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Verb Tense Agreement in Personal Examples

For example, my father had worked for a company for 20 years, but only 5 years before his
retirement, the company replaced him with a young, highly educated employee. They explain
to him that although he has the experience needed for the position, they are in need of people
with higher education to be able to use new technologies and compete with other companies.

2. Verb Tense in Hypothetical Example:

First, making new friends equips people with the ability to solve a vast variety of their
problems easily. Since people may face a vast number of failures in their lives, in different
contexts, they need different people with different expertise to help them. For example,
consider a person who had a major financial crisis in his firm. If he had lots of friends in his
social circle, such as a psychological and a financial counselor, an accountant and a bank
employee, he would find a solution to his hurdles more easily compared to a person with a
narrow social circle of friends.
2. Illogical Comparisons
I believe our life is much easier than the people who lived even 20 years ago.
3. Subject-Verb Agreement
The invention of different machines are an example of technology usage in industry.
In fact, having lots of friends aids individuals in finding job opportunities with higher
income or a better job environment.
4. Whereas Versus However
Today, automatic instruments do most of the jobs in industries, so they have reduced
our job to pushing some buttons to control these instruments. Whereas, in the past, most
of the jobs in industries were done by hand.
5. Avoid Contractions
Today we are living a comfortable life that our grandparents couldn’t even dream of.
6. Negative of Can
Due to the inconsistency between the linen cap and the fur collar that the woman in the
painting is wearing, the painting can not be Rembrandt’s.
7. Unnecessary Commas
A vivid example that can shed light on this view is my own experience. I remember that, when I
was 22, I was crazy about being an English teacher.
The reading asserts that, the portrait of a woman that is attributed to Rembrandtis not actually
Rembrandt’s work
I went there five days a week ,and worked four hours each day.
After three months, I got bored ,because I did not have any leisure time.
8. Consistency in Pronoun Use
Firstly, psychologists believe that what one watches goes inside his depth of mind and long-
term memory, so it affects his thoughts and consequently his behavior.
9. Use of Suggest
then he suggested me working just two days a week for ten hours
10. Use of According to
According to my own considered opinion, understanding ideas are much more important for
students compared with learning facts.
11. Although versus Despite
As a personal experience, despite I changed my major despite my parents were disagree, they
didn’t try to prohibit me.
12. Not only – But also
Not only working intensively does not make people exhausted, but also makes them more
concentrated on their jobs
Not only the values of our culture have changed dramatically, but the socioeconomic state has
turned out to be more independent.
13. The use of the “lead”
So, if a student wants to compete with his/her classmates, she/he needs to boost her/his grades,
which leads to have a positive effect on learning process.
14. Use of Especially
Furthermore, there are some famous characters, who are introduced by TV and movies named
celebrities, whose behavior is a model for people especially the youth.
15. Noun-Pronoun Agreement
When you see some behaviors more and more, it becomes ordinary among people and then
they accept that as the other common ones.

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