Basic First Aid

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Ciljevi prve pomoći

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Odmah nakon nesreće osobu staviti u
udoban položaj.
Ako unesrećeni krvari, staviti povesku.
Znakovi srčanog udara su kratkoća daha,
znojenje, anksioznost.
Za sve opekotine se ne mora ići u bolnicu,
dovoljno je pružiti prvu pomoć.

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Minute čine

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Četiri osnovna pravila

1. Odmah
2. Dovesti
3. pozvati
4. Ne ABCpomoćpomoć

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Procijenite mjesto nesreće
Vozila na cesti
Otvoreni izvori električne energije
Trijaža pacijenata
Duboka voda, virovi
Pomjerati samo ako je unesrećeni ugrožen

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Unesrećeni ne diše…
Administer CPR:
• Lay the person on his or her back
• Give chest compressions
• Tilt head slightly
• Breathe into the person’s mouth
• Continue until EMS personnel arrive

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• Stop the flow of blood
• Wear gloves
• Cover the wound
• Apply pressure
• If a body part has
been amputated,
put it on ice

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• Lay the victim down
• Cover
• Raise feet

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Anafilaktički šok
• Give the victim medication
• Call for help ASAP
• Start CPR if necessary

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Srčani udar
• Call 911
• Make victim comfortable
• Loosen tight clothing
• Check for medication
• Keep victim still
• Don’t give stimulants

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• Ask a person to speak
or cough
• Deliver 5 back blows
• Perform abdominal
• Repeat sequence of back
blows and abdominal

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If Abdominal
Thrusts Don’t Work
• Call 911
• Finger sweep
• Abdominal thrusts
• Check ABCs
• Perform CPR if
not breathing

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Electrical Shock
Don’t touch!
Turn power off
Call 911
Remove person
from live wire
Check for breathing

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Povežite hitno stanje sa adekvatnom procedurom!

Krvarenje KPR
Gušenje Podići noge
Prest. disanja Smiriti unesrećenog
Srčani udar Direktni pritisak

Šok Hajmlihov zahvat

Sweeten deal

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Jeste li razumjeli dosadašnje

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Prelomi kostiju
• Look
• Ask
• Treat for shock

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Povrede očiju
• Splashes
• Particles in eye
• Blow to eye
• Cuts near eye
• Penetrating objects

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• Second-degree burns—Blistering
• Third-degree burns—Charring, deep tissue damage

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Exposure to
Hazardous Materials
• Eyes
• Skin
• Inhalation
• Ingestion

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Toplotna iscrpljenost
• Move to cool place
• Lay victim down
• Elevate feet
• Loosen clothing
• Give fluids
• Apply cool compresses

Toplotni udar

• Immediately call 911

• Cool the person down
• Monitor

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Gubitak svijesti
• Provjeriti disanje
• Započeti KPR u slučaju
• Pozvati HP u slučaju
da traje duže od
nekoliko minuta
• Ako je osoba svjesna
staviti je ležeći položaj
sa podignutim nogama.

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Pomoć kod utapanja

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Which is the worst a. First degree

kind of burn? b. Third degree
For a particle in a. Flush with water
the eye: b. Rub eye
For inhalation of a. Induce vomiting
vapors or gases: b. Move to fresh air
For heatstroke: a. Call 911
b. Don’t call 911

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Nesreće se mogu desiti bilo kada.
Reagujte brzo, smireno i tačno.
Uvijek prvo mislite na vlastitu sigurnost!

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