Living Life With Legacy

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Text : Luke 15: 20
So he got up and started
back to his father. He was still a long
way from home when his father saw
him, his heart was filled with pity, and
he ran, threw his arms around his son,
and he kissed him.
John 3:16
For God so loved the
world that He give His only
begotten Son, that whosoever
believe in Him shall not perish
but have everlasting life.
What is the legacy of Jesus?
• Forgiveness
• care
• sympathy
• concern
Once we become a follower of
Jesus we also live a life with
legacy of:
Love , forgiveness, care, concern
and sympathy.
But without Christ, many
parents leave a legacy that hurts
the memories and emotions of
their children.
Martin Luther was asked: What
would you do if you know you
are going to die tomorrow?
Martin’s reply: I will go out and
plant a tree.

Meaning: Learning a legacy of

life that would grow on and on
into the future.
Let us not live to be a legend.
Let us live to live a legacy.
Difference between reputation
and legacy:
Reputation is what you have
when you’re in a new place.
Legacy is what you have behind
when you go.
Reputation is what men say
about you.
Legacy is what your children will
live for the rest of their lives.
If we want to live a life having a
Christian legacy then, FIGHT
Ephesians 6:12 Our struggle is not
against flesh and blood, but
against the forces of the darkness
and wickedness.
Living a life of
Christian legacy is achieved if we
live with our steadfast FAITH to
God and keep TRUSTING Him
that He never fails us.

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