and other
intelligent devices are developed by designers without considering
security measures.
Challenges and Considerations for Network
Connectivity in Smart City Development:
• Despite the benefits of network connectivity, several challenges and
considerations need to be addressed to ensure successful
• For instance, cities must ensure that their networks are secure and
resilient to protect against cyber-attacks and physical damage.
• Moreover, cities must ensure that their networks are inclusive,
accessible & affordable to all residents, regardless of their
socioeconomic status.
• In addition to these challenges, cities must also address issues
related to privacy, data ownership & regulatory compliance.
Fundamental Technologies-
IoT and Smart Cities
Internet of Things (IoT)-

The vast network of devices connected to the

internet, including smart phones and tablets and almost
anything with a sensor on it – cars, machines in production
plants, jet engines, oil drills, wearable devices, and more.
These “things” collect and exchange data.
Making Things Smarter

It used to tell you Now it tells And how you

the time you what to do are doing
The Things Involved With IoT
⚫ Internet of Things device
⚫ Entity
⚫ Physical layer
⚫ Network layer
⚫ Application layer
⚫ Remotes
⚫ Analytics
⚫ Data storage
Three causes of IoT

⚫ 1. Communication
⚫ 2. Control and Automation
⚫ 3. Cost Savings

⚫ Efficient, scalable and associated architecture

⚫ Unambiguous naming and addressing
⚫ Abundance of sleeping nodes, mobile and non-IP
⚫ Intermittent connectivity
IoT Challenges
IoT Industries
Several environments within the three groups of consumers,
governments, and ecosystems will benefit from the IoT.These

⚫ Manufacturing ⚫ Insurance
⚫ Transportation ⚫ Connected Home
⚫ Defense ⚫ Food Services
⚫ Agriculture ⚫ Utilities
⚫ Infrastructure ⚫ Hospitality
⚫ Banks ⚫ Healthcare
⚫ Oil, gas, and mining ⚫ Smart Buildings etc.
IoT Companies
There are literally hundreds of companies linked to the Internet of Things, and the list
should only expand in the coming years. Here are some of the major players

Honeywell T-Mobile Comcast Garmin Blackrock InvenSense


Control4 CalAmp
GE (GE) AT&T (T) Cisco (CSCO) IBM (IBM) Laboratories
Amazon Skyworks Sierra Wireless InterDigital Ruckus Wireless
Apple (AAPL) Technology
Iridium Silver Spring Zebra
Google Ambarella ARM Holdings Nimble Storage
Communications Networks Technologies
Texas Microsoft Red Hat Arrow
ORBCOMM (MSFT) (RHT) Electronics
Instruments PTC (PTC) Fitbit (FIT)
IoT Platforms

The following are some of the top IoT platforms on the market

⚫ Amazon Web Services

⚫ Microsoft Azure
⚫ ThingWorx IoT Platform
⚫ IBM's Watson
⚫ Cisco IoT Cloud Connect
⚫ Salesforce IoT Cloud
⚫ Oracle Integrated Cloud
IoT Enablers
Connectivity Layers
Baseline Technologies

 A number of technologies that are very closely

related to IoT include
 Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications,
 Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS)
 Web-of-Things (WoT).
Massive IoT:

 Requirements of Massive IoT:

 Low cost
 Low energy
 Small data volumes
 and Massive numbers of devices.
 Examples are like smart buildings, smart agriculture, logistic tracking
and management etc.
Critical IoT:

 Requirements of Critical IoT:

 Ultra-Reliable
 Very low latency
 Very high reliability
 Examples are like remote health care, traffic safety and control,
industrial applications and control etc.
Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
 Machine to Machine (M2M) communications was first introduced by
Telecommunications service providers (TSP).

 Earlier IoT was referred to as Machine to Machine (M2M)

communications only.

 M2M means devices connected to internet can communicate to one

another through wired and mostly wireless network.

 From this concept of M2M with evolved communication technology

like 4G-LTE or 5G, concept of MASSIVE IoT deployment comes in to
Smart Cities

A smart city is an urban development vision to integrate

information and communication technology (ICT) and
Internet of things (IoT) technology in a secure fashion
to manage a city's assets.
Outline of Smart City
Smart Home

• Make entertainment more

interactive and immersive
• Increase comfort
• Save energy
Smart cars
Smart Me – Healthcare
Street Lighting

• Turn on-off
• Coverage across a city
• Create a safe environment
Smart Transportation

• Parking
• Traffic
• Emergency Services
• Highways
Smart Energy and the Smart Grid
Smart Factory and Smart Manufacturing

• Productivity gains
• Efficiency
• Agility
Crowd Management

• Using video footage & facial recognition

• Using sensor technology
• Tracking the location
Fundamental Technologies-
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
• Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data
storage (cloud storage) and computing power, without direct active management by the user.

• Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computing resources (such as storage and
infrastructure), as services over the internet. It eliminates the need for individuals and
businesses to self-manage physical resources themselves, and only pay for what they use.
Conventional vs Cloud Computing
•Conventional: •Cloud:
•Manually Provisioned •Self-provisioned
•Dedicated Hardware •Shared Hardware
•Fixed Capacity •Elastic Capacity
•Pay for Capacity •Pay for Use
•Capital & Operational •Operational Expenses
Expenses •Managed via APIs / self
•Managed via service portal
5 Key Cloud Computing Attributes
• Shared / pooled resources
• Broad network access
• On-demand self-service
• Scalable and elastic
• Metered by use
Cloud Computing:
Three Service Delivery Models
• IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service
a cloud computing model that provides on-demand access to computing
resources such as servers, storage, networking, and virtualization.

PaaS: Platform as a Service

a cloud computing model where a third-party provider delivers
hardware and software tools to users over the internet
SaaS: Software as a Service
SaaS is also known as "On-Demand Software". It is a software
distribution model in which services are hosted by a cloud service
provider. allows users to connect to and use cloud-based apps over
the Internet.
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS Comparison
Cloud Computing:
Deployment Model
• Private Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization
comprising multiple consumers (e.g., business units). premises
• Community Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a specific community
of consumers from organizations that have shared concerns
• Public Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the general public
• Hybrid Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud
infrastructures (private, community, or public)
Deployment Model
Cloud Provider


The hosting infrastructure is

Service & infrastructure
provided exclusively for one Customized combination of
Hybrid provided publlicly for multiple
customer (either locally or at en private and public cloud
client. Most economical
external provider). Most services. Most flexible system,
solution, but security and
expensive solution for security but difficult to implement.
compliance concerns.

Share infrastructure Does not share Data residence based on

accross different users infrastructure classificaiton

Inexpensive and easy to Mission critical workload, Dynamic and highly

setup security, uptime, etc changeable workload

Private Private On-

(Service Provider) premise
Cloud Computing &
Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Computing
for Smart City
1. Faster time to market
2. Cost saving
3. Faster access to new technology / resources
4. High performance infrastructure
5. Better scalability
Challenge of Cloud
Computing Adoption

• Unauthorized access to customer and business

• Security risks at the vendor
• Compliance and legal risks
• Risks related to lack of control
• Availability risks
Fundamental Services-
Ubiquitous Computing

What is Ubiquitous Computing?

 A concept of Software Engineering and Computer Science

where computing is made to appear anytime and
can occur using any device, in any location,and in any format.
Also called as pervasive computing
Means “Existing Ebverywhere”
Ubiquitous Computing
Ubiquitous Computing
Ubiquitous Computing

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