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“It is not what you do for your children but

what you have taught them to do for

themselves that will make them successful
human beings.”


• Dear God, help me to understand the
thoughts and feelings of others, give me
the wisdom to know the meaning and
purpose of my life and learning.
• So that my knowledge, understanding and
skills may help in making this world a
better place.
The primary aim of education is not
to enable students to do well in
school, but to help them do well in
the lives they lead outside school.
• Thinkers
• Creators
• Decision Makers
• Go-getters
• Communicators
• Stress Managers
• Emotion Managers
• Problem solvers
Create a logo for your group
• You will be given a few coins
• You can use these coins and create a logo
for your group

Perspective building on life skills

Activity 1
Need Analysis

Time required: 20 minutes

– To help participants become aware of their own
understanding about Life Skills
– To generate need among participants to get more in depth
understanding of Life Skills
Mode: Individual Activity
Material required:
– Handout 1A- Need Analysis Questionnaire
Need Analysis Questionnaire
1. 'Act like a man' and 'Be like a lady' point to gender stereotype. Which of the
following skills is essential to contain damaging effects of living up to gender
a. Dealing with emotions
b. Coping with stress
c. Effective communication
d. Critical thinking
2. When a student says, "I would rather think upon a picture on my own than trace
on copy one," he/she is high on:
a. Problem solving skill
b. Decision-making skill
c. Creative thinking
d. Critical thinking
3. When a student expresses, 'I would rather have as a friend someone who is lively
and full of ideas than someone who is nice and always wants to do what I want.'
He/she has high
a. Creative thinking
b. Critical thinking
c. Problem-solving
Need Analysis Questionnaire
4. Which one of the following indicates effective communication skills if one
receives unfavourable feedback?
a. I get angry and defensive
b. I withdraw
c. I deny the problem, make excuses
d. I note where I need to improve.
5. One of the following statements is correct in the context of managing
e. Only some people can learn how to manage emotion
f. Emotions cannot be controlled
g. Sharing one's own feelings/emotions is not good
h. Feeling different emotions at different times is normal
6. 'When time is right, I face my negative feelings and work through, what the
issue is'. This indicates presence of
i. Self-awareness
j. Empathy
k. Managing emotion
Need Analysis Questionnaire
7. You have given direction to a stranger /Donated blood /Offered your seat on a bus or a
train to an elderly stranger /Done volunteer work for a charity
These actions are indicator of which life skill?
a. Empathy
b. Self-awareness
c. Interpersonal skills
d. Managing emotions
8. The process of decision-making involves the following process in an order. Select the
correct order
e. Identify the problem, think of alternatives, analyse the problem, decide on a course of action
f. Identify the problem, decide on a course of action, analyse the problem, think of alternatives
g. Identify the problem, analyse the problem, decide on a course of action, think of alternatives
h. Identify the problem, analyse the problem, think of alternatives, decide on a course of action
9. To resist peer pressure, to encourage to say 'no'. How would you advise the students to
i. Reverse the pressure
j. Say 'no' and walk away
k. Give an alternative
l. Avoid a response
Need Analysis Questionnaire
10. Non- verbal signs of stress include
a. Avoiding eye contact
b. Fiddling with clothes
c. Stuttering
d. Chewing nails
11. Advertisements try to attract attention and sell products by using film stars,
players, or famous persons for endorsement. Which Life Skill is required to resist the
impact of advertisement that does not communicate harmful consequences of the use
of the product?
e. Creative thinking
f. Problem-solving
g. Decision-making
h. Critical thinking
12. Which of the following will help you to analyze the pros and cons of any
i. Creative thinking
j. Problem-solving
k. Self-awareness
l. Critical thinking
Answer Key

1. c, d 7. e
2. c 8. d

3. b 9. b, c, d

4. d 10. a, b, c, d

5. d 11. d

6. a, c 12. d
Why Life Skills?
• What is the aim of Life Skills?
• How is it going to help the children?
• What is the importance of Life skills?
• How many different Life-skills are there?
Activity 2
Introducing Life Skills

Time required: 45 minutes

• To enable participants to:
a. explain the concept of Life Skills
b. explain the need and importance of Life Skills.
Mode: Individual and Group Activity
Materials required:
a. Handout 1B- Activity Sheet
b. Handout 1C – Life Skills (Meaning, Need and Importance)
c. Life Skills Manuals for Teachers (Classes VI, VII, VIII and IX
& X)
d. PPT
Life Skills are abilities for
adaptive and positive behavior
that enable individuals to deal
effectively with the demands and
challenges of everyday life.
Life skills are abilities that facilitate
the physical, mental and emotional
well-being of an individual.
‘Livelihood Skills ‘ or
‘Occupational/Vocational Skills’ refer to
capabilities, resources and opportunities to
pursue individual and household economic
goals and is related to income generation.

Emotional Thinking
Skills Skills

Thinking Skills Social Skills Emotional Skills

1. Self-Awareness 6. Interpersonal 9. Managing
2. Problem Solving Relationships Emotions
3. Decision Making 7. Effective 10. Coping with
4. Critical Thinking Communication Stress
5. Creative Thinking 8. Empathy
Thinking Skills

Recognition of 'self', our
character, our strength.
SWOT Analysis

Problem Solving
Dealing constructively with
problems in our lives
Thinking Skills

Decision Making
Dealing constructively with
decisions about our lives

Analyzing information and

experiences in an objective
Thinking Skills

Creative  Novel way of seeing or doing

Thinking things
 Characteristic of four
o Fluency (generating new ideas)
o Flexibility (shifting perspective
o Originality (conceiving of
something new)
o Elaboration (building on others'
Social Skills

Relationships  Relating in positive ways with
people we interact
 Making and keeping friendly
 Maintaining good relations with
family members
 Ending relationships
Social Skills

Effective  Expressing appropriately both

Communication verbally and non-verbally
 Expressing opinions and desires,
and also needs and fears;
 Being able to ask for advice and
help in the time of need

Seeing with the eyes of another
Listening with the ears of another
Feeling with the heart of another
Emotional Skills

Managing Emotions  Recognizing emotions within us

and others,
 Being aware of how emotions
influence behaviour
 Being able to respond to
emotions appropriately

Coping with Stress

 Recognizing the sources and
effects of stress in our lives
 Learning how to relax
All these skills are interrelated and
reinforce each other. Together, they are
responsible for our psychosocial
competence; build our self-esteem and self-
efficacy and nurture holistic development.
Life Skills
Keys to success
Importance of Life Skills

 Promotes positive attitudes and behaviour

 Improves communication abilities
 Promotes healthy decision making
 Prevents negative and high risk behaviours
 Promotes greater sociability
 Teaches anger control
 Increases self-esteem and self confidence
 Improves academic performance
How do
Thinking Life
Skills Skills help?
Social Skills Emotional Skills
• To demonstrate the • To demonstrate the • To identify causes and
ability to be original, ability to identify, effects of stress on
imaginative and flexible verbalize and respond oneself
• To raise questions and effectively to others' • To develop and use
think critically, identify emotions in an multi-faceted strategies to
and analyze problems empathetic manner deal with stress
• To implement a well • To get along well with • To express and respond
thought out decision and others without prejudices to emotions with an
to take responsibility • To take criticism awareness of the
• To feel comfortable with constructively consequences
one's own self • To communicate
Key Messages
• Life-Skills are
o an integral part of life
o psychosocial abilities that enable individuals to translate
knowledge, attitude, and values regarding their concerns into
well informed and healthy behaviour
o abilities to be developed in every individual to equip them to
meet the challenges of life and optimize opportunities to live
a healthier, happier, productive, and fulfilling life.
• Managing Life-Skills is the ability to identify and express oneself
in life.
• Empowered with skills, young people are able to take decisions
based on a logical process of ‘what to do, why to do, how to do, and
when to do’

Transacting Life Skills

Activity 3
Enhancing Life Skills in Students

Time required: 45 minutes

• To enable participants to use appropriate techniques
for enhancing different Life Skills in students.
Mode: Individual and Group Activity
Materials required:
• Handout 2A
Life Skills are developed as a result
of a constructive processing of
information, impression, encounters
and experiences, both individual and
social that are part of one’s daily life
and work, and the rapid changes that
occur in the course of one’s life.
Role of teachers and Schools

• Ask for justification of ideas • Creating a friendly,

• Pose thought provoking supportive, stimulating and
questions structured learning
• Stimulate critical thinking environment
• Assign assignments and • Catering to the needs of all
projects based on Life Skills the students
• Integrate Life Skills with • Promoting mutual respect
other subjects and individual empowerment
• Coordinate with parents • Encouraging collaboration
• Act as role models among teachers and students
• Strengthening community
action in schools
Techniques to enhance
Life Skills
Technique Meaning
Discussion  Involves exchange and sharing of ideas experiences, facts
and opinion on given topic.
 Can be used in large and small group.

Debate  A discussion involving two opposing parties with each

group expressing opinions or views about a given topic or
Role Play  Short drama episodes or simulations in which participants
experience how a person feels in a similar real life
Brainstorm  Free expression of ideas among participants on a given
issue or question.

Story telling  Telling of narratives with particular theme, based on actual


Drama  Composition in verse or prose intended to portray life or

character or to tell a story usually involving conflicts and
emotions through action and dialogue.
Technique Meaning
Case Studies  True or imaginary story which describes a problem, a
situation or a character.
 May also be a dilemma in which the participants should
come up with opinions on how they would resolve the
Miming  Acting without words by use of gestures, signs, physical
movement and facial expression.
 Whole idea is communicated through actions.
Poetry and  Compositions which capture events, themes and situations
recitals in a short and precise manner.
 Used in communicating feelings, opinions, ideas, habit and
other experiences.
 Can be in the form of songs, recitations, chants or they can
be dramatized to enhance acquisition of various Life Skills.

Question and  Here a teacher or the learner tries to find out information
answer through asking questions and getting answers from the
 An effective method of teaching Life Skills Education as it
stimulates learner’s thinking and creativity.
Technique Meaning
Games  A structured play can sometimes be used as an educational tool
for the expression of aesthetic or ideological elements.
 Generally involves mental and physical simulation, and often

Working in small  Students may be organized to do work in pairs and small groups
in the classroom.
groups and pairs  Promotes maximum participation from all the students as they are
involved both in “thinking and doing” and cooperative skills such
as listening and communication skills, problem solving and
sharing of tasks.

Simulations  Imitation or enactment, as of something anticipated or of a

particular appearance or form.

Songs and dances  Musical compositions on topical issues and themes.

Demonstrations  A method teaching by example rather simple explanation or an act

of showing or making evident.
Activity 4
Enhancing Life Skills through Stories (Part 1)

Time Required: 30 minutes

• To enable participants to use stories for enhancing
Life Skills in students.
Mode: Individual Activity
Materials Required:
• Handout 2C - Story “TIT FOR TAT”
• Power Point Presentation
Tit for Tat

1. After suffering loss in business what did Naduk

experience and how did he cope?
2. After hearing that his stick has been eaten by mice,
how did Naduk react?
3. What did Naduk do to get his stick back?
Activity 5
Enhancing Life Skills through stories (Part 2)
Time Required: 60 minutes
• To enable participants to use stories for enhancing Life Skills in students
Mode: Individual and Group Activity
Materials Required:
• Handout 2D – Story “Birbal’s Secret”
• Handout 2E- Story “Puppies for Sale”
• Handout 2F - Story “A Rabbit and the Elephants”
• Handout 2G – Story “Mulla Nasruddin and Three Wise Men”
• Handout 2H – Story “I can sleep when the wind blows”
• Handout 2I – Story “Cats and Roosters”
• Handout 2J – Story “Know the Cleaning Lady”
• Handout 2K – Story “The Obstacles in our path”
• Handout 2L - Story “Giving when it counts”
• Handout 2M – Story “The Carrot, the Egg, and the Coffee Bean”
• Handout 2N - Worksheet
Activity 6
Integrating Life Skills with other subjects
Time required: 45 minutes
• To enable participants to integrate Life Skills with
other subjects.
Mode: Individual and Group Activity
Material required:
• Power Point Presentation
While While learning about
understanding speed, distance and
Nazism, students time, students
develop their improve their problem
empathetic and solving skills
analytical skills

While writing
some composition,
they refine their
creative skills
Activity 7
Familiarization with Life Skills through
Time required: 135 minutes
Objectives: To enable participants to:
– use activities to enhance the Life Skills in students
– develop activities for enhancing Life Skills in students
Mode: Individual and Group Activity
Materials required:
• Activity for enhancing Social Skills
• Handout 3A - Worksheet
• Activity for enhancing Emotional Skills
• Handout 3B - Worksheet
• Activity for enhancing Thinking Skills
• Handout 3C - Worksheet
• Handout 3D – Activity Sheet
• Ten slips of paper with the name of one Life Skill written on them
Key Messages
• Select relevant and age appropriate content
• Identify the Life Skills to be focused and enhanced
• Identify curricular as well as co- curricular activities that
have the potential for developing skill application ability
• Involve learners in the activity
• Life Skills development and enhancement should be
continually assessed over a period of time and across
Any Questions?

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