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Mistakes are awesome

Team 4 – Thunderbolt 5
3 examples
WALT DISNEY: +he was fired from the
Kansas City Star because his editor felt
he “lacked imagination and had no good
ideas?”. +Walt formed his first
animation company in Kansas City in
1921 and made a deal with a
distribution company in which he would
ship them his cartoons in New York and
get paid six months later +he went on to
be nominated for 59 Academy Awards
and is the great animator of our time.v
Mistakes/failures/rejections & lessons t

On the presentation day, she

copied the wrong files.
Lessons Remain calm by
Thinks and reflect on your
Ask for advice

Messi has won many different big

and small titles, including 10
La Liga titles, 4 Champions
League titles, and 6 Copa del
Rey titles. He scored twice in
the 2009 Final and the 2011
Final against rivals Manchester
“Mistakes are awesome.” Why?
Because when we face mistakes
we will learn to face them, look
back on them and know how to
get up from failure, thereby
helping us to be stronger and
more developed.
WHO can GROW from mistakes & Who can’t?
People with a growth mindset are
people who know how to get up
after failure, they think their
failures are the steps to success.
And people with a fixed mindset
always fall down at the first failure
because they are afraid of the
feeling of failure
Growth Mindset teammate

Teammates have a growth mindset after doing something

wrong with the team, so they should sincerely admit
their mistakes and apologize, try to correct their
mistakes and do their part well. example of my team:
the person who didn't turn on the mic and camera to
deduct points from the team corrected the mistake.
Teamwork Self-Assessment
Self-Assessment Report
Number Name Student ID Task Team Work Score Explain

01 Đào Xuân Bình HE163115 Leader +Slide 10/10 Focused, good

Editer teamwork , on time
02 Lê Thị Yến Nhi HS163170 Answer Q1 10/10 Focused, good
teamwork , on time
03 Phan Thành Đạt HE163028 Answer Q2 10/10 Focused, good
teamwork , on time
04 Bế Đức Anh HE160070 Answer Q3 10/10 Focused, good
teamwork , on time
05 Nguyễn Đức Thái HS160415 Answer Q1 10/10 Focused, good
teamwork , on time

06 Hoàng Đức Anh HE161181 Answer Q1 10/10 Focused, good

teamwork , on time

07 Lại Đức Việt HE161168 Answer Q2 10/10 Focused, good

teamwork , on time

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