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Lesson 3.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Elements of

In this lesson you will be able to:

 Find out how verbal and non verbal

elements affect the communication
 Learn about the verbal behavioral
approaches; and
 Understand the nonverbal behavioral
What are the most common ways or
methods on how we communicate
with people around the world?
Verbal & Non Verbal Communication
In verbal Communication
Words account only for -7%
Modulation -38%
Total= 45%
Balance 55% is through a Non-Verbal Communication which includes:
Our body Language
Our movement
Verbal Communication Non-Verbal Communication

. Through the words . Bodily actions and vocal

we used qualities that accompany
a verbal message.
Importance of Non Verbal Communication
What is Verbal Communication?

 “Verbal” is the Latin Adjective of “word “.

so, verbal communication means
communicating with words, whether written or
Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication
consists of speaking,
listening, writing
and reading.
Merits of Verbal Communication

• More personal and informal

• Makes immediate impact
• Provides opportunity for interaction and feedback
• Helps us correct our messages through the feedback
and non-verbal cues from the listener
• It is very fast and non- expensive

 A word once uttered can’t be taken back

 Impact maybe short lived
 It can be forgotten easily
 There is no legal evidence of oral communication
For De Vito (1988:81), language is “a productive system
capable of displacement and composed of rapidly
fading, arbitrary, culturally transmitted symbols”. This
definition highlights several important characteristics of
spoken and written words.
Elements of Verbal Communication

 Displacement – means that language permits us to

discuss topics that cut across time and space, reality
and fantasy. Speeches delivered today can influence
people and events in other times and culture.
 Rapid fading – means that verbal messages must be
received immediately after they are sent, or they will
Elements of Verbal Communication

 A sign – stands for or represents something. The

object or concept the sign represents is a referent.
There are two types of signs. Natural signs are
signals. Artificial or conventional signs are symbols.
 Symbols- provide meaning when a particular society
has agreed on what they will look like and what they
will represent.
Elements of Verbal Communication

 Another category of sign behaviors, which are neither

totally arbitrary nor symptomatic, is called ritual.
 An example is the bowing of the head and closing
one’s eyes when praying. The study of language and
verbal behavior is related to the study of human
symbolic activity.
What is the difference between Denotative and

Denotative – is the literal or dictionary meaning of a


Connotative- is the subjective attachment that people

associate with a word or symbol.
What is Non-Verbal Communication?

- Is the transfer of information through the use of body

language including eye contact, facial expressions,
gestures and more.
Types of Non-Verbal Communication
The different functions of Non-Verbal Behavior:

 Sending Uncomfortable Messages- Initiating or

preventing interaction is more difficult to send
verbally. It may result to embarrassment, anger,
discomfort, and anxiety, among other negative
The different functions of Non-Verbal Behavior:

 Forming Impressions that guide communication-

Nonverbal communication is useful in forming first
 Making relationships clear- Nonverbal
communication establishes and clarifies the
relationship aspect of communication.
The different functions of Non-Verbal Behavior:

 Regulating Interaction- As a regulator, nonverbal

behavior operates in terms of initiating interaction,
clarifying relationships, directing an orderly
conversation(turn taking), guiding emotional
expression, and leaving and saying good-bye( leave
The different functions of Non-Verbal Behavior:

• Influencing people- Non verbal communication is

very vital in the art of persuasion.
• Reinforcing and modifying verbal messages- A
basic function of non verbal communication is to
affect the verbal message.
The several nonverbal codes:

1. Kinesics- This is the study of bodily movement.

The several nonverbal codes:

2. Eye contact and facial expression- Eye contact is how

and how much we look at the people with whom we are
communicating, while our facial expression shows how
we communicate our emotional states or reactions to
messages through our facial muscles.
The several nonverbal codes:

2. Eye contact and facial expression

The several nonverbal codes:

3. Vocalics- This involves the meanings stimulated by

the sound of the voice.
The several nonverbal codes:

4. Physical appearance- Our appearance is our message

code. The language of dress shows how we feel about
The several nonverbal codes:

5. Proxemics- This describes how people use space to


6. Tactilics or Haptics- This is communicating by

touching or putting part of the body in contact with

7. Chronemics- The study of the time in

Non Verbal Communication is believable and
important in communication. It functions best in
communicating affect or feelings. However, verbal
language is more effective in expressing cognitions or
ideas. The meaning of non verbal behavior is much
dependent on the communication context.

• How do speakers coordinate their conversation with eye

gaze, body movement, and other actions?
• What are signs, symbols and signals?
• How does language leads to meaning?
• Identify and give examples of the six functions of
nonverbal behavior.
• How do verbal and non verbal messages relate to each
other, especially when someone tries to deceive us?

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