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Lesson 1 : Starting Point for the Understanding of culture ,

society and politics
Social science as a discipline studies the society and
the manner in which people behave and influence the world
around us. The utmost goal of social science is to answer
different questions Social Network and find solutions to
problems of the society to improve the human condition
despite cultural, social, and political differences.
Manifestation of Human Variations Through Cultural Diversity , Social Differences And Political Identities.
The creation of the global city puts humans into one of where almost everything is delinked and where change in the
aspect will affect the other. However, despite the emergence of the idea of "one global society," there remains visible
manifestations of human variations in society.
Cultural Diversity Culture plays a major role in our day- to-day living. It refers to that complex whole which
encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws. norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a
person learns and shares as a member of society." (E.B. Tylor 1920 [1871]). It is a strong part of people's lives. It
influences their views, their values, their humor, their hopes, their loyalties, and their worries and fears While culture has
the capacity to bond the members of a society together it is also a source of difference that exist between people in
society and between society in the –about the-words-different cultures. globe due to diversity in language dress and
traditions, food preterence etc. The info graphic about 20 Breakfasts from Around the World is a clear manifestation of
this diversity in culture. There are also significant variations in the way societies organize themselves in their shared
conception morality, and in the way they interact with their environment ag sub cune and counterculture
Cultures are internally affected by both forces
encouraging change and forces resisting change.
These forces are related to both social structures and
natural events, and are nvolved in the perpetuation
of cultural ideas and practices within current
structures, which themselves are subject to change
Social Differences

The society has various manifestations of social differences based Social stratification categories on
unique social characteristics or groups of people to a hierarchy on the base on the unique qualities of
social class gender, age, educational attainment, occupation , and the live in sociology, social
preferences is usually equated with social stratification which describes the relative social position of
persons in a given social group category, geographical region or other social unit .

Examples :

Social class – Henry Sy , Gender – Vice Ganda , Educational attainment – doctor , Occupation –
The major types of social stratification are
1. caste hereditary- endogamous Social group in which a person's rank and his / her rights
and obligations are ascribed or on the basis of his /her birth into a particular group example
King and queen
2. class-a person's positions based upon achievement examples the doctor , engineer , pilot
3 estate-gives emphasis to birth as well as wealth and possessions. example prince
4 slavery-had economic basis where in the master shows and structure power over a slave
Classifying people according to resources they enjoy, that is based on
social class (e.g., rich vs. poor) is the most visible form of social
stratification as it has the most impact on the lives of many. As a whole.
social stratification describes power relations in the economic context.
While there are sociologists, structural functionalist supporters, who
consider social stratification or dividing people into different strata as a
necessity, there are others who see otherwise and just creating conflict
and tension among members or groups in society
Structure of Social Class

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