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Stylistic analysis of prose

Presented by: Abdullayeva Khusnora 401a

Fiction Non fiction
• Prose fiction is narrative written • Non fictional prose refers to any
without a metrical pattern that work of literature that is based
tells an imaginary or invented mainly on facts but they may
story. The most common genres contain fictional elements.
of prose fiction in modern Essays and biographies are
literature are novels and short examples of non fictional prose.
stories. Novels tend to be much Non fictional prose genres cover
longer than short stories. a vast range of themes.
Function of Prose
In literature, the basic
purpose of prose in writing is
to convey an idea, deliver
information, or tell a story.
Prose is the way a writer
fulfills her basic promise to a
reader to deliver a story with
characters, setting, conflict, a
plot, and a final payoff.
Types of prose
Non Fictional;
Prose poetry
Finally, prose poetry is poetry
that is expressed and written in
prose form. This can be thought
of almost as a hybrid of the two
that can sometimes utilize
rhythmic measures. This type of
poetry often utilizes more
figurative language but is
usually written in paragraph
Direct Prose
Prose, unlike poetry, is often less figurative and ambiguous. This means
that a writer can be more direct with the information they are trying to
communicate. This can be especially useful in storytelling, both fiction
and nonfiction, to efficiently fulfill the points of a plot.
Curate a voice
Because prose is written in the flow of verbal conversation, it’s
incredibly effective at curating a specific voice for a character. Dialogue
within novels and short stories benefit from this style.

Think about someone you know and how they talk. Odds are, much of
their character and personality can be found in their voice.
When creating characters, prose enables a writer to curate the voice of
that character. For example, one of the most iconic opening lines in
literature informs us of what type of character we will be following.
Albert Camus’ The Stranger utilizes prose in first person to establish the
voice of the story’s protagonist.
“Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can’t be sure. The telegram
TOMORROW. DEEP SYMPATHY. Which leaves the matter doubtful; it
could have been yesterday.”

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