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By Mrs. Ratu Erlinda Kurniatillah
Asking For Attention

- Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you… - Look at me!
- May I have your attention, please? - Look what I’ve got here,
- Excuse me,… - Look here,
- Sorry to trouble you, - Look!
- Sorry to bother you, - Hey!
- Attention, please!
- Excuse me!
Responding Attention

English Indonesian
Yes, please Ya
Alright Baiklah
Sure Yakin/Tentu
What is it? Apa itu?
Well Baiklah
No problem, It’s fine Tidak masalah, Tidak apa-apa
Showing Attention

English Indonesian

 I see  Saya tahu

 Well  Baik
 Tell me more  Ceritakan lebih
 Really  Benarkah
 Is he?  Dia kah?
 What happened next?  Apa yang terjadi selanjutnya?
 And then what?  Dan lalu apa?
 What’s next?  Apa selanjutnya?
 How interesting!  Betapa menariknya
 Are you okay?  Apakah kamu baik-baik saja?
 What’s wrong with you?  Apa yang salah denganmu?
 What’s the matter with you?  Ada apa denganmu?
 It’s amazing!  Ini luar biasa!
Example 1 : Asking for attention
Handy: Can I have your attention, please? As the class leader, I have
some announcement to make. Asking
{Bisakah aku minta perhatian kalian? Sebagai ketua kelas, aku punya
pengumuman untuk disampaikan} and Giv-
Richard: Yes, Handy, we are listening. Go ahead. ing At-
{Ya, Handy, kami mendengarkan. Lanjutkan.}
Heni: Thanks. For the independence day celebration next week, we
have to decor our class. Anyone got any idea?
{Terima kasih. Untuk perayaan hari kemerdekaan minggu depan, kita
harus menghias kelas kita. Ada yang punya ide?}

Ghania: I think I have some interesting ideas. Please listen to me..

{Aku rasa aku punya beberapa ide menarik. Tolong dengarkan aku.}
Example 2: Asking for attention

Handy: Girls, look what I’ve got here!

{Teman-teman, lihat apa yang aku punya ini!}
Heni: Wow, you finally got their newest album. Where did you find it?
{Wow, akhirnya kamu dapat album terbaru mereka. Di mana kamu

Handy: I searched it online for 3 nights straight.

and Giv-
{Aku mencarinya online selama 3 malam berturut-turut.}
ing At-
Ghania: Hey, look! They’re on TV!
{Lihat! Itu mereka di TV!}

Handy: What is it?

{Ada apa?}

Ghania: Aren’t that they on TV?

{Bukannya itu mereka di TV?}

Handy : Yes, what a coincidence!

{Ya, kebetulan sekali!}
Thank you

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