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20CS3221-Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Mallikarjuna Nandi
Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Engineering
RGUKT- Ongole-AP

02/22/2024 RGUKT Ongole Campus 1

Unit 2- Syllabus

Unit – II (Basic Structural Modeling) (9 Contact hours)

Classes, Relationships, Common Mechanisms, and diagrams.

Advanced Structural Modeling: Advanced classes, advanced relationships,
Interfaces, Types and Roles, Packages.

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Structural modeling in UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a type of modeling that focuses on the static
structure of a system or software application. It is used to describe the components of a system and their
relationships, as well as the constraints and interfaces that govern how they interact with each other.
Diagrams are:
 Class diagram
 Object diagram
 Deployment diagram
 Component diagram

Structural modeling is useful for understanding the architecture and design of a software system, as well as
for communicating that information to stakeholders and team members. It is designed in a way that meets
the requirements and is scalable, maintainable, and extensible.

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Class diagrams: These diagrams are used to represent the classes in a system and the relationships
between them. A class is a template or blueprint for creating objects, and it defines the properties and
methods that objects of that class will have. A class diagram consists of:

Class: A class represents a template for creating objects that share the same attributes,
operations, relationships, and behavior. It is represented as a rectangle with the class name
written inside it.
Attributes: Attributes are the data members of a class. They describe the characteristics of
the objects created from the class. They are represented as name: type pairs in the class
Methods: Methods are the operations that can be performed on the objects created from the
class. They are represented as name(parameter list):return type in the class rectangle.

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The vocabulary of a class can be modeled using the attributes and operations of the class. The attributes
represent the properties or characteristics of the objects that belong to the class, while the operations
represent the actions or behaviors that the objects can perform. Here are some guidelines for modeling the
vocabulary of a class in UML:
Identify the key properties of the class: The key properties of a class are the attributes that define its
identity or differentiate it from other classes. For example, if you are modeling a class for a person, the key
properties could include the person's name, age, gender, and occupation.

Identify the operations that the objects can perform: The operations of a class are the functions or
methods that the objects can perform. For example, if you are modeling a class for a person, the operations
could include walking, talking, eating, sleeping, and working.

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Use relationships to model associations between classes: Classes can have associations with other classes,
such as composition, aggregation, or inheritance. You can use UML relationships (represented by lines and
symbols) to model these associations.
In this example, the class is called Person and has four attributes: name (a
-name: String
string), age (an integer), gender (a string), and occupation (a string). The -age: Integer
attributes are marked as private (-) to indicate that they can only be accessed by -gender: String

methods within the class. -Occupation: String

The class has four methods: walk (which takes an integer parameter and returns +walk(distance: Integer): Void
+talk(message: String): Void
void), talk (which takes a string parameter and returns void), eat (which takes a
+eat(food: String): Void
string parameter and returns void), and sleep (which takes an integer parameter
+sleep(hour: Integer): Void
and returns void). The methods are marked as public (+) to indicate that they can
be accessed by other classes.

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Relationships: Relationships represent the associations between the classes, such as inheritance,
composition, aggregation, and association. They are represented as lines between the classes with an
arrowhead indicating the direction of the relationship.
Class diagrams are useful for modeling the relationships between different objects and classes in a
system, and they can help in identifying potential issues in the design of a system.

Relationships demonstrates how things are interrelated to

each other at the time of system execution. It constitutes
four types of relationships, i.e., dependency, association,
generalization, and realization.

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The main types of relationships are:
1. Association: An association relationship represents a connection between two classes, indicating that
instances of one class are related to instances of another class. Consider a banking system that has two
classes, Account and Customer. Each account is associated with a customer.

The association between the Account and Customer classes can be labeled as "has" or
"belongs to", indicating that an account "belongs to" a customer. The association can also be given a
multiplicity, which specifies the number of instances that can participate in the association.
For example, the multiplicity on the Customer side of the association may be "1..*", indicating that
each customer can have zero or more accounts, while the multiplicity on the Account side may be "1",
indicating that each account must be associated with exactly one customer.
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Multiplicity is a concept used to specify how many objects can participate in a relationship between two
classes. Multiplicity is represented using numbers or special symbols near the association line between two
One-to-one relationship: In a one-to-one relationship, each instance of one class is associated with one
and only one instance of another class. This is represented by the number "1" on each end of the association
One-to-many relationship: In a one-to-many relationship, each instance of one class is associated with
one or more instances of another class. This is represented by the number "1" on one end of the association
line, and the asterisk symbol (*) on the other end.
Many-to-many relationship: In a many-to-many relationship, each instance of one class is associated with
one or more instances of another class, and vice versa. This is represented by the asterisk symbol (*) on both
ends of the association line.
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Aggregation is a relationship between two classes where one class (the containing class) contains instances
of another class (the contained class). Aggregation is typically shown with a diamond symbol at the end of
the association line pointing towards the class that contains the instances.
Aggregation implies a relationship where the child can exist independently of the
parent. Example: Class (parent) and Student (child). Delete the Class and the Library
Students still exist. +name: string
+address: string
+books: Book [ ]

Example: we are designing a library management system, and we have two classes:
Library and Book. The Library class contains a collection of books, so we can represent this
relationship using aggregation. The Library class is the containing class, and the Book class
is the contained class.
+title : string
+author : string
In the example, the Library class contains an array of Book objects, which are instances +ISBN : String
of the Book class. The aggregation relationship is shown with a diamond symbol on the
association line connecting the two classes, with the symbol pointing towards the Library
class, indicating that it is the containing class.

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Aggregation is a specialised form of association. It defines a one-way relationship that specifies a 'has-a'
relationship between two classes. For example, you can say that a wallet has money. However, the money
does not need a wallet in order to exist, so the relationship is one-way.

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Composition relationship is a type of association where one class (the "whole" or composite object)
contains another class (the "part" or component object) as a part.

The composition association relationship connects the Person class with Brain class, Heart class, and Legs
class. If the person is destroyed, the brain, heart, and legs will also get discarded.

Combination of aggregation and composition is called whole/part Relationship

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Association Aggregation Composition
Association relationship is Aggregation relationship is represented by The composition relationship is represented
represented using an arrow. a straight line with an empty diamond at by a straight line with a black diamond at one
one end. end.

In UML, it can exist between It is a part of the association relationship. It is a part of the aggregation relationship.
two or more classes.
It can associate one more In an aggregation relationship, the In a composition relationship, the associated
objects together. associated objects exist independently objects cannot exist independently within the
within the scope of the system. scope of the system.

It may or may not affect the Deleting one element in the aggregation It affects the other element if one of its
other associated element if relationship does not affect other associated element is deleted.
one element is deleted. associated elements.

Example: A tutor can associate Example: A car needs a wheel for its Example: If a file is placed in a folder and
with multiple students, or one proper functioning, but it may not require that is folder is deleted. The file residing
student can associate with the same wheel. It may function with inside that folder will also get deleted at the
multiple teachers. another wheel as well. time of folder deletion.

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Dependency is an important aspect in UML elements. It describes the dependent elements and the
direction of dependency. Dependency is represented by a dotted arrow . The arrow head represents the
independent element and the other end represents the dependent element.

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Generalization describes the inheritance relationship of the object-oriented world. It is a parent and child
relationship. Generalization is represented by an arrow with a hollow arrow head . One end represents the
parent element and the other end represents the child element. Generalization is used to describe parent-
child relationship of two elements of a system.

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1. Find the Unique domain Class:

2. Draw the class diagram of each domain class
3. Showing relationship

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02/22/2024 RGUKT Ongole Campus 18

Online Shopping System:
Draw a class diagram for an online shopping system. Include classes such as Product, Customer, and Order.
Specify relationships and attributes.
School Management System:
Create a class diagram for a school management system. Include classes like Student, Teacher, and Course.
Indicate associations, multiplicities, and relevant attributes.
Social Media Platform:
Design a class diagram for a social media platform. Consider classes like User, Post, and Comment. Specify the
relationships between these classes.
Hospital Management System:
Draw a class diagram for a hospital management system. Include classes such as Patient, Doctor, and
Appointment. Define the associations and attributes.
Library Catalog System:
Develop a class diagram for a library catalog system. Incorporate classes like Book, Author, and Library. Define
associations, attributes, and multiplicity.

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Thank You

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